Saturday 22 June 2013

Two Wrongs Don't Make A Right

It's Elementary.

As I spend my days in reading, reflection and writing, and contemplation of the world ahead for us all, among the many letters I receive from various groups asking for financial assistance for their causes - mostly, but not exclusively, from conservative political organizations - are those asking me to 'help save Fox News'.1  As I said in my last response to such a request (to paraphrase my handwritten note at the bottom of the beseecher's letter):

'Why should I help safe Fox News?  Apparently by their own staff's recent candid admission, they're not willing to help save the Constitution from the trashing of it with the ignoring of its requirement for a  candidate for the position of the presidency of the United States (the constitutional contract subsequently amended - legally - to include the office of the vice presidency) to be a "natural born citizen" - i.e., one with two U.S. citizen parents; so that he, or she - who also upon election to the office thereby becomes the Commander in Chief of the military forces of the U.S. republic - does not have dual loyalties or allegiances: the whole point of the exercise. 2

'You have a constitutionally ineligible person currently occupying that honorable office; thus dishonoring it.3

'And Congress has refused to honor its constitutional duty to keep oversight on a rogue executive, individual and branch.  So the sitting Congress is an illegal entity as well.  So it has to go as well.

'By order of The People.  The ultimate sovereign, in this nation.

'A nation constructed in the form of a federal constitutional republic.

'And needing, now - desperately needing - to get back to its roots.

'Before the whole game is up.

'The game of Life as we have known it, on 3D Earth.

'About to ascend to another, higher dimension.

'With those children of Hers who can manage the change.

'Real Change, this time.'


I rest my case.

And get back to my reflections, on the more pure world, about to take the place of the tired old one where we have experienced separation - seeming separation - from our mutual Source - The One; the All That Is - long enough.

Having learned our lessons, in that classroom.  Ready now, for the higher grades.

Ready.  Or not.

The choice - as always - is yours.

But certainly, at a minimum, one needs to have learned some of the basic lessons of life.

One of which is this very one.

'Dubya Bush played fast and loose with the Constitution, too'??

What a weak hand to try to stand pat on.

I see you.  And call you.

If that's the best you've got - the game's over.

And so it is.


1 Apparently the Left is going all out to try to bring it down, as a voice 'out there' that they wish to silence.  Tyrants that they are.  The Left, that is.  Even if Fox News has a built-in 'conservative' bias, that has simply been to try to counterbalance the decided liberal slant of the MSM.  If the Left can silence Fox News - and the conservative radio talk show hosts, via the new equivalent of the Fairness Doctrine of old ('fairness' in radio is who is willing to pay for it.  If conservative talk show hosts have a greater audience than liberals, that says something, which needs to be listened to) - they will have gone a long way to consolidating their hold on mass communication, and thus their hold on the average American mind.  Not a pretty circumstance.  But there you are.  Life has often not been very pretty; as we have all observed.

2 One of the arguments used by those trying to obfuscate this matter is that the term 'natural born' only eliminates naturalized citizens.  Which is patent nonsense.  If one keeps one's eye on the ball, as it were - to say, 'the whole point of the exercise' - one can see clearly what the purpose of the requirement was.  And it was not to play semantic games later on, to attempt to make individuals eligible for the office who are not.
     And this was understood by members of Congress even to our day; as indicated when there were eight attempts between 2003 and the 2008 elections to get an amendment going through Congress - by both sides of the political aisle, though mostly the Democrat side - to alter this very requirement.  None of those attempts made it out of committee.  And so, one has the right to conclude, a deal was made - a quid pro quo was entered into - whereby one side would not question the other side's attempt to skirt the Constitution in the matter.  And thus trash the concept of the rule of law in the nation; and replace it with the rule of men.  And piffling men at that; compared to the giants that founded this nation.

3 Not that other holders of the office haven't dishonored it while in the office.  But that's another matter.


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