Tuesday 25 June 2013

I Am Everyman

Opening yesterday's mail today (you know how it is, sometimes), I came across a letter from the National Republican Senatorial Committee containing their Party's "newest 2013 Presidential Proxy Ballot" to run by the people on their mailing list, with, of course, a request for a donation to their cause.  I don't say their 'worthy cause', for the reason which I shall now give.

After listing the horrendous deeds of the Obama administration, as to why it needs to fade into the annals of infamy - "the IRS, Benghazi and Associated Press scandals coupled with $17 Trillion in debt and the ObamaCare 'train wreck'" - and asking if I thought all that may have created a"tipping point moment and backlash of dissatisfaction among independents who voted for Barack Obama" in my area, it gave me their Presidential Proxy Ballot to fill out, and return "today".1  So - being an avid opponent of Obama and his socialist attempt at "fundamentally transforming the United States of America" into a cesspool of statism, and of the worst kind - i.e., a totalitarian state; which we have had enough of on the planet in our time, thank you very much - and willing to support almost any cause to accomplish that goal, I started going through the Ballot with my replies - and stopped.  Short.  Never to start again on it, except to append a note to whomsoever was ever going to read it (hopefully it would ultimately get all the way back to the NRSC Chairman himself):

"What is the matter with you, Jerry, and the Republican Party?  Rubio and Cruz [among names on the given list of potential Republican Party candidates, as either first choice or second choice, for the presidential run in 2016] are NOT NBCs.  Where is your fidelity to the Constitution??!"

What I didn't add, but felt, was: 

'What do I have to do, come over there to D.C. and do the job myself?

'The job, of cleaning up the corruption - cleaning out the Augean stables of the federal government.  So that the nation can get back on track, to its highest potential, and destiny.  Which is not to become, and be, the plaything of petty minds.

'Do your job.  Or get out of the way, of those who will do the job.  

'You have your chance.  Take advantage of it.  Or forever regret that you let your golden chances pass you by.'

I know what you're thinking:

Who am I?  

My answer:

I am Everyman.  Well; to some extent.  

More specifically:

I was born in the trough of The Great Depression - later to find out that it was in order to help humanity find its way out of such conditions; to the extent that they need never to happen, ever again - and grew up in days of relative innocence.  Summers on the beach in southern California.  Bicycling out to the edge of town to stables for horseback rides, in wide-open countryside that is now wall-to-wall suburbia…

The summer of '45 I happened to be up in the Bay Area, with my (older) brother, spending the summer with our father (our parents divorced - well, I'll be a little more accurate than that: Our mother divorced our father when I was a little bitty baby, and my brother and I grew up with our mom, and her new husband.  For a time, and season in our lives), when one day, when our dad was in San Francisco on business (he had become, by then, a chiropractor, and was looking to buy into a going partnership in The City), I was sitting on the curb of the main street in 'Frisco2 when the representatives of the nations of the world came by in their flag-bedecked parade cars, on their way to attend the opening of a conference to put an end to war, through a new organization called the United Nations.  As I say: the days of innocence…

But life carried on pretty normally, for a time.  At the end of my junior high school days there was something going on over in China, about a civil war, between whoever those players were; but then that was China, all the way over on the other side of the planet.  Nothing to do with us…

…or of my learning to type during summer school, before going out with a friend to play some tennis…and……

And then the Korean war broke out, and 'suddenly that summer' my innocent little world was no longer quite so innocent.  i had just completed my first year in high school, so it wasn't affecting me personally; but still…

I remember being rather involved at school in a paperback-collecting campaign for 'the troops in Korea'; that was about it as to my involvement in the larger scene.3  Oh; and a man who had just come to be on the faculty, in some capacity or other that escapes my recollection right at the moment, and who had spent some time over in Korea (in what was being called officially, for some reason I never quite got at the time, a 'police action', involving that same UN of my earlier youth's brush with), gave a talk one day to the student body about the war (yes, that was what he called it; no pussyfooting about the matter with him), and led us the next morning in a very moving pledge of allegiance to the flag, as I recall.4  But that was the extent of my personal interaction with the larger picture of life.  The larger encounter didn't happen until I hit college; and we were advised by our counselors to take ROTC.  Which I did.  Until one day…

