Sunday 9 June 2013

A Sun Day Reflection

I feel drawn, on this quiet, weekend day, to build a little on the theme that I have touched on recently in these 'pages', about Man's nature; and see where it leads me.

I referred to the role of Religion in fostering Man's practicing of inhumanity to Man.  Let's take a look at one such of those poisoned fruits of Man's experiences on Earth.  I refer to the Judeo-Christian tradition.

I am not a believer in the Bible.  But I believe there are some wise things in it (as well as some despicable ones).  And one of those wise things in it is the saying that 'God helps those who helps themselves - but not to other people's money'.  I think is how it goes.  Something of that nature; in line with that sentiment…

I would remember it better, but a not-so-funny thing happened to me on my way through the Bible.  I started reading it seriously, and soon found myself thinking: You can't be serious.  This stuff is nonsense.  This is lower-consciousness stuff, through and through. Oh, there were some diamonds scattered here and there in the rough.  But it was a rough read indeed; was a lot of sound and fury, signifying nothing so much as a poor imitation of any sort of god that I would want to have anything to do with.  So, from those sorts of roots, in what is called the Old Testament, could there really be any value in what is called, and considered, the New Testament??  

And I found therein an attempt to 'right the wrongs,' as it were, in the notion of the man called Jesus representing a God of Love, as opposed to the God of Vengeance and Jealousy and Wrath and Fury and Hate for other tribes and their gods that I, and is, found in the Old Testament.  

And no wonder the Jews have caused so much resentment against themselves down through the ages, with those roots, and sentiment of 'entitlement', by all means necessary.  But to continue, with the main thread of this blog; which is to come to the conclusion that it would be a miracle, indeed, for any man, even the Man of Miracles Himself, to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear - to turn to wine the water drawn from such a well, better called a not-so well, as is the Old Testament.

Can any good thing come out of Nazareth?  Not fruited from those sorts of roots.  So, it's time to look elsewhere for a take on What is Life All About, beyond murder and mayhem; the fruits of the dark (very possibly conditioned to such a state; beyond the mammalian conditioning  of natural selection/the survival of the fittest) heart of Man.  

And I found it.  Beyond the evidence for the effect of 'ancient astronauts' on our human development.*  That's a part of the picture.  But there is more.  And I found it in further research into Truth - into the true heart of things.  And that true heart includes the likes (definitely the 'likes', after the definite dislikes of such as the Old Testament's depressing litany of the interminable wars of the Hebrews - Habiru;  'the bandits from across the river' - with their various neighbors) of: 

Reincarnation.  (Oh! - so that's what's behind all the mayhem.  The notion - rather, the reality; the condition - of karma.  That which ye sow, ye shall reap…there is Purpose to it all, after all!  And Justice built in to the 'picture'!  What a relief!  Yay God!) 

Other dimensions.  (So it's true, and verified: there is more than just this 'reality' that we see, are embedded in.  For 'a time and a season'.)

I could go on.  But I really shouldn't need to.  For people who have eyes to see, and ears to hear.

For the rest of the populace: Well, it all may come as a bit of a surprise.

But it will come:

The Day of the Truth.

A note.  I find it particularly intriguing that the Christian religion - the institution that has grown up around the mythical/astrotheological figure at its heart - has its followers believe that, in the Last Days, an anti-Christ shall appear, before the Terrible Day of the Lord.  I wonder if any of them have ever thought -   entertained the notion - that that might be one and the same person??

Just a thought.

Of a truthseeker.

Who will settle for nothing less.

I leave the Christians with a last thought.  Or rather, a reminder.  From their Good Book.  That, in the Last Days:

Even the very elect shall be deceived.  

And with that, I remain

Your humble servant

of the Truth

and nothing but

and nothing less.



* Particularly (but not exclusively) via what are known as the Anunnaki.  An advanced - at least technologically - race of beings purportedly (that is, according to the Sumerians; for whom they were their gods, and who taught them the arts of civilization, and a little cosmology) from a somewhat wayward planet connected at one end to our solar system, on a 3600-year ovoid orbit around our sun and with a link in its furthest reaches to Sirius.  Zechariah Sitchin catalogued in detail, in a series of books, their story, through translations of the Sumerian clay tablets.  He may not have gotten all the details perfectly sorted out, but it was a monumental job of research, well worth investing some time in perusing.  If you're of a mind to want to know the truth of things; particularly as relating to our Homo sapiens sapiens' historical experience here on planet Earth, and 'who' we really are. 
     There is still some question as to who precisely the Reptilians were, who figure into this historical picture as well.  Some say that they are still 'here', behind the 'seen'; still controlling many of us, in particular those who are blood descendants from them.  (And whose reign is now about to be overthrown, in a comparatively peaceful coup, of the Light forces over the Dark forces, of this realm of duality/polarity, aka opportunity for speeded-up spiritual growth, for having the dual-edged gift of free will.)  But that's all another story.  For another time, perhaps.     


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