Sunday 23 June 2013

Is There Something Wrong With This Picture...

...Or Is the Problem Us??

I awoke today1 to, first, go through my mail of yesterday while eating, er, breakfast, as usual, and found the same old, same old from my letterbox.  Not 'bills' (I live a low-maintenance life, in my Retired days; just the basics, and not even TV in that designation).  But requests for money.  Over and over, and over.  From various worthy causes; but - as I have said before in this electronic journal of my life and times - mostly from a conservative political slant.  Take the Tea Party Patriots organization.

Not only did I get a letter the day before yesterday of thanks and acknowledgement of a recent contribution to their cause, but I got a new missive from them already, announcing their '2013-2014 Campaign War Chest Drive'.  Jenny Beth Martin, the Chairman of this particular branch of the Tea Party tree of Liberty, is raring to go to take the battle to the camp of the 'enemy' (as Obama has announced the face-off as being, from his perspective, and side of the Great Divide ripping the nation apart as we speak).  And good for her, for standing up for 'the cause', as she sees it.  Which is summarized neatly in an early paragraph in her covering letter; to wit:

"Please, I know I'm asking a lot.  But we are in a  battle for the very survival of the United States as a  free, prosperous, and secure Republic."

- for which she hopes to help "elect strong and honest candidates for state and federal office who will observe the strict fidelity of the constitutional principles and values our country was founded on..." (Emphasis as in original).  All worth fighting for, yes, indeed.

And, I've got an even better idea.

How about stopping with the 'game-playing' altogether???  To say:

Before America descends into an imperial state of being, stage of ersatz 'development'; well on its way into making the same mistakes that bedeviled the citizenry of what became the Roman Empire, I suggest that I and likeminded others now take over and help it, rather, ascend.  Out of the 3rd dimension, of lesson-learning; that we really don't have to continue to go over and over and over again and again and again.2

It is time to separate ourselves from the illusory merry-go-round - to grab the gold ring - and move on; into the true reality of Unity.

Where we bridge the gap, and growing chasm, between us in a natural way.

For having learned the lesson.

The fundamental lesson; beneath all others.

The lesson, that

We Are All One.

Sparks, fractals, points of view of One Holy Being.

Of our mutual Source.  The All That Is.

Wishing for us to return Home in a more direct way, now.

So: Thanks, Jenny Beth Martin.  For all you have given to a worthy cause.

And I've got a better idea.

For us all.


To unite behind.


And Soul.



1 at mid-day, as usual.  I have found that if I get up too early - that is to say, at a 'normal' (non-worker) time - I need to take a nap in the middle of the day anyway; so this way I don't have to break up my sleep time into segments.
     I am told - well; read - that such things as extreme sleepiness can be one of the symptoms of the physical transformation that our bodies are going through, to 'accustom' us to the higher dimensions that we are heading towards at this time; moving from carbon-based to crystalline-based, from two-stranded DNA to multiple-stranded (some say 12); etc.  As for all claims: that remains to be seen.
     Although, apparently - and good to hear - not much longer.
     But then 'they' have been saying that about the Global Collateral Accounts as well.  And before that, NESARA, for years and years, and years...

2 And speaking of being tired...
        Bone tired.  And
        Soul tired.

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