Sunday 16 August 2015

Further On Toxins And Toxicity

from Dave Hodges' The Common Sense Show for August 15; an email to him from an architect:

Dear Dave, 
I have been reading your accounts of guard towers being built on various structures around the United States, Canada and even Great Britain. Your concerns echo what many of my colleagues feel as well. I work in various aspects of commercial design and  I work with a team, from other backgrounds in planning and supervising construction of malls. It is pointless to voice our opinion that guard tower structures are a waste of time, space, material and money. If we persisted with this assessment, it is clear that we would be immediately terminated or we would lose contracts.  Dave, although you know my name, please do not release my name or refer to my firm for all the apparent reasons.  Thank you.
When an architectural team designs a mall, they work very hard at having the various structures complement each other. The purpose is to create a functional commercial community as well as a warm, inviting atmosphere where people where let their “guard” down and are willing to spend their money. We want to design structures that sell ease if accessm beauty and comfort. Guard towers do not add to this architectural objective.
When I first raised the question of why so many malls were having EXPENSIVE and utterly useless guard tower structures built on the corners of malls, I was told that it was what the client requested. As I attended many pre-planning and construction meetings, I discovered that representatives of the “client” did want the guard tower structures even though there was never a legitimate explanation offered. I challenged one representative by telling him the structure would substantially drive up costs, served no aesthetic purpose and would draw hard to labor away from the the construction of the mall and delay the completion of the main structures comprising the mall. In this business where time is money and construction completion dates are of a high priority, the insistence of the clients who want “elevated structures” made no sense. 
 I was firmly told to drop the subject. 
Then one day I was reading one of your articles and you mentioned that Simon Properties, the “biggest owner of malls in North America,” had made a deal with DHS to house people during an emergency. This discovery scared the holy s___ out of me because I realized that you were correct and these malls could quickly become detention facilities…. There is no doubt in my mind.

These are being designed and built on malls, and schools...

...getting us used to, acclimated to, the look.  Walking right in...

Let's face it, folks: the New World Order crowd mean business.  Big business.

Who are they?

The usual suspects: 'The internationalists.'  Big bankers and industrialists, who plan on 'capitalizing' on all the illegal-alien labor that they have helped Obama flood into the country, to replace the U.S. citizens who won't be going along with their NWO plans, rather will be taken to one of the 800 FEMA camps dotting the American countryside like some sort of alien growth, and in supplementation, all these malls and schools and Walmarts and other places that are being designed and retrofitted to hold people in detention camps.

Not 'emergency' camps, as in natural emergencies.  Detention camps.  Until a Final Solution is instigated.

See, some of us us have grown up with a love of this country, and its principles - chief among which is the principle of individual liberty - and we just can't be allowed to run the place anymore.  Why?  Because people shouldn't be allowed to talk 'offensively' to others.  It's called 'hate speech,' now; and the syndrome - of outlawing free speech - is growing around the country.

Wow.  That's a lot.  So who is behind all this, besides just the Big Boys, who presumably couldn't care less about such relatively minor matters?  

Fair question.  I mentioned the New World Order crowd.  Who are made up, also, of ideological socialists/far Leftists.  And Jews per se.1

Not all Jews.  And especially not Orthodox Jews.  But the Khazar Jews2 who are behind the Nazi-like Israeli state.3  And behind the NeoCons; who were behind 9/11, and the drive to get the U.S. involved in establishing hegemony over the Middle East, so that the Nazi-like state of israel could rule there (the land between the two rivers on their flag, of the Nile and the Euphrates).  They want to rule the world itself, and hence help push the idea of Zion - a worldwide kingdom, ruled from Jerusalem.  That is to say: by them.

And so, the Palestinians need to go.  Can't have them queering the deal.

Which is a big deal, indeed.

And is going to be 'queered' by a bigger 'enemy' to such megalomaniacal plans than a people who have far more of a right to such as Jerusalem - being true Semites - than the Khazar Jews do, who were a converted peoples from a different landmass area altogether.

Now,  it may turn out (although some DNA tests have 'said' to the contrary so far) that the Khazar Jews were, actually, Jews from lineage after all, as part of The Lost Ten Tribes of Israel.  But until such matters can be cleared up (and reconciled), we need to clear up the more pressing matter first.

That of telling these, our erstwhile Masters:

We will not go into slavery to you.  You may well have a legitimate gripe, as to how the Vietnam War, like so many wars, was a project of the military-industrial complex, Big-Boy banker Elite, and became a no-win war on purpose - grinding the U.S. and its SEATO and South Vietnam allies in a meat grinder in order to make money - tons of it - on the deal, and in the process, taking advantage of The Draft to grind down many American youth who didn't want to have any part of your effing war; especially if you were of a socialist bent of mind to begin with, and sided with Ho Ho Ho Chi Minh! and the communists anyway - that caused you to dedicate your life to changing American society totally, so that such corrupt capitalists (yes, there are other kinds; but to continue) would no longer rule the roost, as they did when you were a student; and so that's why you have backed Obama, thinking he was one of yours, when he may well turn out to be a puppet of the very people whom you despise.  But regardless of your motives for your political activities since those dark days: You will NOT throw out the baby with the bathwater.

I am here to tell you that there is

a Better Way.  

That this has all been for a larger purpose, than just back-and-forth power chasing, by people - incarnate souls - who have lost sight of

the larger picture, in their pursuit of what was right in front of them.  Seduced by materialism.

Failing to look Up.

From whence cometh our help.

A long time coming, perhaps.

But then, we had lessons to learn.

And hopefully, most people will have learned them well enough by now

to make the right choice, at this telling time.

Your choice.

As always.



1 Who are sick and tired of being called - by their inferiors; aka goyim, or 'cattle' - 'kikes'.
   Or 'kite,' as one of J.D. Salinger's lovely child characters thought he was being called, by his classmates.  Which shows the ridiculousness of the whole thing; not to be made a big deal of.  Sticks and stones; water off a duck's back, and all that.
   Plus, we are entering a New Era anyway.  But one where Love prevails.  Not Force.

2 Khazaria was a state in mid-Eastern Europe - where Ukraine grew out of - in the early hundreds of the 20th century, of a Turkic peoples, where the ruler converted to Judaism and ordered his subjects to do the same.  They ultimately spread throughout Europe and beyond, and became known as Ashkenazi Jews, as opposed to Sephardic Jews, who hailed from the northern parts of Africa and the Mediterranean area and the Middle East.  

3 Until the state of Israel apologizes to the American people for -
   the Lavon Affair.  The USS Liberty affair.  The crime by omission of the suicide attack on the U.S. Marine Barracks in Lebanon.  The crime by omission AND commission of the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center Towers -
   no deals.  Apology.  And then we talk, about the future.  


..and speaking of short fuses - and getting shorter:

from ‘Judge Blasts Court Rule Forcing Her To Dismiss Arpaio Case’ - Bob Unruh - August 15
(“Asks 'what if the chief executive decides not to faithfully execute the laws?’)

kibitzer3 a few seconds ago (August 16)

If the idea of 'permissible prosecutorial discretion' can't keep an executive from actually changing law by executive action, then the law is an ass, and needs to be ignored - just like the executive is doing in these sorts of cases. It's a deplorable state of affairs, and needs to stop - NOW. No more legalistic hanky panky. Rein in the s.o.b.. Or The People will take the matter - essentially, of the hijacking of the country - into their own hands. And put a stop to it their way.


I feel the breath of the Founding Fathers on the back of my neck.........and it's white hot............

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