Tuesday 4 August 2015

A Few Choice Words

In my last blog I talked about sociopaths and outright psychopaths running the world.  Some of those would be those congressional ’representatives’ in America who allowed their president (he was, and is, certainly not mine, for reasons that have been covered in these pages enough already) to get away with the likes of Executive Order13603 - putting the people - that’s The People; at least in this country - in slavery to the Executive, at his call.  That order could well be considered the high watermark of evil on the planet.  As Truth takes over now, and rules on this planet, as per the higher realms, that it and we are moving into.  But first things first.  And nowhere is that inadmissible trait - of evil - more evident than in the western ’school’ of medicine.

In a truly healthy society, no stone would have been left unturned in the search, e.g., for a cure for cancer.  But here, every promising stone was not only left unturned, but was deliberately concealed from the public’s view.  Now, ‘the people’ have to take some responsibility in such matters.  Individuals could ferret out information, and pass it on, as best they could.  (As, e.g., Barbara Loe Fisher and Harris L. Coulter in their brave book, published in 1985, ‘DPT: A Shot in the Dark’.)  But their ‘wrong’ in this instance was in TRUSTING THEIR EXPERTS.  So it’s you experts in bastardry who have to bear the brunt of the blame in this matter - as in other such matters, where ‘the experts’ have controlled ‘the herd,’ to the herd’s unwitting detriment.

But no more.               

from newsmax.com: ‘Rep Begs Congress: Investigate Vaccine-Autism Link Coverup’ - Sylvia Booth Hubbard - August 3
kibitzer a few seconds ago (August 4)

It's worse than this. Vaccines cause a whole host of disease conditions - autoimmune disorders and juvenile diabetes among them. Excellent books on the subject: 'DPT - A Shot in the Dark' by Fisher & Coulter and 'Vaccination, Social Violence and Criminality: The Medical Assault on the American Brain' by Coulter. Read it and weep. And then DO something about it.

A clean sweep of the national government is necessary, to tackle this matter fully. And by a clean sweep, I MEAN a clean sweep. Both main political parties - OUT.


And OUT means OUT.  As well, because the two main political parties in the U.S. conspired between them to hijack the Constitution - in particular in regards to the office of the presidency - and so need to be fined, and dissolved, for being the criminal enterprises that they are.

And we start over.  With the Truth being our lodestone.  

On which the future is to be built.  

From here on in.  To


For, make no mistake:

It's time for Truth to prevail.  In all things.

In all things.

Be prepared.

In this separating of the sheep from the goats going on.

In our time.

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