Saturday 15 August 2015

And Speaking Of...

On Toxins, And Toxicity

In my last blog I touched on the subject of the toxicity of vaccines, and their convenience for the administering of such things to the populace, under the cover of a valuable medical modality.1  Another such batch of toxins, administered in the same sort of way - under the cover of an activity in service to humanity - is the batch of toxins delivered to us via chemtrails.  

Chemtrails are supposedly for cutting Global Warming, or, as it is currently known, Climate Change:2 the atmospheric haze dimming incident sunlight, and lowering temperatures.

Theoretically.  But what does the practice do in reality?

It seeds aluminum (among other heavy metals) into the air we breathe, and the water we drink, and the food we eat.  With a consequent increase in neurological disease conditions.

Why/how come aluminum?

Because it comes from the main source of the chemtrail chemicals:

Coal fly ash.

Why is coal fly ash used for this purpose?

Well, for one thing, it would be expensive to scrub it from the by-product gases from the coal-fired power-plant operations that it comes from.  And try to dispense with it, as the environmental hazard/pollutant/toxin that it is.  But wait a minute - 

‘I got it!’


‘You know how the artificial fertilizer and aluminum industries got away with selling their toxic by-product pollutant, fluoride, as the greatest thing since sliced bread?’


‘Well, we sell this stuff - somehow.’ 


‘The same way that those industries got away with their murder - I mean, their problem.’

‘And what’s that?’

‘By way of - the government.’

And so it was.

And is.

Until We, the People do something about it.

And speaking of…

The corporate-government nexus going on these days - i.e. fascism; carrying us step by step towards the New World Order of our erstwhile Keepers, and ‘rightful’ Masters - isn’t the only corrupt enterprise going on.  The far Left has their corruption to have to pay for as well.  To broach which subject, let me put it in an appropriate context.

Before he became president, John F. Kennedy (nominally) wrote a book titled ‘Profiles in Courage’.  It was about various Senators over the years, since the founding of this nation, who went against the grain of their party in looking at things at their time, and stood up with bravery and integrity for what they passionately believed in.  Not in a Saul Alinsky way - of ‘Whatever It Takes’ - ‘By Any Means Necessary’ - ‘the ends justify the means’ way.  I mean, in a real way of integrity.  For the truth - the 'right' thing - as they saw it.  

And in our day, the entire Democrat Party - with the collusion of the Republican Party, as accomplice to the crime - has stood by, while Obama hijacked the presidency, and is busily establishing (they think) the socialist New Order of Things.

For which criminal conduct, the whole Congress has to go.  

Before The People string them up at the nearest lampposts.    

It is time for them to go, anyway.  Because

the real New Order of Things is taking over now.

Which the corrupt leaders of our day mistook for the fool’s gold of their financial and political bosses.  Which they have been bought off with.

A sad story.  In many ways.

But Justice will prevail.

And that means, that these men, and women, who have sold out this country, 

will have to pay for it.


their misdeeds.

Before they can advance, with the rest of us, into the real

New Order of Things.

Awaiting us.

Just around the bend,

of the wrong road that we were on.

Have been on, for long enough, now.  

Now, it’s time for 

the real thing.


P.S. I am indebted to J. Marvin Herndon, Ph.D. for his article on ‘Aluminium Poisoning By Clandestine Geoengineering’ in the current issue of NEXUS Magazine for triggering my thinking for this blog.



1 Toxins in vaccines include: mercury (still in the flu shots), aluminum, formaldehyde, aborted fetal tissue (mentioned previously), anti-fertility agents, and such allergens - creating the possibility of fatal anaphylactic reactions - as MSG, gluten, casein, peanut oil (or its molecular similarity, recognized by the body’s immune system as ‘foreign’ and thus to be attacked), and on, and on, and on.  A veritable soup of toxicity in each shot.
   Why would they do this?
   Because they are evil.  Or at least, under the spell of evil entities, behind the scenes, of life on planet Earth.  Another story.
   (Why else would they deliberately put a substance - squalene - in vaccines, to mount an immune reaction to, that is in our own bodies??  And an extremely important substance at that, to our health and wellbeing???)

2 After it began to emerge that there was not, in fact, Global Warming going on (these things go up and down, primarily according to solar activity), the ‘culprit’ changed to ‘Climate Change’.  There.  That’s better, to hoodwink the public with; in order to allow TPTB to fasten totalitarian people-control measures on the populace.
   (There is, indeed, some form of climate change going on.  But it is not due to anthropogenic activity.  That is merely an excuse, to put us under the thumb of our erstwhile Masters; as noted herein.)


And speaking of Profiles in Courage, and its exact opposite; and Toxins And Toxicity; this, from Co-Creating Our Future on Planet Earth: ‘Exposing the I.S.I.S. Lie: How President Obama & Hillary Clinton Created I.S.I.S. MUST, MUST WATCH!!!’ - August 6, 2015:

Story (NEVADA CITY, CA) Speaking at the third Liberty Tour, sponsored by Paul Preston’s Agenda 21 Radio on July 11, 2015 former Army intelligence officer and once private contractor to CIA financier Booze, Allen, Hamilton Scott Bennett the author of the book ‘Shell Game” a Military Whistleblowing Report to Congress. stated he gave Rolling Stone reporter Michael Hastings information about Swiss bank accounts which directly implicated former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and President Obama in the formation of I.S.I.S. just prior to Hastings being killed in a suspicious auto accident.

Scott explains the true story about the report which prompted Edward Snowden to go public with information about unconstitutional abuses against Americans by the National Security Agency, the Central Intelligence Agency, the Department of Justice and the President of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama.

Judge Napolitano: Hillary Clinton Provided Material Assistance To Terrorists And Lied To Congress

On FOX Business News July 5, 2015, FOX News chief legal correspondent Judge Andrew Napolitano told FBN host Charles Payne a “conspiracy existed” among President Obama, then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the Treasury Department and various Congressional leaders to have arms sent to rebels in Syria and Libya. Napolitano came to the conclusion after going through several hundred pages of documents with FOX News’ intelligence correspondent Catherine Herridge.

“A conspiracy existed between the president, and Mrs. Clinton, and Congressional leaders from both parties in both Houses others in the State Department, the Treasury Department and the Justice Department to get arms shipped to rebels in Syria and in Libya,” Napolitano said.

“Some of those rebels are members of organizations that are on the terror list and providing them with material assistance is a felony,” Napolitano explained. “So the arms dealers applied for and received permission from State and Treasury lawfully to sell arms to the government of Qatar and they lawfully did so.”

Qatar then sold, delivered, bartered or gave these arms to the terrorist organizations with the knowledge and consent of Hillary Rodham Clinton when she was Secretary of State.

The fact is Fox News has had this information for a long time. Former Army psyop officer Scott Bennett, author of “SHELL GAME” Military Whistleblowing Report to Congress” was on Agenda 21 Radio May 12, 2015 and reported that extensive information he had which outlined in detail the felonious acts committed by Hillary Clinton, President Obama and numerous members of congress who knew and were involved in arms shipments from Qatar to Libya to Turkey and into Syria where the arms were given to ISIS. The arms shipments were provided by the U.S. government under a plan devised by then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Scott pointed out that he had given Hannity, O’Reilly, Kelly and Van Sustern detailed information regarding Swiss bank accounts and the money that was transferred from the CIA into ISIS accounts by way of Booz, Allen Hamilton. Additional e-mails were also given to FOX. Scott has contacted almost everyone in Congress and made them aware of the information he has that Fox News is now talking about. Better late than never.


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