Thursday 1 May 2014

While America Slept

May Day.  A day to celebrate revolutions of a particular nature.  Also a distress signal. 

Some distress signals of our time:

* the financial condition of America.  While everybody was watching the fort - meaning, nobody was - the fort was emptied of its gold.  Which begs a question.

Since America is a republic, with elected representatives of The People, whose job it is to a) look out for their interests, and b) keep an eye on the government for them, I address my query to those who are and have been serving in the federal Congress for some years now:

What did you all think when you were spending money that you didn't have. That Mommy and Daddy would bail you out?  That you could just 'put it on the tab' a little longer??  Kick the can a little further down the road, for someone else to have to deal with???  Your children, say; or your grandchildren; or your great-grandchildren?  Or all of the above?  Just who, in your reckoning, was supposed to have to pay for your largesse? your reckless gambling?? your immature sense of responsibility??? in what has been nothing more than a giant Ponzi scheme.  That you have been engaged in, deliberately.

You sowed the wind.  Now you reap the whirlwind.  For it is The Law.

And by 'you' I mean as well You the Public.  You elected these people, to represent you at the federal table.  And when your representatives started turning it into a trough, you - by and large - went along with it.  Along with the getting while the getting was good.

Only it wasn't.

It was evil.

Some of 'you' did your best to try to bring this runaway gravy train under control.  And good on you for that.  As representing some maturity in the matter.

The matter, of life being a school.  Wherein we have tests, and learn lessons.

Or don't.   

And get held back in our grades.  Until we get our tests, and lessons, right.

Another example of Perverted Life In Our Time;

* the so-called 'gay' scene.  Did 'you' think that the sort of thing that has developed in our time - where a huge number of 'gender identity anomalies' have developed, and genetic/biological males and females have had to resort to going to all the painful trouble of having 'gender modification' surgery and hormonal treatments to try to get their bodies to match their minds (actually, their brains; what their brains were telling them about their gender) - just was?  Some sort of given, about life??  Simply that 'these things happen'???

Why do they happen?? asked the careful student.

The horribly skewed gender scene today is a canary in a coal mine.  The same as the likes of autism, and other 'Pervasive Developmental Disorders'.  And anorexia, and bulimia.  And.  And.  And……..  

Wake up, O My People.  

And speaking of me.

I have been above the daily fray for some years, in living my life quietly in a spiritual community, deepening my commitment to my Inner Life, as it were.  But I found myself getting called out, into the ' larger' world scene again, that I was born into, at this time.  And rapidly became appalled at what was going on.

An example, in my home country.

* Since the sitting Congress has colluded in the fiction of an illegal president at the helm of the American ship of state, along with the Usurper's removal from the purloined office, the Congress needs to be dissolved, and new elections held.  Clean elections, this time.  If such there need be.  Personally speaking, I am ready to take over the helm, and steer the good ship America out of harm's way and onto its proper course, which will set all of humanity up for its next steps, on the stairway to the heavens.

But, whatever.  A correction course needs to be made.  And, like, now.  Before we descend into civil war.  Instead of ascending out of the snake pit, that the school of life has become.

(I like what someone has said to this general point: 'Play the game of life as a conscious player.'  Meaning: Leave the illusion behind, as a pale reflection of the Real Thing.  Wherein, and whereby, We Are All One.  And so, can we now move beyond warring with Ourselves???)        


P.S. A couple of odds and ends, which, however, have relevance to this discussion.  First, a reply I made just today to the Republican National Committee, who queried my commitment to their cause, as regards my RNC Voter Registration Card on file with their headquarters.  (I made a donation to the RNC, to try to help candidates who would try to turn the American ship of state away from going on the rocks, in the battle, now heating up, between the federal constitutional republic that it is, and the socialist region of the totalitarian New World Order that the Marxist far Left is trying to turn it into.)  My response:
     "Dear Reince (Priebus, Chairman, RNC)
     "As Ronald Reagan once famously said, 'I didn't leave the Democrat Party; the Democrat Party left me.'  Since the Republican Party has colluded with the Democrat Party in the illegal sitting of BHO in the Oval Office,* I can no longer support the GOP.  It has become the party of Greasy Old Pols.  
     " Regretfully,"

* for his not being a bona fide natural born citizen    


And again today, as an example of my general disgust with the quality of consciousness that I see on display in the life of this country at this time, see this reply of mine to a front group calling itself TheTask Force to Impeach Obama.  Once the subject of Obama's potential impeachment began to become a reality, this front, along with others, have climbed on the bandwagon, and started asking me for huge amounts of donation monies, far beyond what I have given them in the past, for their worthy causes.  My response:
     "Dear Matt,
     "$200!  I don't trust you people anymore.  This is beginning to feel like a boiler room operation.  Take me off your mailing list."

Maybe it has been such a con job all along.  They talked a good talk.  

But then, so does Barry.

(And - true to my form as an aspiring god: I am willing to forgive even you, Barry.  As a piece of me, too.  Teaching Us important lessons.  Helping Us move beyond the Drama.  Understanding, that As we do to others, so do we do to ourselves - literally.  For We are all One.  And All IS One.)


P.P.S. And to finish this day of revolution, and distress, signaling off:

from 2012:  What's the 'real' truth?: Bundy's Problem turning up in Utah: "This Is A Problem For All Of America"' - May 1 - (orig. posted at - April 21)
('David Knight in Nevada talks to two different Utah County Commissioners about the federal crackdown in Nevada and what it means for the rest of America.')

kibitzer3 says:
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Excellent commentary and interview; thanks for running it, Jean.
‘Rights’ become ‘privileges’ become revocable. Where have we heard that sort of thing before…
I know that we need to stay on the positive side of things. But it pays to know what’s going on. After all, we incarnated at this time to be here for all this. We need to know what all is going on, in our time of exercising responsibility, to help humanity see its way through the branches and brambles barring it from its rightful destiny.

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