Friday 28 June 2013

I Remember Patton

I received an unexpected touch - dose, even - of nostalgia in the mail today.  (To say, with yesterday's mail; just gotten around to.)  It was in the presenting form of a large envelope, with the curious notation in the 'From' corner of its being from the 'Personal Jeep Driver for General George S. Patton, Jr.'  And stamped on the envelope was the warning: 'Photo Enclosed - Do Not Bend'. 

What is this all about?? I wondered.   

It proved to be 'all about' the fact that I gave a donation to some Veterans group of some sort or other (actually, I have donated to a number of such causes), and the gesture landed me on the mailing list of an organization called the 'Word War II Veterans Committee'.

And I'm glad it did.

Reading the covering letter - to a good-sized photo of a portrait of Gen. Patton1 - I was transported back in time to memories of a young lad, lying on his stomach in his front room, poring over a large map featuring the European land mass, following the daily reports of 'the war', primarily of Patton's spear-like advances through the Low Countries, from the Allies's Normandy Landing on D-Day.  

I did not relish war, even then.  But if you're going to go into battle, do it full steam ahead.  Give your enemy no doubts about you: You are a force to be reckoned with.  And one that will brook no defeat.

Up against such a force of nature, your only choice is surrender.

Oh, you can put it off.  For a time.  But only for a time.    

The outcome of the Second World War was inevitable, once they unleashed Patton on the European continent.  He had (well, not singlehandedly; but he did always have a pearl-handled revolver on his hip) vanquished Rommel's Afrika Korps in northern Africa, which then freed up his Seventh Army to invade Sicily, which then fell to his and their onslaught in just under six weeks; as a result of which, "Mussolini's fascist government toppled, and Germany lost a key strategic ally," as the letter reminds us.  Which then goes on to say: "But despite his remarkable accomplishments, most Americans have never even heard of George Patton."


"If you don't believe me, go to your local middle or high school and ask to see their history textbook.  You'll be surprised by what you find…"

The letter went downhill from there, as it were.  It was painful to read it  - to read of how our history has been played fast and loose with by historians with an agenda.  An agenda, to belittle America's accomplishments, especially in turning the tide against the Axis forces in WWII.  Because America - the idea of 'America' in the minds of its citizenry; the 'shining city on a hill' that never was, according to these academics - needs to be erased, IN ORDER TO MERGE AMERICA INTO A MERE REGION OF A NEW WORLD ORDER, from either the Left or the Right, and the Left having the upper hand right at the moment.

And that's why 'American exceptionalism' has been played down in the past decades.  It has NOT been just to try to overcome the extremes of jingoism that has caused the American public to be brainwashed into supporting military adventures around the world, in the interests of Halliburton & Co.  We have been subjected to the onslaughts of a generation of educationalists who were radicalized by the Vietnam War and are now getting even, on the baby killers, and destroyers of a generation's education, with their Draft, and unwinnable meat grinder of a war in Vietnam, where the 'real' good guys were the Viet Cong, for being of the Left….  

Oh, and don't forget to tell them about the environment… 

Sorry; I don't buy it.  The American men, and women, who fought and served in World War II deserve a better outcome than to be forgotten, this way.  They need to be honored for their sacrifices to the cause of freedom - the role of America in the world.  Yes, that 'shining city on a hill' that it is so easy - too easy, to make fun of, by people who have never had to sacrifice for the flag.  

A last word, before I get angry at the people-moulders of our time, and regret it.2   

I remember a very interesting incident as recorded in the biography of Patton that I read, many years ago, now.3  When they were still in north Africa, having vanquished 'The Desert Fox' Rommel, and preparing for their invasion of Sicily, as a stepping-stone to the European land mass from its soft underbelly, one day Patton took a trip out to the area where Carthage had  been.  Had been, because, after being a thorn in the side of Rome for years and years - and about which the Roman statesman Cato used to thunder in the Senate, over and over: 'Carthago delenda est!' ('Carthage must be destroyed!') - the Romans finally did the deed, to the point of salting the earth, so that nothing would ever grow up there again, in opposition to its hegemony.  It is reported that Patton, after surveying the scene of those ancient battles for a while in silence, murmured, "I've been here before…"

He was, indeed, a believer in reincarnation.  And if our current history books won't even give him the slightest credit that he is due for his commanding role in WWII, they are certainly not going to report that detail about him.  For if The People started to think along those lines, and outside of the well-built box for their keeping in by their superiors, what might they get up to???...

Lest we forget.



1 A good likeness; but not precisely as I remembered him, from various photos at the time - and later, in a biography of him that I read in my adult years.

2 For there is a modicum of truth in their position. And especially about Vietnam.  Not that I am, was, for the Viet Cong (the socialists are as bad as anybody else who wants to control the populace for 'the state').  But as another major American military figure said: "In war, there is no substitute for victory." 
     And I am sure that you will be able to find out who that was, in your history books… 

3 I'm not sure, but it may have been occasioned by the film about Patton out about that time in my life.  Starring George C. Scott, it is worth a gander. And it, too, was played down by the Hollywood cognoscenti.  See, it was frightfully macho.  All the things that the liberals don't want America to be portrayed as.  Might keep the public from supporting America's demise at their hands, doncha know.


P.S. If I ever come into a lot of money, I will pay for the transportation and lodging of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Assn. members, with retired military oathkeepers as posse backup, to go to Washington D.C. and visit the offices of each of our elected representatives, leaving off copies of the voluminous files now accumulated proving that the current occupant of the office of the presidency of the nation is just that - an occupier; illegally, and a committer of crimes - and giving them fair warning that if they don't act on the evidence within 72 hours, the CSPOA will be back with warrants for their arrest.  Which may have to happen in any event, since they are already accessories to and after the fact of the crime that has been committed.*  So the sitting Congress may well have to be dissolved anyway.  All of which hopefully will be in aid of the desired result: that the Usurper (after an apology to the American people for deceiving them and dishonoring the office, and asking for their forgiveness) will quietly vacate the office that he purloined.  And I will assume the office - as the constitutionally designated Officer of the people - while new elections are organized; if they are in fact needed, in the New Era upon us.  And one of the first things I will do in the office, while holding the space during the changeover to the New Era, is to invite all surviving members of Patton's 7th Army to the White House, for a celebration in honor of the 70th Anniversary this year of their landing in Africa for the beginning of their campaign there.

And a toast will be proposed and drunk to American exceptionalism.  Taken part in by those who were part of America's Finest Hour.

* Liberals like Paul Krugman may try to argue, as he has with the national debt - that it doesn't mean anything because we owe it to ourselves - that there was no crime, because The People elected the Usurper twice, of their own volition.  Which is all fine and dandy as an excuse; except in a system operating under the rule of law.  Now, in an autocracy...

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