Sunday 23 August 2015

The Proper Use Of Power

No more games.  It’s time to grow up.  Time for the real thing.       

For example: the medical mafia.  In short: You don’t go to the manufacturer of a laxative product to find out how to keep from having to use the product they make their money from.  And substitute ‘allopathic medicine’ for laxative manufacturer in that equation.  Or, more accurately, the medical-pharmaceutical-government complex.     

Time to pull the plug on that approach to ‘medicine’.   

Plus, both major political parties need to come up in court - at the very least, the court of public opinion - on charges of failing to exercise their responsibility in all the gender bending that has been going on, for example, and for long enough now, in the polluting of our environment in many ways, from their scientific advisors failing to advise them properly.  And if you try to argue that that is the fault of the scientific advisors, and not of those who hired them, I am sure that we would all be interested in finding out just how involved the political parties have been in putting scientific advisors in positions of power who support the piper’s agenda as part of the deal.  As in how the pharmaceutical industry has their employees come into the likes of the FDA and the CDC and the NIH, and then, job done, revolve back into their positions - or upgraded, for services rendered - in the very industries that they are supposed to have been regulating.  And so forth, in all the scamming that has been going on in this regard.

As the truth outs, in so many areas, now.  Under the pressure of our human ascension, to a higher level of consciousness than we have been existing on, for long enough, now.  And before we do ourselves in most terribly, because of such a low level of consciousness, and sense of integrity, as we have been engaged in.  For thinking, widely - especially in the circles of our (erstwhile) Controllers - that there is nothing more than Man, and so we can do whatever we want to do, without having to experience the consequences of our actions.

The thinking of children.

Kids’ stuff.

But now, comes 

our wakeup call.

And just in time, it would appear.

Certainly I, for one, am sick and tired of all the corruption, and low level of thinking, that is going on in this benighted day - and getting worse, as the 'day' wears on.


from ‘“Saving America?” No, Donald Trump is a Clinton Operative’ - Melissa Dykes - August 21
(pics of The Donald with The Clintons; quotes from him about his position on various issues; etc.  Belief that he is a stalking horse for TPTB.)

Idahocntryboy! 14 hours ago (August 23)

Cruz for President!

  • Я0llyJ0g3r
    Idahocntryboy! 2 hours ago 

  • He is a zionist sellout.
  • Reply

    • kibitzer3
      Я0llyJ0g3r a few seconds ago (August 23)

    • Worse. He's ineligible, for not being a "natural born"citizen, and it would be an attempt to make two wrongs make a right. Meaning: the country going deeper into corruption, and the rule of men. A/k/a arbitrary law. Which is the hallmark of tyranny.

    • We're in enough trouble as it is. Don't wish more on us.

from Co-Creating Our Future on Planet Earth: ‘Who Knew Trump Was a Constitutional Scholar’ - posted on August 23 - orig. posted at - ’The Common Constitutionalist’/Brent - August 22
(The 14th Amendment does NOT confer U.S. citizenship on 'anchor babies'.  Trump sort of gets it.)
kibitzer3 says:

Good on Brent for being willing to look into an issue further and admit that he was wrong.

Now if we had some more honest bloggers, on the issue of the Usurper’s ineligibility, for not being what the constitutional Famers clearly meant when they required the candidate for the office of POTUS to be a “natural born” citizen……


As to The Donald:

He talks a good talk about the illegal aliens.  Remains to be seen what he would actually do.

What would I do?

1) You do not reward lawbreakers.  Back to their home countries.  And fine and possibly imprison the employers who hired them knowingly, and thus enticed them here with the promise of a job, no questions asked; over legitimate immigrants.

2) As for their children born here:
   They knew what they were getting into when they chose to incarnate into those situations.
And on that level, they, too, knew that you do not reward lawbreakers.  So, they go with their parents.

3) It's all moot now, anyway.  For,

4) Time's up.


Final word on this subject for tonight:

from ‘Cruz rallies Iowa evangelicals’ - Elliot Smilowitz - The Hill - August 24

kibitzer3 a few seconds ago (August 24)

I wish Sen. Cruz would hurry up and do the right thing, by clarifying that he is not eligible for the top job, for not being a "natural born"citizen - that is, one born on the soil of two (in this case, U.S.) citizen parents; the clear historical intent of the constitutional Framers, with much evidence to that fact - and pointing out that neither is Obama, so that we can get back to the rule of law in this country. Before we descend so far into corruption that it will be impossible to get out of that dark hole, and we degrade into tyranny - inevitable when you open to the rule of men - and subsequent civil war.

We don't need that experience, to learn our lessons. Come on, Ted. Do the right thing. And save the nation that worse outcome, than facing up to the Truth.


Human Flotsam said...

PS Russia already dropped 1 least one and America is very soon to follow. So nothing I can say matters

Human Flotsam said...

PS Russia already dropped 1 least one and America is very soon to follow. So nothing I can say matters