Wednesday 28 February 2018

On Fueling Conspiracy Research

A friend has sent me a link, from mainstream sources, expressing 'their' quandary about the likes of YouTube banning the likes of independent researcher and reporter Alex Jones for questioning certain 'facts' about the Florida school shooting, as to how that (arrogant, totalitarian) response just feeds the 'paranoia' of 'conspiracy theorists'.  The essence of the matter:

Subject: On fueling conspiracy theories
"Recent efforts to restrict offensive posts have shone a harsh light on a seemingly intractable problem of the modern conspiracy theory epidemic: that censoring the content can reinforce and enhance false beliefs and that there is no easy way to change the mind of a conspiracy theorist. Some wind up on alternative platforms."

(My response to my friend:)

"The first thing to realize in all that is going on is that we have, indeed, been under attack by the New World Order crowd for years and years, with their ambitions for global control, and the U.S., with its constitutional barriers to such an event, being the main roadblock to said ambitions.  Our MSM has quietly been merged over the years until now it is controlled by only 6 major players - essentially a monopoly.  It can't be trusted to give us anything other than the 'party line'.  So of COURSE it is going to say that anything outside of the party line is 'conspiracy theory'.  (That term, incidentally, was devised by the CIA, in its attempts to distract the public from anything other than what it was/is trying to feed us.  A quote from a private meeting years ago, by the then-Director of the CIA, Wm. Casey I believe it was: "We will know that our disinformation program is complete when everything that the American public believes is false."  And this from another CIA Director, in this case Wm. Colby: "The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media."  CNN in particular is known to be in the pocket of the CIA.  Trump is precisely right when he talks about those in the 'fake media'.)  The major problem in all of this is that the CIA of course knows that the Independent Media is not buying their 'party line,' and so it has infiltrated said media, in order to sow disinformation there; so a person needs to be particularly discerning when reading ANYTHING anymore, and check the info they get from a number of independent sources; or find trusted ones.

"It is a terrible, terrible state of affairs, and I am deeply angered and offended by the takedown of 'a free press' in this country.  If I had my way,...

"Well.  We won't get into that.  This, now, is just a word of warning, of taking the MSM's word for ANYTHING.  Particularly including who is engaged in 'fake news,' and who isn't; is, rather, doing the public a service, in looking behind the curtain. 


I do not rest my case.  I will sound the alarm over all this censorship being attempted by the Cabal, the Illuminati, TPTB, call them whatever one will, with every fiber of my being.  And in doing so, I issue a reminder, from one of this nation's Founding Fathers:

"Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty."  

 If he in point of very fact didn't say that, was just credited with the statement, he could well have, given other of his well-reasoned comments in the same vein.  In any event: I close this blog on that note.


I take that back.  In going to my emails for today, I came cross this appalling news.  From the president of the National Association for Gun Rights, Inc.:


"I’m afraid it’s all true. 

"We have an all-out emergency in Washington, D.C. 

"I regret to inform you that President Trump is advocating for more gun control than former President Obama EVER dreamed of passing.

"Today, during a meeting televised on Fox News, President Trump, flanked by Sens. Dianne Feinstein and John Cornyn laid out his plan to pass radical gun control. 

"And I’ve got to tell you Stan, I couldn’t believe what he said. 

"When talking about gun rights and due process, Trump fired back at Vice President Pence, stating: 'take the guns first, go through due process second.'

"That’s right; President Trump is calling for the elimination of due process rights, which is the only thing that has prevented numerous innocent Americans, including veterans, from having their guns ripped from their hands.

"All it would take is one government bureaucrat slapping a crazy label on your file for your guns to be confiscated. 

"But that isn’t the only anti-gun demand Trump made

"The President also made it clear that he is pulling a play out of Obama’s handbook and will ban bump stocks without even asking Congress for approval, stating: 

“'We can do that with an executive order . . . so you won’t have to worry about bump stock, shortly that will be gone.' 

"Remember during the Obama years when conservatives everywhere, including Donald Trump were railing about then-President Obama’s abuse of executive action? 

"In 2012, Donald Trump stated “Why is [Barack Obama] constantly issuing executive orders that are major power grabs of authority?”

"I could ask President Trump the same question right now."

And so could I...

It would appear that Pres. Trump has drunk the Kool-Aid on this issue.

If ever there was a time for all good men and women to come to the aid of their country, this is it.

I never thought it would come to this.  Let me change that wording a little:  I never thought that things would come down to the wire this way.

But so it is. 

And so be it.

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