Saturday 29 August 2015

Arrested Development

(headline: New York Times - September 2015)

For Filing ‘False Document’ On His Birth - 
Federal Marshals Secure All White House Files;
New Monetary System Cited ‘Anyway’;
Biden, Pelosi Also Arrested
Along with High Officials of Both Democrat & Republican Parties 
for ‘Aiding & Abetting In The Commission Of A Crime’;
Congress Dissolved
for ‘Failing Its Constitutional Duty’ - Future in Doubt; Interim Administrator Appointed;
On Other Charges;
A ‘Clean Sweep’ Of Executive Branch Depts. Underway
in Purge Reminiscent of the ’Communists in Govt.’ Days of the ‘50s;
Mainstream Media Also Indicted 
for ‘Hijacking by the CIA’;
This Newspaper Also Cited
for being a ‘Front for the New World Order’ - Plans To Appeal Charge;
Yankees Finally Win One: Prophetic?? 
                  Oh - And:
Nuke ‘False Flag’ Event Foiled - Attempt At Martial Law Declaration Pre-Empted;
Prominent Bankers & Industrialists Arrested Trying to Leave Country, Held for ‘Questioning’ - Ex-Politicos Also Involved

And that’s

All The NewsThat’s Fit To Print


And speaking of ‘someday’…

(interview on new Megyn Kelly Show on CNN)

MK: Thank you, ‘Administrator’, for appearing on my show.

A: Thank you for having me.  It also gives me the opportunity to find out something about you that I have wondered about.

MK: (thrown off balance from being all prepared to wade in on her interviewee) Oh?  What’s that?

A: Whether you have ‘cold eyes’.   

MK: (taken aback) Uh… 

A: I’m glad to see that Bill Ayers was wrong.

MK: (still flustered; now blushing) Uh… 

A: It obviously was a political thing.

MK: (still not sure where and how to take the line of questioning) Uh… - yes.  Obviously.  I mean…

A: Sorry if I threw you off balance a little there.  You were about to say…

MK: Yes!  I was about to ask you - I mean, thanks.  And all - (definitively bangs her papers on her desk; now ready to take charge of the interview and bore in on her interviewee) I was about to ask you : What’s with this ‘Administrator’ label that you have asked to be known by?

A: A bit of an insider joke.

MK: Oh?  What’s the joke?  And on whom??  Us; the American people???

A: - 

MK: (incensed)  You know, you come in here, and take over - 

A: - like I owned the place, yes, I know.  A little abrupt, that.  But it couldn’t be helped.  The Usurper was about to do something that we would all regret having been a party to, if some of us hadn’t acted when we did, and the way we did.  But to answer your question: It’s a play on the novel by Colonel Edward Mandel House, prime advisor to President Woodrow Wilson on such things as the Treaty of Versailles and the League of Nations, when The Powers That Be - Trying To Be, that is - made their first attempt at taking over the world.  He wrote a novel on a man coming in to ‘administer’ the American government, on technocratic terms, for the very powerful families who wanted to rule the world then.  As recently.  The title was ‘Philip Dru: Administrator’.  We preempted all that sort of outcome.

MK: (uncertain where to take it) From a ‘technocratic’ outcome.  What… 

A: Yes.  As in what, for example, the Trilateral Commission - one of the Insiders' bodies; another story - wanted to establish, for the world.  The whole world under the thumb of ‘experts’.  Controlling everything, based on the idea that humanity was fouling its nest, especially regarding, first, ‘Global Warming,’ and when that didn’t pan out to be an actual fact, changing their useful bugaboo to ‘Climate Change’. It was all about power.  Not the environment, per se.

MK:  I see.  So the ‘Powers That Be’ at the time of Woodrow Wilson were the same ‘Powers That Be’ in our time.

A: You got it.

MK: And those ‘powers’ were, and are…???

A: I’m sure that you’ve done your homework on this matter, Megyn.  But you apparently want me to spell it out.  For a Gotcha moment, perhaps?

MK: (a bit flustered) - ,,, 

A: A ratings moment??  As in when you tried to get Ted Cruz to say what he would do about all the children of illegal aliens???    

MK:  …

A:  Okay, I’ll spell it out.  Let’s get this over with, and get on to more important matters, namely, where we go from here.  The ‘PTB’ - a/k/a the Illuminati, the Cabal, the Insiders, etc. etc. - are the ‘international bankers,’ a/k/a Jews, yes; but not all of them are Jews.  And not all of the Jews are ’legitimate’ Jews.  Call it the difference between the Jews of the Torah - the originals - and the Jews of the Talmud - primarily Khazar Jews, from Khazaria, a region in Middle Europe, where the king, of a Turkic people, converted to Judaism long ago, and brought his subjects along with him, into that ‘Order,’ and attitude of global takeover.  -  

MK: And you have some evidence for all this?

