Wednesday 21 February 2018

Further on 'Hearing Voices'

In my last blog I talked about 'hearing voices,' e.g., of those who can hardly wait to figure out how to spin anything that Pres. Trump says or does.  I want in this short 'message' - biting my tongue, from what all I would really like to say - to talk about something even more important than that particular subject.

First, a quote from a letter to Pres. Trump's Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, from an independent investigative journalist who has been researching for many years the atrocious matter of child sex trafficking, killing, and more:

(We have had for a considerable number of years now) "a shadow Luciferian government...Our government is actively harvesting children and babies for sale to wealthy elites for the purpose of sex, torture, cannibalism, and ritual sacrifice."*

Secondly,  a 'voice from our past' (author suspected - Alexis de Tocqueville - but not verified, and so unknown):

"America is great because she is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, America will cease to be great."

A word to the wise.


* It is a source of black ops money for several of our three-letter federal agencies.  Who have become so involved in the plot that they have lost it.


P.S. Actually, a final thought for the day, on this general subject.  A friend sent me an email regarding my reference to Dr. Nick Begich, and his book 'Angels Don't Play This HAARP.'  My response:

Yes, he is well worth following up on.  

Incidentally, this HAARP business, apparently, is about more than Weather Modification/Warfare.  It is also about collective mind control, i.e., mass mind control.  Especially those who have a 'transducer' in their bodies.  Translation: are chipped.  From either vaccines, or - apparently also, it turns out - foodstuffs.

These people who are attempting to take over the world are not fooling around.  They have planned this for a long, long time.

But what they haven't planned on is that there is a God.  And it ain't theirs.

Keep digging.  

Knowledge is power.



P.P.S. This friend also sent me a link to an article about 'Global Crisis Events,' going especially into the financial situation in the West.  My response to that timely message:

Good article.  But what all these prognosticators are missing is that:

The American fiat dollar NEEDS to go the way of the Dodo bird.  Because -

a) it is no longer tenable (especially with China and Russia going for a gold-backed currency); and

b) it is part of a monetary system that itself needs to be eliminated.  That of interest-bearing money and fractional-reserve banking.  Because that is the system of the Luciferians.  And it is now time to make way for a higher way of doing 'business,' on this planet due to becoming a New World.  

Another subject in itself.  But just to say: Think future.  Not past.  



Bottom line:

It is all coming to a head.

And I am not talking about just voice-to-skull technology.

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