Sunday 25 February 2018

A (Censored) Call To Action - II

My computer is acting up terribly.  If I didn't know better...must have something to do with my problem of having lost my Internet sound connection......

Anyway: An addition to Where We Are At.  As long as I am able to.

from ‘Did the Massachusetts Legislature Become the Catalyst for Civil War II?’ - Dave Hodges - February 23/4
(The Mass. Leg. - interestingly, the site of Concord and Lexington - has outlawed bump stocks.  The die is cast.)  

Stan S. February 25, 2018 at 12:42 am
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Just a word of clarity. We do not get our ‘right to keep and bear arms’ from the federal government (via the 2nd Amendment). The Bill of Rights is just a set of examples of rights and powers that were not being ceded to the federal government. Our basic rights were retained by ‘the States, or the people’ – as codified in the several States’s constitutions. (There is a ‘theory’ called ‘incorporation,’ whereby it was presumed that the 14th Amendment turned all of this on its head, and made the federal government the arbiter of all of our rights and powers; but that is all that that legalistic hokery pokery is: a presumption.) We are supposed to have this right codified in our home state’s constitution; in any event, it is obvious, by its wording, that that was the idea – that we were a free and independent people, and needed to be ‘constitutionally’ on guard against anybody attempting to take us over. Either foreign or domestic. Thus, we have the right to defend ourselves by “unalienable Right”. That may take whatever form that it is required to take, to accomplish the purpose.

Stop the MKUltra shenanigans that have been going on, and stop the SSRIs that are causing imbalanced people to be nudged over into violence, and stop the Gun Free Zone business, that was set up to evoke all this school-shooting mayhem, and that false flag op business will cease. Along with the incarceration of the New World Order crowd amongst us. As we take our nation back from their clutches.

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