Tuesday 13 February 2018

A Peculiar People

Americans are a peculiar lot.  They were given a major gift, in the form of self-governance, and they have blown it, seemingly from very early on.

Take the 14th Amendment. ratified - presumably - in July, 1868.(1)  Its opening sentence reads:

“All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.”  [My emphasis]  Seems straightforward enough; and as clarified in the historical record by the authors of the Amendment themselves.  Its intent was to make the newly-freed slaves officially to be citizens.  That.  Is.  All.  It has nothing to do with what has come to be known as ‘birth citizenship’ - for illegal aliens - and ‘anchor babies’.  Such babies born here are subject to the jurisdiction of the home countries of their parents, their nationality naturally following that of their parents.

How the hell did this sort of thing get so misconstrued, as to the creation, in our time, not only of so many illegal aliens slipping into this country and claiming U.S. citizenship for their children born here, but of Chinese women coming here on ’birth tourist junkets’ in order to have their babies here, and 'thereby' claim U.S. citizenship for them???

I haven’t traced this ridiculous matter down to its origin in whatever legal case(s) that got the law caught in the ‘precedent’ wringer, presumably.  But I imagine that the initial case on the issue that got up to the SCOTUS went something like this: that the Plaintiff’s lawyer read the opening sentence of the 14th Amendment to The Supremes, coughed when he came to the comma, and then picked up in his recitation of the pertinent constitutional reference after the comma; and The Supremes heard that ‘argument’ and nodded amongst themselves, shrugging at its obviousness, and ruled for his side of the case, and went back to their game of cards.  And as for the lawyer for the Defendant, i.e., this country and its rule of law??   I can only imagine that he was given an offer that he couldn’t refuse; and that he, and his family, lived ever after, until their natural deaths.  No other explanation to the whole thing makes any common sense.(2) 

And the ludicrousness of the matter now comes down to our day, when such a ‘conservative’ organization as the Heritage Foundation sends me a letter asking for a donation so that they can take this matter to Congress and ask it to pass a ‘Resolution’ to the effect of the Truth of the matter - their Ph.D. in charge of this aspect of their work even recognizing that truth, when he says in his covering letter that their constitutional lawyers have scoured the historical record on the matter, and have proven this truth as described herein. 

A ‘Resolution’ of Congress on the matter???  This is silly.  You don’t ask anybody’s permission to get back to the rule of law - i.e., in this case, the Constitution.  You just do it - and especially when the POTUS has declared a state of national emergency regarding matters of corruption, which is, then, a state of martial law, and thus has taken on the powers to act on such matters, in order to meet the exigencies of the day.  And this matter is certainly one of those.

Or hadn’t you noticed, Citizen???  

So.  President Trump: Do your job.

Or make way for someone who will.

And will do a FULL swamp-drain of it while he is at it.

Including all those denizens of those fetid deeps that have been there so long that they think that that is how Life itself smells.


(1) I understand that there is some question about its ever having been legally ratified.  Along with Amendments 16th and 17th.  But all that would appear to be the least of the situation. 

(2) I’m not going to go here into the whole sorry subject of the difference in constitutional interpretations between ‘original intent’ - i.e., what is called originalism - and ‘a living document’ -i.e., what is crapola.  That’s another aspect to the matter.  Germane.  But not directly, to the point that I want to mako here.  With my temper short enough these days, from other things going on in the country; as I have indicated recently in these pages, including earlier today..  Having had ENOUGH of the crapola.


Along this same line...

from freedomoutpost.com: ‘Cruz Lone Vote Against Senate Immigration Reform: Here’s Why’ - Suzanne Hamner - February 13

Why doesn't the author of this article capitalize "united" in "United States?"


  • Purple Basketball (me - February 13/14)

    It has to do with an argument that the Constitution was illegally changed early along the way (late 1800s) by clever creatures from England, and the U.S. has been a corporation ever since, under the law of the sea (Admiralty Law), not the law of the land (American Common Law/Natural Law).  It is all due to come out in the wash.  If we can just get Trump to engage in more of that washing.  Aka swamp draining.

Purple Basketball - February 14

Excellent article.  'Suzanne' knows her stuff.  Indeed, Cruz was not eligible for the office of POTUS.  Neither was Obama/Soetoro - and for the very reason that she indicates.

We patriots can't rely on the Republican Party to do the job that needs to be done in and for this country.  We will have to do it ourselves.  Trump has given us that opportunity, with his declaration of a state of national emergency.  I can only trust that the White Hats are on top of the matter.  It is the job of the rest of us to have their backs.  Be ready.

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