Friday 21 August 2015

All Fall Down

1) from ‘Geoengineering and the California drought: Gov. Jerry Brown ignores “chemtrail” problem while promoting more tyranny’ - Jonathan Benson - August 21

kibitzer3 a few seconds ago (August 21)

Not long ago, Jerry told an Hispanic audience in L.A., knowingly filled with illegals, that they were welcome in 'his' state. The agenda: to get the gringos to move out, so that CA (along with much of the Southwest; aka Aztlan to La Raza) can be converted into a part of the North American Union, with Hispanics furnishing the bulk of the work force - at minimum wages, of course.  Americans? Superfluous - even dangerous - to their needs and desires.

Brown was educated (if that's the correct word) by Jesuits. They want to control the world, along with the rest of the Illuminati, Cabal, call them what you will. It is a long-standing agenda. I don't care if this recall petition is backed by Climate Change true believers; it is an excellent initiative. Back it. These s.o.b.'s need to be thrown out of their positions of power, and the federal constitutional republic of the U.S.A. saved from their heinous plans and grasp.

This is a culminating battle between the Forces of Light and the Forces of Darkness. Be on the correct side. Or forever regret, that you made the wrong choice. Instead of making me proud to call you my fellow countryman. (And -woman, of course. No slight intended. It's a language thing.)

2) from ‘Yale’s Robert Shiller: Market “Aftershocks” Are Coming’ - August 21 

globaloney an hour ago (August 21)

Not only are markets crashing but the international banking system is crashing! This is not cyclical as idiots suggest. it is systemic. Brought on by the post Bretton Woods TransAtlantic, IMF floating exchange rate monetary system, the whole shebang is disintegrating right now. This moment. We are in it. The system is hopelessly bankrupt and it cannot be saved. It should be buried. The causes pertain to the abandonment of the physical economies of Europe and the United States for purely gambling on international financial markets. Decades of disinvestment out of physical production of economic infrastructure, science and modern technology have brought us to this point. We are now at the stage where the buildup of this system has created a gigantic 2 quadrillion debt bubble that has no value whatsoever. In other words the global investment bankers and associated hedge funds are hopelessly bankrupt! And they will not survive the crash of their system. The question that must now be answered is, will the United States implement the Glass-Steagall Act in time before the system vanishes? Or will we go into economic breakdown from which we will not recover? Or worse. Will the financial imperialists behind Obama get Obama to launch a preplanned attack on Russia which may include the use of nuclear weapons Obama has sent to Europe. Medium range B-62 nukes which are aimed at Russia? The threat to Russia will force Putin to respond asymmetrically to any such attack by NATO? Thus we are in a countdown to economic disintegration and thermonuclear war unless Obama is thrown out of office immediately by saner heads. By invoking the 25th Amendment he can be removed now! He has proven himself mentally unstable and a danger to the continued existence of the human race.


  • kibitzer globaloney a few seconds ago (August 21)

  • You're making an assumption that Obama is a legally sitting president, thus capable of such treatment. He is not, as any American citizen worth even a bucket of warm spit SHOULD be able to tell you. Reason: He is not a "natural born" citizen, for not having, at the least, two (in this case U.S.) citizen parents. That's PLURAL. As in BOTH.

  • It's not rocket science. The whole POINT of the exercise on the part of the constitutional Framers in putting that particular eligibility requirement in their contract for that particular office - and that particular Office ONLY, please note, Average American Citizen too glued to the telly to care about what has been going on in your country, but still capable of adding two and two when shown the numbers, one hopes - was so that the person occupying that office, WHO WOULD AS WELL THEN BECOME THE COMMANDER IN CHIEF OF THE NATION'S MILITARY FORCES, had NO DUAL/CONFLICTING LOYALTIES OR ALLEGIANCES. As a naturalized citizen would be subject to. And as a DUAL citizen would MOST CERTAINLY be subject to. Like, er, Obama.

  • There is all manner of historical evidence to verify this take on the definition of an NBC intended by the Framers. (It hinges on the definition of such by the definitive tome of the day on such matters, E. de Vattel's 'The Law of Nations Or Principles of Natural Law'.) Why hasn't this info been acted on by the opposition party of our day? Because the Republican Party was and is in on the heist, for their own purposes. (Note the non-NBC candidates currently trying their luck that Joe Public won't wake up to the scam.) So the situation is worse than you envisioned, globaloney: The Usurper has, simply, to go (with the help of Oathkeepers), AND both major political parties need to be brought to court on RICO-statute charges, for colluding in the attempted trampling of the Constitution as the law of the land, and its replacement with the rule of men. Otherwise known as arbitrary law.  Which is the hallmark of tyrants.

  • But given the leadership these miscreants - on both sides of the political aisle - have shown, that won't be a major disappointment. It will, rather, be a major course correction. Sorely needed, at this precise time.

3) from ‘Case of American Indians Proves 14th Amendment Does Not Create Anchor Babies - Congress Has Acted In The Past - Ann Coulter’ - Rick Wells - August 21/22  

  • Stan // August 22, 2015 at 2:27 pm // Reply  (actually, August 21 at 11:27 pm  PT)

    You tell’em, Ann. And keep it up until you are blue in the face and beyond – with

  • the truth.

  • We’ll get [to] it, sooner or later. Hopefully, sooner. We don’t have much time left to play these games that people play. We have work to do. Which is all about establishing a ‘kingdom’ of truth and justice. Far from the realm of sleaze and corruption that we have inhabited for [long] enough, now – and far too long at that.

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