Sunday 9 June 2013

Standing And Delivering

from 2012: What's the 'real' truth?: (June 9; original RT video posted on Dec. 2 2012):

6 Responses to NSA Whistleblower: Everyone in US under virtual surveillance, all info stored, no matter the post
  • 45017dc20ce2dd468632e1029df454c2.png
  • kibitzer3 says:
    June 10, 2013 at 12:35 am
    A good man, this William Binney. His name is on the right list. The honorable list; of real patriots. Right up there with the historical best of them.

from 2012: What's the 'real' truth?: 'NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden: "I don't want to live in a society that does these sort of things"' - June 10

kibitzer3 says:
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And another whistleblower comes to the fore…
The Cabal needs to start reading the writing on the wall; if they haven’t already.


from Tea Party Command Center: 'Edward Snowden: the whistleblower behind the NSA surveillance revelations' - posted by Nst'l Dir. Dee - June 9

Permalink Reply by Stan Stanfield 1 second ago
Ah, at last: The true Americans are coming to the fore, and answering their inner call.

Give'em hell, gang.  We salute you.

This totalitarian sellout crap of the American dream - of a free people, running their lives under self-governance, with no Overseers running the show - needs to be stopped.  Let it stop here, now.  
  • ---

P.S. from 2012: What's the 'real' truth?: 'Poofness Update: An Historic Week, June 9' - ( posted June 10)

An article presuming that the meeting between El Diablo and the Chinese president here in the Southern California 'Camp David of the West' resulted in document signings pertaining to the Collateral Accounts programs, "and the RV," and that therefore this week will produce a major announcement.  Or maybe not.  Maybe the week after…
  • kibitzer3 says:
  • Your comment is awaiting moderation. 
  • June 10, 2013 at 1:56 am
  • Can we really believe this, after all the false starts?? And as David Wilcock says: “The Nightmare Is Almost Over”???…
  • As always: I’ll believe it when I see it. Until then, I hold the vision. Like a good Lightworker should.
  • Or ‘as’ one should…but at a time like this, it’s no time to quibble over good English. It’s time to prepare a good Scotch. And smell the aroma. Of good spirits.


P.P.S. from 2012: What's the 'real' truth?: 'GaiaPortal - Gaia Energy Message, June 10, 2013.  Consolidation of Energetic Grid Patterns has led to Openings of Formerly Restricted Portals…' - June 10

"Consolidation of numerous Energetic Grid Patterns has led to openings of formerly restricted Portals of Apocalypse (Portals of Unveiling). Light from the New Grids is now available to, and being sensed, at some level, by all upon Gaia.
Crossings of barriers is no longer required for Ascension pathways to be reached. Energetics now favor mass ascension of the inner Spirit.
Dark intentions are no longer veil-able, as the grid pattern consolidation enables complete Higher Light transmission throughout, and within, the planet.
All paradigms of domination and non-Higher-Self-reliance are dissolved.
Illumination of Higher Self now occurs within all, for all."

0 Responses to GaiaPortal – Gaia Energy Message, June 10, 2013

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