…but that's another story.   For this one, here, let me just rap it up, by saying that 

No, you Republican Party honchos: You will NOT be allowed to let the Constitution be trashed - simply be given lip service to; ignoring what seems to be the fine print of the contract to you - and the American ship of state thus left adrift, to founder either on the shoals of Scylla or in the whirlpool of Charybdis - either via the socialist police state on the Left or the fascist one on the Right.  I will not allow you to do that dishonor to the American Republic, for which its flag stands.  Too many good American men and women have suffered too much over the years in keeping alive The Dream, for little-minded people like you to be allowed to piss it away.  

And who am Io stand in your way?                 
Apparently, you're going to have to find out.

The easy way.  Or the hard way.

Your choice.



1 All these letters from all these organizations requesting donations always cite the 'urgent' aspect of their particular appeal.  And no wonder.  They know that everybody else on the Money Appeal block is doing the same thing, and their request will just disappear under a pile of others if they don't get you to respond immediately. 

2 only to find years later never to call it that; that that designation was a sign of gaucherie.  Only tourists called it that.  To the denizens themselves, it was either the full name, or 'Baghdad By The Bay' - the title of a local journalist's column - was acceptable.  That may sound like a tourist's name for the city.  But  Herb Caen was the real deal.  More San Francisco you cannot get. 

3 My brother was by then living with our father up in the Bay Area, and enrolled in junior college up there; so he was not immediately subject to the Draft.  In the event - and after returning to live with us for a short time (our father having kicked him out for being too much to handle - which got him sent up there to live in the first place, with our mom having had the same problem with him; mostly to do with girl stuff - and at this end, the stepfather having been ousted from the scene years before, so it was just Mom and me by then.  Families.  Geez...not quite Ozzie and Harriet stuff; but things they were a'changing...) - he was to join the Air Force; and got involved in documentary film-making therein, an exposure that led him later on to try to make a breakthrough into TV and film-making in Hollywood, which caused our paths to cross once again in life.  But all of that's another story,  For another time, perhaps.    

4 We did have a flag-raising ceremony each morning; but it had become a bit perfunctory, nor did it involve actually saying the pledge of allegiance, with hand on heart.  That had dropped off somewhere along the way.  I can remember doing it in elementary school, but not in junior high.  
     It was never a big thing, in my day.      
    And obviously was not a big thing in Obama's day, growing up later on in his youth in Hawaii. 
   And I understand that it is not a big thing in many young Americans' lives in this day and age.  But now, it has become a big thing, indeed. 
     It was ever thus.


P.S. A 'final' word, here, this day in time:

from wnd: 'Rush: Obama One of Most Successful Presidents (He isn't making a mess of anything)' - Joe Kovacs - June 25

Eddi G. 2 hours ago
I often said prior to O*** re-election he'd be hard to get rid of. Thanks to the lax fraudulent election process here we are with His Majesty O'Bama. Now the battle will be to keep him out for a third term since the Constitution has been trashed by both Dummycrats and pantywaist RINOS like John Boehner while the Constitutional 2 term limit will be ignored. We're still in for a rough ride ***


  • avatar.php.png

  • kibitzer3 Eddi G. a few seconds ago

  • Indeed, Eddi G., the Constitution is hanging by a thread...

  • ...and when the going gets tough, the tough get going.

  • Get going, America. It's time to make your move. And almost past time, to catch the wave, and keep from slipping into the trough of apathy.
  1. Don't expect anyone to do it for you. America is all about the power and importance of the individual; remember?? And THEN the i becomes the We.


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