Wednesday 26 June 2013

Further On My 'I Am Everyman' Post

I couldn't go to bed before completing my thoughts on this subject, of Where we're at, and What do we do now.  The key point is:

If we don't honor the Constitution on this issue, of the eligibility of a particular kind of citizen for the presidency (and now vice presidency as well, due to legal amending of the constitutional contract between the federal government and the several States), then the Constitution is a dead letter, and there is nothing to stop any tyrant, be it of the executive or legislative branch, from doing anything they want to do, and the judicial branch can't say boo about it.  So: What to do?

I have an idea:

Members of true Constitutional Sheriffs & Peace Officers Assn., backed up by a posse of retired military oathkeepers, need to visit each of the Congresspersons' offices, and leave the unmistakable message that they have 72 hours to do their constitutional duty in regards to reining in a rogue executive - and to strip this one of his illegal occupancy of the office (at a minimum because of the clearly fraudulent document that he has caused to be posted on the official White House web site, as regards his nativity, and with particular regard to his paternity) - or they, the CS&POs and Posse, will be back with a warrant for their arrest.

For we will NOT go into the dark night of totalitarian statism, from either the Left OR the Right; from either socialism or fascism, as the Bush the Younger's administration was angling towards, before they ran out of time.  Having set up the subsequent moves along the same lines by the Marxist gang, of Obama and Bill Ayers & Co.  And having helped inflict 9/11 on the American people, and psyche.1

But all of that will come out in the wash, as we start the cleansing of the District of Corruption; and the preparing of the planet - not just the American citizenry - for Ascension, into a New Order of Things.

Novus Ordo Seclorum.  Just not the New Order envisioned by the so-called Illuminati; who have been living with, and by, a perversion of the Truth.  For it is not they who will take us into the Promised Land.

It is We, the People.

Assembled, for that very purpose.

And some of us just awakening to the job at hand.

And to Who we are.

Each.  And All.

To say:

We Are All One.

And All IS One.

With a Name we can come up with - though there is no Object at that level; no Other2 - like

The All That Is.

And hallowed be Thy Name; whatever we attempt to call The All by.

A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.



1) And so this is a bipartisan issue.
     P.S. I would love to read the Now It Can Be Told story of the Naval honchos in the Mediterranean who it would appear were approached in person by George the Younger and Dick 'Darth Vader' Cheney as to why they were obstructing that Administration's call for war in the Middle East; presumably arguing that they were not 'equipped' for it, but perhaps meaning that they were not 'prepared' for it - in their own minds.  And good for them, if the latter is the truth of the matter.  Which will out at some point, as we wrap up the 3D drama.
     It is no secret that the Bush Jr. administration, and in particular the Neocons in its midst, wanted that war, as follow-on to the Iraqi and Afghani incursions, in their move for effective hegemony in that part of the world.  If we have learned from history to Beware Greeks bearing gifts, I hope we have learned, from events in our time, to Beware American Jews blindly supporting the Israeli government.  It is a criminal enterprise, and needs to be reined in.  Not encouraged in its hegemonic ambitions.
     We're not talking about legitimate political needs and concerns.  We're talking about deceit, and chicanery, on a massive scale; that has used the average European Jew, and average good-hearted American citizen, to further its heinous agenda.
     More on all of which, another time, perhaps.

2) Which goes to the very issue of 3rd dimensional life, with its duality and polarities; the key to our having gone off the path, into the realm of the 'likes' of pain, and the inflicting thereof.  Consider:
     The only way you can think to do damage to others is to think of them as others -  as 'other'.  So that, As you did unto others, you did not do unto yourself.  And thus was the 'consciousness' of cruelty born - not feeling in yourself what you inflict on others.  Whereas in true reality, We Are All One.
     The return to which state, and state of mind, is coming up, as we speak.  Which characterizes the realm of the 5th dimension - the realm of the beginning of Unity consciousness.  And the coming into the stretch, and the heading directly for Home.

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