Thursday 27 June 2013

The Journey Of Becoming

from 2012: What's the 'real' truth?: 'Why "Voting Rights, NO, Gay Marriage, YES" from the Supreme Court?' -  by Rabbi Michael Lerner - June 27

kibitzer3 says:
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Yes yes, Rabbi Lerner, a better world and all that; but sorry: asking for proof of citizenship – and identity – in order to be eligible to vote is NOT voter ‘suppression,’ or ‘racist’, or whatever other cue words the Left employs in their battle against the Established Order. It is, simply, common sense – and the more so when the voting rolls and our cities are full of fraudulent voters; to the point where to vote anymore is to engage in a farce, a charade. That is the real outrage here.
As for single-sex marriage: 1) ‘Marriage’ has a particular religio-historical meaning. Single-sexers can call their unions whatever else they want. Hardcore leftists are just using this issue to do away with the institution of marriage altogether anyway. It’s so bourgeois to them. (See ‘Lesbian Journalist: “Gay Marriage Is A Lie”‘, whistleblower magazine, June 2013.) 2) If the SCOTUS is going to strike down portions of DOMA because of the states’ rights argument (which is a legitimate argument. We STILL have a Constitution; if only barely), where in hell does it get off not overturning a lower federal court’s invalidating of California’s Proposition 8, passed by a solid majority of the states’ voters?? A federal form of government is a federal form of government. You can’t start picking preferences on the basis of emotion or political correctness or personal political proclivity, or for any other reason. That is tantamount to tyranny.
A good thing we’re about to leave all this 3D stuff behind. We’re on the verge of civil war in this country. Between sides each of whom is partly right. And partly wrong.


I'm riled up enough - particularly with Rabbi Lerner's boilerplate of an article, extolling the 'progressive's' perspective on 'the good society' - that I'll continue a little longer in the vein that I started out with, in my response above.  And to do so, I can easily continue with responses I had this afternoon to another article in the aforementioned issue of whistleblower magazine.  This one was titled 'Why Obama Wars Against Judeo-Christian America' by David Kupelian, the editor of this excellent magazine.  He was talking about people on the Right in politics, who have been demonized by the Left.1  Quote: "Of course, this syndrome [of doing that sort of demonizing] goes way beyond Sarah Palin.  If you look carefully, this is actually the defining phenomenon of modern American life.  It capsulizes the underlying reason the Obama White House, Justice Department, IRS and other fellow travelers so easily - reflexively, in tact - defame and attack conservative Christian principles, individuals and organizations."

At this point in his narrative I found myself scribbling in the margins:

'Because it's a war to them; not Democrats vs. Republicans, or even liberals vs. conservatives.  It's socialist revolutionaries against the counter-revolution - against traditionalists; the bourgeoisie, whom the revolutionists despise, for standing between them and their goal: a socialist paradise, stripped of all reminders of the past days left behind, with good riddance, from their perspective; and especially including Religion, and small-town Americana, Motherhood and apple pie.  A world which they find stifling, repressive - bourgeois.  

'On a certain level l have been against all that, too; in its narrow-mindedness, inability to see outside of its own parameters; too sure of itself - but then I could afford to be, because its total repudiation, even annihilation, had not manifested.  Like now.  When returning veterans are on the regime's hit list - because the revolutionaries have taken over on the home front.   

'Don't you see all this, Citizen??!  This isn't political business as usual.  This is true civil war.  A trashing of the traditional family unit, in order to bring the state - and its tax money; and its bludgeon, controlled by the Left - into it; and so forth.'

- and then Kupelian answered my concerns in his next, follow-on paragraph:

"What we're talking about is literally a war" - correct!  Well spotted!  - "between light and darkness.  I don't mean that as a metaphor, but as hard reality."

And here is where we part company.  

Neither side has a monopoly on the 'light' of things.  Both sides have a piece of that in them (like the yin-yang symbol).  For it is a process, of bringing out the best in both aspects of it.  

A lot of 'the old' does have to be released.  But it needs to be released in the way of a higher consciousness at work; not just a reactive consciousness, wanting to sweep 'the old' away in order to install 'the new' that will simply have the same level of consciousness that brought about the confrontation in the first place.  

