Monday 10 August 2015

On Investigative Journalism

Dear Megyn,

I see you enjoy the role of investigative journalist; how you skewered Bill Ayers, and Donald Trump, and so forth.  If you enjoy that role so much, how come you haven’t dealt with some of the major national issues of cur day, with the same dedication to truth-telling and ferreting-out??  

Take the Boston Marathon Bombing ‘thing’.  Which was even announced at the site as a, quote, “Drill,” by police bullhorn, for the bystanders in that finish-line area not to panic, and to keep out of the way of the drill exercise.  For which the participants were wearing color-coded badges, as they went about their roles in the exercise, squeezing fake blood out of their false-bottom shoulder bags, and donning false prosthetics, or whatever.  With one of said false-limbed ‘victims,’ being rushed somewhere via wheelchair, almost losing his false prosthetic on the way, and having to have it fastened more securely by a character (the guy in the distinctive cowboy hat) who a Hollywood producer later identified as an actor in one of his movies.  In this production very possibly directed by the great Steven Spielberg himself - who later was feted at the White House by the great Usurper himself for some other scam operation he has been involved in for the Obama administration, in the nation’s takeover plot by these satanic fiends currently running things in this country.

Or take the Sandy Hook Elementary School exercise; which, it turned out - for those who have eyes to see - had a trial run there the previous day (and from which an electronic Check-in Point sign had inconveniently been left behind).  And of which there was nary an injured child or teacher left, to tell their story.  All, dead.  

Amazing accuracy.

‘Can we see the crime scene?’

‘No; sorry.’

‘Why not?’

‘Too gruesome.’ 

‘But - ‘

‘Next question.’

‘How were they all killed?  By the same gun?’

‘I think so.  Check with the coroner.’

‘How would he know?’

‘He has conducted autopsies here.’   

He conducted autopsies at the crime scene??…Another of the curious anomalies in the story fed to the public, about this whole scam of a psy-ops, designed to further the Usurper’s cause of taking away the American public’s weapons of self-defense.  Against criminals like him, and his merry band of nation hijackers.  Which includes many high uppity-ups; in their bid for iron-fisted control over the national government, and The People, in order to corral them into their totalitarian New World Order.

By Any Means Necessary, to quote Saul Alinsky’s workbook on this sort of subject.  

So: Plenty of other stories, to investigate, Megyn.  And get some nice viewer ratings out of.


a reincarnation of G. Washington

P.S. Nice hair extension, Megyn.  Did you get it at your local Walmart?  Before they closed it down, for ‘plumbing’ renovations??  As in, capable of handling human remains, perhaps???

P.P.S. And that iconic image of the Sandy Hook caper - sent around the world, to Look.  Look here.  Not over there.  Look here - of a line of kids, with their eyes closed, being led from the scene?   Taken previously.
   As I say: an exercise.
   And all those parents; in on it, too?  And if so, what did, would, they get out of it??
   How about - their mortgages, all paid off, in full.
   With the School Board, and anybody else involved in the scam (like the governor??), likewise bought off, with some of that flood of money floating around that the Federal Reserve has supplied to the Obama administration, to spread ‘the wealth’ around a little; and to other operators. 
   In this satanic operation going on.  Under our very noses.
   While we look, look elsewhere.


and one more, on the subject of investigative journalism - or the lack thereof:

from ’Taking Down The Donald’ - Patrick J. Buchanan - August 10
(“Pat Buchanan spotlights establishment angst over 'outsiders, insurgents, non-politicians’”)

kibitzer3 3 minutes ago (August 10)

"And as insurgent parties spring up all over Europe, and the two-party system disintegrates there, the Europeanization of American politics may be at hand."

And not before time. At least, with these two particular parties. Which both need to be taken to court, under RICO-statute charges, and be dissolved, as the criminal enterprises that they are, for colluding in the heist of the U.S. Constitution. How so? For putting up patently ineligible candidates for the presidential office, and getting The People to 'Look - look Here,' away from that fact. The fact that they are not "natural born" citizens. Which means what? As understood by the constitutional Framers: one born on the soil (jus soli) of two (in this case, U.S.) citizen parents (jus sanguinis) - that's PLURAL. As in, BOTH. The whole POINT of the exercise on the part of the constitutional Framers being to make sure that the candidate, who if elected would then as well become the Commander in Chief of the nation's military forces, would have NO DUAL/CONFLICTING LOYALTIES OR ALLEGIANCES. As a naturalized citizen would be subject to. And as a DUAL citizen would MOST CERTAINLY be subject to.

Like Obama. And Cruz. And Rubio, for a start.

It's not as if the two parties didn't know this definition. They tried a total of 8 times between them between 2003 and '08 to get a constitutional amendment going through Congress to water down the nbc requirement for that particular office (which is in the Constitution for that particular office ONLY, you must understand, for its purpose, as noted above) - and failed each time even to get it out of committee, such was the sensitivity around the issue. So, what did they do? It's obvious: they met, in 2008, in the proverbial smoke-filled back room, and the Republican Party reps said: 'We won't say anything about your candidate on this issue if you won't say anything about any of our candidates in the future on it. And since between us we control both the legislature and the judiciary, AND the mainstream media, we can get away with it.'

A shame that they couldn't control the alternative media, too. But then, that's democracy for you.


…and behind it all - all, of it - is the ending of the 3D plane of existence as we have known it, and our moving into

our Oneness.  Our wholeness.

Our Truth.

Into Truth Itself.

Which will brook no lie, or other distortion from

the Truth.

Which is perhaps why I feel so strongly about it.  Because

we are on Its verge.  In our


From whence we came.

A long, long time ago.

As time goes…

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