Wednesday 19 August 2015

War Is A Racket

I have just watched a video called ‘Wars Are Bankers’ Wars’ by Michael Rivero; a potted history - rushed through in 45 minutes - of the role of money in causing the world's ills.  The upshot:  Money, under the influence of the idea of usury, had become an end in itself, not the means to an end that it was originally supposed to be, in simply facilitating the exchange of goods and services; and thereby hung the terrible tale of humanity.

It all reminded me of my personal ‘war’ with ‘money’.  One day in around 1961, I was on the bus heading to work when it occurred to me: the answer to all our aches and ills was to do away with money.  

What?! my rational mind piped up, in response.  

Yes, that other part of me replied easily, calmly.  Without money - usurious money - we could simply exchange goods and services with one another, and not incur the mountains of debt that are created all around the world by this system.  Which also creates great poverty in the midst of great wealth.  Which is obscene.

You don’t need money, this part of me went on.  All you need is a motive for engaging in such social activity.  

And what would that be, in place of/exchange for the idea of making a 'profit’ that interest-bearing money gave us? I asked that part of myself.

Think, that part of me replied.

And so I did.  And agreed.  And soon, quit my job and started walking across the country, “to see the president” and tell him what I had to suggest.  And got as far as I could in that quest  - which was to a side entrance to the White House; where a Secret Service man, though not permitting me to see the president, took my message.  And made my way back across the country to my home state of California, and got on with my life.  Having done what I could, to make the world a better place.      

And so time passed, in the illusory state that we seemed to be locked in; and then the day came when President Nixon announced that the dollar was no longer going to be backed in any way by a link with gold.  It was all played down in the media of the time (this was in ab. 1971) as, really, no big deal; but it alerted me to the fact that I needed to start paying attention to the subject of money again.  Something, in the human scene, was up.

What was up was the fiat dollar then being tied to backing by oil, in the so-called petrodollar operation, whereby TPTB had done a deal with the OPEC nations to hold all their oil tradings in the U.S. dollar.  This is going to cause problems, I remember thinking at the time; and then some more time went on, and I came across a graphic portrayal of how our money had been quietly changed on us over the years, with the wording on our currency changing from its being convertible to either gold or silver, to simply being a Federal Reserve Note sold to us as ‘legal tender’.  Backed by nothing but the promise to pay you in more of the same.

In other words: a scam.  The perpetrators keeping us thereby in a state of slavery to them.

‘Their’ problem was/is that there is a legal definition of a dollar, which involves a certain amount of silver.  So, being a good citizen, and trying to help blow the whistle on the scam of our erstwhile Masters, I joined a Taxpayers’ Revolt group, learned more about the ins and outs of the legalities of the thing, and arranged for my paycheck not to have the federal income tax portion automatically taken out of it (by filing a certain form with my employer; all completely legal) - preparing for my day in court on the matter - and stamping on it the notation that I had not been paid in U.S. dollars as per U.S. statute no. such-and-such; the rationale of the group I was meeting with being that We the sovereign People weren’t being paid in proper currency and so owed no tax, would be glad to pay our tax once we were paid in proper U.S. dollars.  Fate intervened at that point; I want off to live in a spiritual community overseas, and so never had my day in court.  Which was just as well, since I subsequently came across info on our legal system, how it is an illegal system, quietly changed over the years - just as our money had been; and just as the United States itself had been, into a Corporation - and so my ‘case’ would have amounted to compounded interest, as it were.

And now?  How do I feel about all this??

I wouldn’t give TPTB the benefit of my time at all.  The whole system is corrupt - beyond repair; with constitutional amendments that weren’t properly ratified, and its being illegal for the Congress to cede the power of money creation to a private bank in the first place anyway; and on, and on, and on.  In short: a right mess of things, we are in.

Poor Fella, My Country.

Anyway: I am now of the impression that it all has to go. 

All, of it.

The whole kit’n kaboodle.  

And we start over.

In a new place.  A new time.  A new Earth.

The kingdom of Heaven.  Now.  On Nova Earth.

With Love as our lodestone.

Not profit.

Been there.

Done that.

No thanks.

Because it breeds dark things, in the human psyche.

Like wars.

And rumors of wars.

Like -


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