Einstein has been quoted on this point; something about how you can't solve a problem on the same level as the problem.  

We are involved in a dynamic unfolding of consciousness.  And approaching Unity in that process.

Approaching, that is to day, the end of the historical process, that we have been engaged in for a very long time.

Now to be superseded, by a stage, and state, of wholeness.  

As I say: of Unity.    

Which is - right on time; as it were - the next level of consciousness for us to experience.  

Some call it the 5th dimension. 

By whatever name, it would smell as sweet.

And then we move up to the 6th dimension.  And then the 7th.  And then the 8th.  And then the 9th.  And then…


You get the picture.

Now let's make it the fact.



1 Later on in the article he points out how in early 2009 - at the very beginning of Obama's 'fundamental transformation of America' intention - the Department of Homeland Security began its assault on 'right-wing extremists'.  Not Muslim terrorists.  Right-wing extremists.  Like pro-lifers, and car owners with NRA or Ron Paul bumper stickers; people concerned about illegal immigration, or  government debt; and especially, returning military veterans, with their skills and knowledge.
     All this, while the average American Joe and Jill Citizen didn't have a clue what was going on in their country.  The Democrats were, well, just Democrats; right?  Not wolves in sheep's clothing; creeping ever closer to the herd…
     You did hear him say, during the lead-up to the 2008 elections, "We are just five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America".  Just electioneering; right? 


P.S.  Jean responded to my comment on her blog site:

Jean says:
Kibitzer, I’ll let others take you on if they want to, but I myself am not sure you are well-informed. Your statements make me question that, but I do not have time to go into the specifics about who is really voting illegally, etc. Hardcore leftists is an expression that doesn’t work for me either. Are you sure you’re ready to leave 3-D behind? I’ve been told there are 64 different kinds of sexuality in our galaxy or universe – not sure exactly. What are you going to do with that one? These are things that in my opinion, cannot be legislated. It seems to me it is impossible to do so, to legislate who, how, when someone loves, which is they result when we deny them legal rights because of it. Hugs, ~Jean
  • kibitzer3 says:
    Your comment is awaiting moderation. 
    A bit of a red herring, Jean. I’m talking about the will of the people in a federal constitutional republic; which needs to be honored, or the rule of law is rendered meaningless, and we are subjected merely to (what is called) the rule of men – arbitrary law. Which is the definition of tyranny. And I for one won’t have it. That is not the sort of mentality that is going to get us to 5D consciousness. And that is ALL that I’m saying.
    Sorry that “hardcore leftists” doesn’t work for you.  I was trying to distinguish between the ‘simple’ left-right, two-party system differences we have in this country, and those people on the very far Left who are out for revolution, to turn America into a socialist police state. I am happy to acknowledge that there are also those people on the very far Right who are out to turn America into a fascist (corporatist) police state. We need to steer the ship of state very carefully between those two extremes.


I could have gone on - space permitting - and said something like:

'I have studied the voting matter, Jean.  Or at least, looked into it to some extent.  And when some precincts report back a total number of votes cast greater than the number of registered voters in the precinct - and a perfect count for Obama to boot; which I don't think happens even in total autocracies - it doesn't take a Sherlock to conclude that there is something very rotten in the state of America going on.  And I for one - for One - will - not - have it.* 

'Now maybe, in those vote-stealers' rminds, they were just trying to make up for all the times that the Republicans stole votes with wonky programming of 'their' elecrronic voting machines.  To which I have to say two things:  1) Two wrongs don't make a right; and 2) We really need to get beyond the action-reaction stage of consciousness.  'Life' is asking more of us, now, as the one human race; is asking for our maturity.  Not our adolescence.

'When we were children, we acted as children.  Now that we're adults - or at least, what is being asked of us, now, in our spiritual evolutionary development - we need to act like it.'


* When someone asks you, indignantly, because of your uncompromising stance on things, 'Who are you' - or, 'Who do you think you are?' - answer them:

   'I am God.

   'Ask yourself the same question.  And answer it the same way.'


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