Tuesday 11 August 2015

Messsage To America


So, America: 18 trillion - that’s TRILLION - dollars in debt, and counting.  Having squandered your inheritance.  Your country, sold off to its creditors.  After all your Founding Fathers warned you about such things.  But then, who were those ‘founding fathers,’ a couple of generations of your children wonder - if even that; not having been taught about such things, in their commandeered schools.

The long march through the institutions, a leading communist theoretician called it…

So: here you are.  Sold out by your leaders.  Who were supposed to be you; remember?  Oh - sorry.  No, you don’t remember.  Because you were never taught properly.  About your sovereignty, in a system of government of, by, and for the people. You have let a professional class of politicians take you over.  Who have their various agendas, depending on their various masters…

It’s all rather disgusting.  You should, by rights, simply have to suffer the consequences of your actions, in order to learn the lessons inherent in those actions.  But not all of you are guilty of such a heinous crime, as the selling out of your country.  Some of you have tried to sound the warning; and valiantly, given the odds against you, and the amount of awful offal thrown at you, by those who have meant to do the country in, and put themselves in the place of your masters, and keepers.  Going further than even King George the Third went.  Oh; sorry.  Many of you won’t even know who I am referring to.  You may think that I am referring to George W. Bush.  

Well.  Close…

So: here we are.  I will save you.  But only because of those amongst you who have passed the test.  Made the cut, of consciousness.  The rest of you will just have to go ‘round the Karmic Wheel again.  And again.  And again.  Until you get your lessons.

While we, now, head for


The Promised Land.   

And that includes Gaia as well.  She is heading for those Far Horizons, too.  Those of you who have failed the class, and need to repeat the lessons, will have to do so elsewhere, in some other precinct of 3D life, illusion, plane of existence.  This planet is

going Up.

With you.  Or without you.

Your choice.

In my (heavy) daily mail the other day I received a large envelope with the picture of a lighthouse on it, from the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, in New York City.  On the envelope was printed the simple statement, and inducement: ‘Imagine a world without cancer!’  And inside, MSK’s Senior Vice President for Development - besides sending some address labels and a handy notepad with calendar that reminds me that my support works every day of the year! - advised me that “Here at Memorial Sloan Kettering, we’re working tirelessly to reach another kind of day [than when “an estimated 1.6 million Americans will be diagnosed with cancer this year”] when cancer can be controlled and no longer threatens the lives of those we love.”  And he even included a Certificate of Appreciation, with Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center proud to recognize me in honor of my outstanding leadership, commitment and support in the battle against cancer.  And an absolutely FREE tote bag awaits my reply - that is, my donation - as well…

Ah yes: Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center: I remember it well.  It was 1955, and I had just landed in Manhattan, from my home on the other side of the continent, in Southern California, having dropped out of university in my Junior year (as a pre-Med) to go looking for capital-t Truth, after ‘a spiritual experience’ that told me that it was time to get serious about such matters.  I had worked briefly in a hospital in L.A. - as an Operating Room Orderly - to get some money for the journey, and needed to find a job to get on my feet while I started my search in the stacks of ‘the largest public library in the Western World,’ as I figured in NYC would be the case - and on the strength of that experience, got a job at said Cancer Center, doing the same kind of work.  

Operation after operation after operation: cancer, in its various forms.  

What is going on? I remember thinking.  Why all this cancer??  What is causing it???  Never mind the ‘treatment’ - of cut, burn or poison.  Why aren’t we getting to the causal level????   

I know now.  It is the same reason that a number of alternative health practitioners have recently been killed, for advocating a discovered new treatment for cancer that gets to the causal level:


Here we are, 60 years later from my first ‘brush’ with cancer treatment - and we are still on the level of cut, burn or poison.

On purpose.

For, a huge industry would collapse, if there were a simple answer to cancer.  

Which there is.*

And, there is a simple answer to the ‘problem’ of the highly profitable medical-pharmaceutical-complex industry, which employs so many people, and is a key factor in the health of the world’s economy: 

Eliminate the ’economic’ aspect.

Go for Abundance.

Which is where we are at.

As we speak.

And that is the gist of my

Message to America.

And the world:

Look, neither to the Left nor to the Right.

But Up.

From whence cometh our help.

And salvation.

Delivering us from the evil in which we have been embedded.

Embedded ourselves.

For having lost our way, in the wilderness of our making.

Now, to make our way



The sunlit highlands of

A New Day.



At least in its current form.

Another story.

This is just a hint.

As to

our Answer.


* It also involves using vaccines to block this natural substance's actions in the body.  Another branch of the drug industry doing its perverted thing.


And as an aside; but relevant: You have heard of Ol’ Blue Eyes?  Call me Ol’ Blue In the Face:

from Tea Party C.C.: ‘Carly a flawed candidate’ - posted by Natl Dir. Dee - August 10

Permalink Reply by PatriotGal 8 hours ago (August 11)

Patricia, agree. When she cam out demanding Trump apologize,  I crossed her off my list if possibles which include Trump, Cruz, Carson and maybe Walker.

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Permalink Reply by Stan Stanfield 1 second ago (August 11)

PatriotGal, as a  presumably fairly clued-in voter, with concern for the Constitution/rule of law, I am amazed that you have bought the Kool-Aid in regards to Cruz (and presumably Rubio as well in your mind).  Cruz is ineligible for the office of POTUS, for not being a bona fide "natural born" citizen, i.,e., one born on the soil (jus soli) of two (in this case, U.S.) citizen parents (jus sanguinis).  That's PLURAL.  As in BOTH. 

Conservatives - bona fide conservatives - must NOT let this issue go, apparently at best thinking that two wrongs make a right.  Either the Constitution stands, with its original intent intact.  Or falls; and we are fully into the rule merely of men.  That is, arbitrary law.  Another word for which is tyranny. 

The terrain where letting Obama get away with the trashing of the Constitution on this issue has led us.


As for the hoped-for, and planned-for, tyranny of TPTB: There will be no totalitarian New World Order.  There will be, rather, a step up from that evolutionary stage of historical development.  From the Drama to the final Synthesis stage:

the Real Thing.  

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