Sunday 18 May 2014

To Vote, Or Not To Vote

(this first part is reprinted from my May 13 blog titled 'Speaking Of History')
1) from 'What Karl Rove Just Suggested About Hillary Clinton Could Rock The 2016 Election' - B. Christopher Agee - May 13

May 13, 2014 at 1:41 pm — Reply

After seeing what”s happening these past few years w/ “Elections” I don”t know if it”s even worth voting anymore. Who do we vote for? The lesser of two Evils?

  • STANLEY May 13, 2014 at 3:14 pm — Reply

    Margaret, Although I visit this site often I have been reluctant to allow it access to my Facebook account in order to comment, but I have to respond to you.
    Margaret, yes it is worth voting. The problem with elections is there is too much apathy. Not enough people vote as it is is why it is as it is. Man that’s a bunch 2 letter words. Anyway, More people need to be involved. By that I mean they need to vote and they need to hold their representatives feet to the fire as it were. So yes you vote for the lesser of two evils this year. But then you pay attention to what that person is doing for the next 2 years and then if they seem to be another tell you what you want to hear but do as they please type you vote for the lesser evil again. If it turns out to be the same one well then you’re in trouble. It’s not likely to be the case, But you still have to vote. I tell people that if you don’t vote because you think your vote doesn’t matter you are wrong. If you don’t vote you don’t matter. So you see I am going to vote as long as there is a choice between the two evils and I am going to do what I can to get more people to vote. The next two elections are very important to the future of this country and we need everyone that is eligible to vote to do so. It doesn’t matter which side of the aisle you are on. R D or I it is important to vote in order to get a real feel for what the country wants. If all the people that could vote but don’t would they could elect Mickey Mouse if they stuck together. There is nearly 80 million people that could vote but don’t. The 2 major parties are close with around 60 million R and 65 million D using the last presidential election numbers.
    So please Margaret don’t give up yet.

    • KIBITZER2 May 13, 2014 at 11:23 pm

      Stanley, I appreciate your perspective, but I just can’t share it. I have been living out of the country for many years, and when I came back recently I couldn’t believe the degree of corruption in the voting process that I discovered – on the Internet (in particular, in the ability of the electronic machines to spew out their programmed response, not the true voter input), and when I went to vote, when all they asked me for, to identify myself, was to sign a name after a name on their voter reg rolls. I could have been anybody. Why don’t they ask me to show my photo ID? In this state, we already have such a thing – and it’s used for all manner of ID needs, such as cashing a check, or getting one’s welfare benefits. The latter of which use puts the lie to the argument by the Dems that to use [require] photo ID is ‘voter suppression’. What it is is illegal-voter suppression.

    • I for one refuse to engage in a charade, a fraud, a satanic game. I am incensed at the amount of corruption involved in the voting process in my home country. Do we REALLY have to dip a voter’s finger in purple ink in this country to make sure they don’t vote more than once? Or other techniques used by banana republics?? No. All we need to do, to True The Vote, is to require a photo ID, which required a birth certificate to acquire. Yes, those may be forged, too (don’t we know, with that Obama fraudulent document he posted on the WH web site); but they are at least a good step in the right direction. Which the citizenry should have taken a long time ago, in every state, to ensure voter integrity. This is the most important civics activity that the citizens of a country can engage in, to ensure that their government is honestly representing them. Not dishonestly; as is the case now.

    • So, get behind a movement to True The Vote in your state. So that we can bring integrity back into the process.

    • WILLIAM May 18, 2014 at 2:20 pm

      We’ll put sir, I have voted in every election since I was legally able to vote (18 years of age) I have never missed an election. Be it local, state or national election. People who say their vote does not matter. Are only making excuses for their own laziness. Come on people get up and vote. It really does matter.
…and in the same vein:

2) from '2014 Vote: Best-Case, Worst-Case Scenarios' - Joseph Farah - May 16 

kibitzer3 a minute ago (May 18)

If this is "a big election," Joseph - and I agree that it is - why in heaven's name aren't conservative columnists urging their readership to get active in their states and help True The Vote - make sure that pressure is put to bear 1) on their state's Secretary of State to certifiably clean the voter reg rolls (of dead people's names, felons, those who have moved, and other ineligible voters, like illegal aliens), and 2) on their state legislatures to implement a photo ID law. ESPECIALLY as important as this election is, the Dems are going to go all-out to steal the election - just like they did in 2012. (Examples abound.)

We can't expect the Repub Party to put that pressure on, because they have their own issues with skewing the vote. This is a bipartisan issue, and needs to be engaged in immediately. Judicial Watch and True The Vote are doing a good job on this front, but they need help. And if someone on the Left tries to say that requiring photo ID is 'voter suppression' (their stock-in-trade, scripted response), tell them that you have one word for them - no, that you have a select few more, but you will settle at the moment with just one; that one being: "Bollocks." What it is more accurately is illegal-voter suppression.

I have said elsewhere, and will say until I am blue in the face: The American citizenry should have taken these measures a long time ago, in every state, to ensure voter integrity. This is the most important civics activity that the citizens of a country can engage in, to ensure that their government is honestly representing them. Not dishonestly, as is the case now, here.

So, get behind a movement to True The Vote in your state. So that we can bring integrity back into the process, from the process having been corrupted so terribly over the years. This does not speak well of our maturity, as the leading democratic form of government in the world.

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