Monday 17 August 2015

On Being Disrespectful

On thinking back over my blog of earlier today, I can imagine someone wondering, Wasn't I being rather disrespectful?

My answer: Absolutely.  The man - El Bozo, as I characterized him - is a fake, a fraud, a liar, a cheat, a thief.  He needs to be gotten out of that thus dishonored office - stat.  Before he dishonors it even further than he already has.

And that's the real disrespect being shown here: to say, to that office.

And just in case someone thinks I'm just being 'right-wing' about the matter, let me assure you that

I am against sleaze and corruption from whatever source.

Take the actions of Big Pharma - for so long, and recently going over the top.  Without going into all the details, let me just make reference to two recent events:

1) The deaths of some alternative-medicine practitioners, who were being involved in alerting the public to a natural anti-cancer substance that could counter the effects of a substance being put in some vaccines to cause cancer. And speaking of vaccines:

2) The hassling of an 'anti-vaxer' in California, involved in the campaign to try to head off the mandatory-vaccination law recently pushed through the Calif. legislature and signed into law by the governor; and despite the hassling, not going to give up the good fight, with a Recall petition starting up in that (this) state.

The hassling took the form of her house being broken into a number of times - cleverly, including knowing her security code - and the leaving of 'calling cards' - to let her know that she was being watched.

All because of profit.

So, I am a fan of neither the far Left - the socialists/communists, who want to make everybody equal; equally miserable, and surveilled - nor the far Right - the fascists, who will do anything for a buck.  Including murder.*

A pox on both your houses.  To be treated, not with a toxic-laden vaccine.

But with - ultimately - Love.

Even from me.

Who is far from that high state of consciousness right in this particular moment in time.  Having just watched a short video of the woman telling her story, about the goons who are trying to make her life miserable.  For telling the truth.

For telling the truth.  The highest accolade one could possibly be given.

Except in a world where deceit is king.

As they say:

What a world.

(See Natural News for the woman's video/story.  Dated August 10; titled 'Ex-Merck employee turned anti-vaccine activist terrorized by Big Pharma Black Ops branch')

P.S.  And having said what I have said, and feel, about the Usurper; a clarification:
     I understand that he is playing a role.  It remains to be seen if he can release the role - release his identity with the role - and assume his true identity.
   Whatever that is.  That is to say: Whatever Multidimensional Selves that that is.
   As with all of us poor players on the stage of life.  As we know it.  Right now.


* And both sides practicing 'totalitarian information blockage'.  Just like Communist China.  With whom the U.S. is softly softly being merged; so that TPTB can rule over the entire world, in their iron-fisted New World Order.  To which I say:

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