Saturday 24 May 2014

Not A Happy Camper These Days

Things have been getting to me lately.  I just groused back to my eldest nephew, who sent me a list of names of candidates that their Patriot group is supporting for state office in the upcoming elections:

"This is such a Catch-22.  I am angered that my state (like many) refuses to honor my vote, as a civic-minded citizen, and thus disenfranchises me to a certain significant extent, by a) not cleaning the voter reg rolls regularly of ineligible names; but more importantly, by b) not requiring PHOTO ID of those names on the reg rolls in order for those people who show up at the voting precincts to be able to vote.  It's such a simple matter.  They already require 'you' - the person showing up; whoever it might actually be - to sign 'your' name beside 'your' name on the voter reg rolls, supposedly as some form of ID.  How do they actually know by that 'process' who YOU actually are??   Require the voter to SHOW THEIR PHOTO ID - it not only has your photo on it, to identify that you are who you say you are, but it has your signature on it, so that the people at the voting precinct CAN CHECK YOUR SIGNATURE AGAINST THE ONE ON THE PHOTO ID YOU SHOW.    


The Democrats say that requiring a photo ID is 'voter suppression'.  I have one word to say to them in reply to that excuse.  Actually, I have more than one; but I'll use the more G-rated one:


Even in those states that will provide a photo ID FREE to 'the poor,' the Dems take the state to court, to try to reverse the requirement.  Why?  We all know why.

And so I am disenfranchised, because a) I refuse to take part in a charade, a fake, a fraudulent exercise, and thus lend my support to it [if I do]; and b) my vote is being diluted and canceled out by all those NON-ELIGIBLE PEOPLE voting.  There is documented evidence of this; case after case after [bloody] CASE of such voter fraud going on.

It's just disgusting. 

And yet, if I don't vote, the Bad Guys have their way…

The ideal scenario would be that huge numbers of people boycott elections until they are cleaned up (aka voter integrity).  In the meantime - what do I do.

I stew in the dilemma.  And get angrier and angrier.  

In MY country, this shit is going on.  

As I say:

It's disgusting.  

Anyway, pardon the explosion.  And thanks for the info.

I await my decision…….."

…and then I belatedly get to my emails for today/this evening, and come across this report, of a couple of Democrat senators telling the American people that they had better get their congressional representatives to back amnesty this year - I mean, 'immigration reform' - or Obama will take it upon himself to do it all "administratively".  What absolute and utter arrogance…

…anyway, my response:

from 'Obama To Do Amnesty By Executive Order In August' - May 23 - orig. posted at by Tony Lee - May 22

river 2 hours ago (May 23)

All those executive orders... they can all be over turned when Oblunder is removed or leaves office by the stroke of a pen.

    • kibitzer3 river a few seconds ago (May 23)

    • Did it ever occur to you that The Plan is that he NEVER "leaves office"? That the Marxists implement their Day well before then??

    • What does it take for patriots to see the writing on the wall? A billion more rounds of hollow point ammo to the DHS?? Some more drones??? More ex-military equipment to local police????…These are totalitarians that we are up against; the Usurper needs to be removed from the office that he illegally occupies, and NOW. Patriots who have friends in the officer corps in the military need to urge them to Do The Right Thing, and arrest the Fraud - who is also not their lawful Commander in Chief - and have him held for trial, either by military or civil court, or both. And sign that order by The People URGENT; backing them up all the way.

I remember.  My day started out on the wrong foot when I read a letter from a patriot who outlined a number of the dastardly things going on by the Obama administration, including:

"Not only is he [the Usurper in Chief] winnowing the military's senior leadership by forcing from the service those officers who refuse to carry out his deadly anti-American intrigues,* but cadets at our military academies are likewise being trained to see liberty-loving, conservative Americans as the enemy." (emphasis in original)


"Explicitly, the Combating Terrorism Center at West Point is teaching future officers of the U.S. Army that those who believe in 'civil activism, individual freedoms, and self-government'…are potential enemies of the state."  (emphases in original)

That we're not just talking about federal government responsible preparation for possible environmental catastrophes was made clear by an earlier reference in this letter:

"In July 2012, [certain] exercises were specified in a leaked US Army Military Police training manual for 'Civil Disturbance Operations' dating from 2006.  Similar plans were also outlined in an updated manual released in 2010 entitled FM 3-39.40 Internment and Resettlement Operations.

"The 2012 document outlines how military assets will be used to 'help local and state authorities to restore and maintain law and order' in the event of riots, civil unrest, or a  declaration of martial law. (my emphasis)  On page 20 of the manual, rules regarding the use of 'deadly force' in confronting 'dissidents' on American soil are made disturbingly clear with the directive that a 'warning shot will not be fired...'"  (emphasis in original)

"Dissidents"???  That's very clear. The federal government is not talking about "civil unrest" caused either by environmental factors or economic meltdown, caused by the plunging value of the dollar.  

They are talking about uprisings against a well-planned takeover of the nation, by socialist/statist forces, out to merge the United States into a totalitarian New World Order.

These sons of bitches have to go.




By the military resetting their proper chain of command, away from this illegal functionary of TPTB, back to 'support and defense of' the Constitution; in coordination with the Secret Service, and the Constitutional Sheriffs of the United States.  And the backing of U.S. Patriots.  

Before the terrible day of The Cabal.

Whose time has come, to go.  

And a New Era to enter in, to human history.

Of a spiritual nature.

Not of these dark forces.  Who have had their day.

And that 'day' is now done.  Because

it's that time.


* " (A)ccording to reports, Obama has instituted a new 'litmus test' for those who seek to be, or remain, a part of the U.S. military's top leadership: agree -- as if America were some banana republic ruled by a Caudillo -- to shoot U.S. CITIZENS if ordered to do so by the illegitimate administration in the White House.
     "And those who say 'no' are being systematically purged from the military!  Numerous high-ranking commanders across all our military services have already been abruptly leaving their service assignments -- taking 'early retirement.'…"  (emphases in original)

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