A:  Indeed there is. But let me finish the specific question you raised, about the identity of The Cabal.  An early researcher on the matter, John Coleman, called them ‘The Committee of 300’ - representatives of major families of the time, and on down to our time.  One of those families was, is, the Rothschilds.  And so some of the Jews involved deeply in this plot to take over the world can be called Rothschild Zionists.  You see, the Rothschilds deliberately -     

MK: So you’re an anti-Semite.   

(Administrator just looks at her.)

MK: Well, you can admit it, can’t you?  

A: (gently) What did you hear me say.

MK: Me?  I heard you say - (checks her notes; which she has been hastily scribbling) - that one of the key families in all this dark business is the Rothschilds.  (triumphant look)

A: And?

MK: (a bit nonplussed) And…what.

A: I will continue.  I was saying, or at  least about to get to, that the Balfour Declaration, and the whole business about the Khazarian Jews ‘returning’ to the so-called Holy Land - 

MK: What is this business about the ‘so-called’ Holy Land?   

A: (just looks at her; then continues, gently) It was not a ‘return’.  It was a takeover.  For a base of operations, for their attempted takeover of the world.  Jerusalem, and all that jazz.

MK: (astonished) All that jazz! - (triumph then gives way to reality) Oh.  You said that on purpose.

A: Indeed I did, Megyn.  I have more important information to discuss with you than to get bogged down on the ‘Jewish’ question.  Shall I continue, explaining who the Cabal is, are??

MK: (quietly; sensing that that is really where the interview needs to go; not on Gotcha moments) Yes.

A: Good.  I was saying.  The Committee of 300, of very powerful families.  High degrees in such secret societies as Freemasonry.  What are called Sabbateans.  The Jesuits; who are more about power and control than defending Christianity.  The list goes on.  But we are here, now.  Would you like to hear where I see this process going; how I see it unfolding?

MK: (dutifully subdued; sensing the importance to let him speak) Yes.

A: Thank you.  For, this is the critical aspect of the whole thing.  You see, Megyn, we need to move into a stage of human consciousness development whereby we live in total Truth with one another.  Nothing less will allow us to move forward, into our rightful inheritance, as ‘spiritual beings having a human experience’ - as souls on the path, of true Return.  To our roots, in the higher realms.  And so, for example, aspects of our lives that will need to go will be such untruthful things as: fluoridation. Vaccines.  - 

MK: Whoa whoa - Vaccines?  Are you kidding??  

A: Unfortunately, not.  The downsides of vaccines are considerably more than what we have been told by our medical authorities.  Vaccines cause brain damage conditions of all kinds; neurological conditions; and auto-immune conditions.  I won’t go into the appalling details.  Trust me; it’s all in the record.  They have been pushed on us, at first, for understandably innocent reasons, - 

MK: Smallpox, and all that.

A: (nodding) Smallpox, ‘and all that’.  But did you know that smallpox outbreaks occurred where the people had been inoculated with the vaccine?  It’s a long, sordid story; but in sum: the vaccines spread the very conditions that they were designed to treat - and other, side-effect conditions, from the other toxic ingredients in them.  They put toxins like mercury and aluminum in them - 

MK: Wait, wait.  Where are we going with this?

A: I’m just establishing the case that we moderns have been sorely exploited and brainwashed by our erstwhile keepers, who have ’progressed’ from making us extremely sick with many conditions from their vaccines, to deliberately filling them with substances to try to control us; from anti-fertility agents to outright killer substances, like GM bacteriophages.  Because they felt that there were too many of us for the carrying capacity of the planet.  When what they really meant, was that there were too many of us for them to control.  Like a herd of cattle.  To be culled at their will, and need.  

MK: I need to break in here, and see if we - look, I don’t want this to become an ‘anti-vaxer’ podium.  Just briefly, and then let’s move on: What do you propose, for human society, instead of vaccines?

A: Number one: What was working before the advent of the vaccines: clean water, better hygiene, better nutrition.  -

MK: All things that Third World countries have a hard time supplying their people with.  And your number two?

A: Number two - after recognizing that the childhood diseases are a valuable rite of passage, designed to mature the human immune system.  And then, to treat the conditions, there are any number of natural modalities, that don’t have the damnable side effects to them that the - 

MK: (bit impatiently) Like what.  (consulting her feverishly-scribbled notes; pun intended) ’Natural modalities.’  Like what. 

A: Like vitamin A for measles; massive doses of vitamin C for polio; colloidal silver for the likes of the DPT triad; the list goes on.  And that way, they get the benefit of the childhood disease and -  

MK: Okay, okay.  I’m sorry, we’re out of time; we need to wrap this up.  Do you have any concluding thoughts that you would like to leave our audience with?

A: Just to prepare to live in Truth.  And - oh yes.     

MK: (in wrapping-up mode) Yes?  And??

A: In Love.                            

This section to this blog entitled:

The Bottom Line


Polarity is closing.

Going Up.

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