Monday 26 February 2018

On Being Prepared

1) from ’The Truth About David Hogg & His Family & US Govt Sacrifice Of Its Own In School Shooting For Agenda’ - Tony Elliott - February 26
(The discussion veered into the Sandy Hook episode.  I am ‘Green Tree’.)

Charles S. Imwold

Did the Sandy Hook massacre really happen ? Or was it really a government staged event where no one was really killed . Too many parents of the supposed children killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School looked like actors from Hollywood . How can a 120 pound teenager with no military training kill 26 people and not even wound a single person or a single person survive the attack ? Military experts say it is impossible for a full grown man that has no military training to carry off such an attack let alone a 120 pound teenager .



Charles S. Imwold

You should go meet the parents.  Look at the autopsy pictures.  Because he weighed 120 pounds he could not shoot small children in the head with a rifle?  Because their parents look better than you, it wasn't real.  You are all disgusting.



No autopsy pictures; that's just part of the point.  Many things fishy about that caper; including how the Porta Potties were ordered the day before the (alleged) shooting, a 'Sign In' sign was inadvertently left up on that 2-day Exercise, with a FEMA Exercise manual verifying that that is what it was purported to be; the list of clues to corruption goes on and on.  The point: Gun control.  So that the NWO crowd can take over this country.  Not going to happen.

Do your homework on all this.  The Boy Scouts are right: 'Be Prepared.'


2) Petition at attorney Larry Klayman’s site of freedomwatchusadotorg:

‘We the People Call On President Trump and Attorney General Sessions to Appoint Larry Klayman as Special Counsel to Investigate the Clinton Email, Uranium One, and Fusion GPS Scandals!  We Also Support Freedom Watch’s Suit to Remove Robert Mueller as Special Counsel’ 

(My Comment:)

Klayman is the man for the job.  And it needs being done.  Stat.  The NWO forces are getting arrogant in their breakdown of the rule of law in this country, in furtherance of their totalitarian cause.  The criminals need to be brought to heel, before the bar of Justice, and before any more damage is done to this country, and its constitutional institutions.  GoTrump!  


(Actually it turned out that I had already signed this petition.  But the sentiment is still there.  And tempus fugit.)


3) from ‘California Mayor Commits FELONY in order to “Resist” POTUS!’ - Andrew West - February 26 
(Aa part of the “Resistance” movement going on against Pres. Trump, the female (?) mayor of Oakland, CA sent out a ‘public service announcement’ warning residents that she had received “credible information” that there was going to be an ICE sweep targeting, of course, illegals in her city.  
Just wanting to keep people safe, of course.  Of course…)

(My Comment under user name of OliveCarrot)

Time to fish or cut bait.  Arrest her, for the reason given: that immigration is a constitutionally federal matter; and needs to be dealt with as such, or the rule of law in this country is dead in the water.  Let the Left respond.  We are taking our country back from their clutches.  As well as those of the far Right, the corporate-government complex, aka fascists.  Who together with the far Left has been attempting to take this country over for a very long time.  And they need now to be told, in no uncertain terms, to git.  Totalitarian despots are no more welcome in this country than illegal aliens are.  This is a federal constitutional republic, living under the rule of law.  Anybody who doesn't want to live this way can go elsewhere.  

Time for The People to tell them: 'Be my guest.  Elsewhere.'


Time, indeed, to

Be Prepared.


And speaking of 'time':

4) from ‘Did Anyone Else See Nikolas Cruz In ”Full Metal Garb” Complete With Helmet, Face Mask & Bulletproof Armor?’ - Tim Brown - February 26
(Cruz was seen arriving at the school dressed as he was later located in nearby, but without the black duffel bag and back pack that he had with him upon his arrival at the school.  Salient point 2: A teacher, who hurried students into her classroom upon the “popping sound” of gun shots in the hallway (followed by the fire alarm moments later), says that the shooter, who was ab. 20 feet away from her, was dressed “in ‘full metal garb’ complete with helmet, face mask and bulletproof armor”.  She thought that he could be a police officer.  One thinks that he could also have been a paid mercenary…
I am ‘GoldFish’ in this thread) 

Ben Gardner

Eyewitness testimony is notoriously unreliable.  Most good cops and even crooked prosecutors wont rely on it.  I happen to own class 4 body armor (USMC issue) and a kevlar helmet for when I attend protest marches.  It takes close to 5 minutes to get it on and arranged properly.  Plus, it's heavy as hell and awkward to maneuver in.  it is next to impossible for Nikolas to have donned that gear, done what he did, and then stashed it.  Of course, the Alex Jones fans are going to scream that the FBI has hidden that "evidence"...



  • GoldFish
    Ben Gardner

    No. It was taken out to that dump truck by men dressed as cops and taken away.  An inconvenient truth.

This is getting so sloppy.  This article even showed video footage of multiple cops removing a duffel bag from the crime scene.  When are people going to start adding two and two?  

Hopefully, by the time the cows come home.  

That.  Or by the time the chickens come home to roost.

As they will.

What am I talking about?  I am talking about the Americans's notorious lack of awareness, as to what is going on around them.  How, e.g, everything that is going on now in this country, especially as regards 'social control mechanisms' by Google/YouTube and Facebook and Twitter in censoring conservative sites, was already pioneered in Red China; where Google has helped the government keep tabs on the citizenry by keeping track of users's browsing habits and comments critical of the government, with points taken away for such 'indiscretions,' which can result in the likes of expulsion from college, eviction from one's home, and curtailment of government benefits, including food.

Ah - no wonder our government under Obama had been trying to get as many people hooked on food stamps as possible...

...and just as soon as TPTB can arrange to get as many guns out of the hands of the citizenry as possible, we will see those chickens - of unawareness - coming home to roost in great numbers.


You have been warned.

The rest is up to you.

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