Friday 14 August 2015

A Subject Sufficient Unto Itself For Comment

from ‘At least One Presidential Candidate Wants to Mandate Vaccines Regardless of “Philosophical” or “Religious” Beliefs’ - Tim Brown - August 13


Thanks for this info, Tim. I didn't know that that was Dr. Carson's position on this issue. That's it for me on the man. 

Even if vaccines were "safe" - which they aren't; a LONG story - it is STILL, in this country, a matter of sovereignty; and the people are the sovereigns in this country. Not the state/government. We fought a War of Independence to sort that one out. A shame it is coming back, to try to bite us in the butt. But I guess it was ever thus; 'eternal vigilance,' and all that (apparently) quaint sort of stuff from our Founding Fathers. 

But thanks for bringing the subject up, Dr. Carson. The American people certainly need to look at it, what with this push for mandating those toxins - er, that wondrous medical modality 'vaccines' - and all. Which reminds me, of one of my 'pet peeves,' to put it as euphemistically as I can (and which also has to do with another 'hot button' item these days): Did you know that among other toxins that they put in vaccines - allegedly to help 'challenge' the immune system into action - they put aborted fetal tissue?? 

This is NOT okay. See, Doc: Anything that is present in vaccines will be recognized by the body as foreign protein, in order to trigger an antibody response; and if human tissue is in a vax - here comes Immunology 101 for you, Doc; are you ready for this? sitting down?? not with your head up your ass??? - it will trigger an autoimmune response. What's that, you ask? It's a situation where the body' s defense mechanism attacks - the - body - itself. 

This is not only immoral. It is outright evil.

Got that, Doc?? And so, whose side are you on, now???


On another site that I came across this evening, some poster denigrated the 'Hegelian dialectic' process, as what the Communists believe, etc. etc.  I say:  If that's the way that 'life' (the historical process) works, then that's the way that life works.  If it doesn't, it isn't.  

I happen to think that there is merit in the idea.  And so, another way of looking at current 'things' is: If Obama and his power-mad Controllers are bent on establishing a Dark-side totalitarian global state - as they are - then that action triggers, on an energetic level, its antithesis:

the kingdom of Heaven.

I have given up on the Republican Party, for many reasons.  It's clearly time for something new.  It's a frustrating dilemma, because until a new structure can be put in place, the Republican Party's takedown just clears the way for the corrupt Democrat Party to keep in its place of power, at the top of the heap; king of the mountain, as it were.  So: another reason for a total remake.  

The total remake.

Another site that I came across this evening talked about how 'the galactic White Hats' (my expression) are waiting for humanity to 'rise to the occasion,' as it were - demonstrate the necessary level of consciousness for The New to kick in, that they - the White Hats - can then support.  The paradox: 'Humanity' needs to see some sign that there IS a 'New World,' ready and waiting to kick in, before they can get enthused about the possibility.

Nobody is showing them The Way.

And so, I sit here, subconsciously beseeching The Lords of Karma - or whoever is in charge of such things - to allow me to 'take the Point'  - step in and stop this dangerous stuff going on in this country.  And the world.

To bring in the new currency system, as a transition, before we make it fully into 

the higher dimensions.  Where we leave all of the Old Order behind, as of the Old Order.    

'Tiz a puzzlement.

That I don't have the answer for.

Only the willingness to say:

Here I AM.  Send me into the breach.  And I will kick some ass.

Which is probably why I'm


the one.

Too hot-headed.

Too riled, by such asinine crap as the medical industry putting such horrendous toxicity in their vaunted medical modality of vaccines, and calling it the best thing since sliced bread - 

and getting away with it.  By a public too cowed to stand up for themselves.  With all the mind-control shit that has been going on.  And is going on still.  And in spades.


And so I wait.  For

a sign.

Of what to do.

To fulfill whatever it is that I came here to do.

Whatever it is that caused me to choose to incarnate at this time.

But one thing I do know.

It wasn't to waste my time.

But in the meantime:


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