Tuesday 27 February 2018

When Is A Fact A Fact

from dailywire.com; ‘BREAKING: Broward County Deputies Were Allegedly Told NOT To Enter School. Here’s Why.’ - Ryan Saavedra - February 26, posted February 27
(Reason given: Told not to enter unless they had body cameras on.  Which they did not.  Oh.  So if they needed bc’s to enter a crime scene…and they didn’t have them on……rather poor planning, no???  Answer: No.)

kibitzer3 a few seconds ago (February 27)

The REAL reason that they were told not to enter would be because a false flag op was going on, whereby someone dressed out in "full metal garb, helmet, face mask, and bulletproof armor" (as described by a teacher present briefly during the shooting) - to hide his identity - was using the active shooter drill going on as a cover for the real thing (the sort of thing that has happened in the past). And some of the cops present were caught on camera putting something in a duffel bag into the back of a pickup truck - thus illegally disturbing the scene of a crime - and taking off with it. (The full metal garb? The gun used??) The duffel bag most probably the one that their patsy, N Cruz, was seen carrying towards the school earlier (along with a back pack). And as to that gear: he would not have had time to put it on before the scam started going down; nor have time to get out of it before being seen afterwards, and also, according to one source, during the event itself, when some kids were hurriedly leaving the scene.

Many questions here needing to be answered. And many of them involving the Broward County Sheriff's department itself. Which county I understand is notorious for being corrupt to its gills. ENOUGH of all this corruption going on in this country. Time to clean house. The whole nine yards.

(And posted, with some changes/clarificataions, at thedailyconspiracy.com - February 27 - under article ‘Police Waited Outside Of Parkland School’ - Daily Conspiracy Writers - dated February 26, posted February 27.
The article points out how the Coral Springs officers were angry about the school’s armed Resource Officer and the three Broward County Sheriff’s deputies not having gone into the building.)

The REAL reason that the Broward County deputies did not enter, rather than that they did not have body cameras on them (the excuse being given out), would be because a false flag op was in progress, whereby someone dressed out in “full metal garb, helmet, face mask, and bulletproof armor” (as described by a teacher present briefly during the shooting) – to hide his identity – was using the active shooter drill going on as a cover for the real thing (the sort of thing that has happened in the past). And some of the cops present were caught on camera putting something in a duffel bag into the back of a pickup truck – thus illegally disturbing the scene of a crime – and taking off with it. (The full metal garb? The gun used??) The duffel bag most probably the one that their patsy, N Cruz (who may be under Mind Control, helped along by being on meds; another sort of thing that has happened in the past), was seen carrying towards the school earlier (along with a back pack). And as to that gear seen by the teacher: Cruz would not have had time to put it on before the scam started going down; nor have time to get out of it before being seen afterwards, and also, according to one source, during the event itself, when some kids were hurriedly leaving the scene.

Many questions here needing to be answered. And many of them involving the Broward County Sheriff’s department itself. Which county I understand is notorious for being corrupt to its gills.

ENOUGH of all this corruption going on in this country. Time to clean house. The whole nine yards.

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When is a fact a fact?

When it has been confirmed.

No sooner.

As with the Sandy Hook (FEMA) exercise.  And the Boston Marathon Bombing drill.  And the Orlando gay nightclub event.  And the Las Vegas concert curiosity.  And of course:


And on.  And on.  And on......

As I say:



And speaking of Enough (on another front):

from eaglerising.com: ‘Georgia Passes Bill: Adoption Agencies May Deny Gay Couples’ - Keely Sharp - February 27 (orig. posted at lgbtqnation.com - Patrick Saunders - February 23.  Quote from that article.)
(“The Georgia state senate has passed a bill that would allow adoption agencies to refuse to place children with same-sex couples based on their religious beliefs. The bill would also prohibit the Georgia Department of Human Services from taking “adverse action” against such agencies.
“The bill passed 35-19 and will now head to the House for consideration…”
I am RedApple)

RedApple - February 27

Adoption by homosexual couples lends to the impression/illusion that homosexuality is perfectly normal.  It is not.  Such individuals on that spectrum are the result of abnormal levels of maternal hormones at a particular, early stage of pregnancy (as I recall from my reading on this subject, it is in the 8-10-week period of fetal development) when male-patterned brains can be 'wired' into genetically female bodies in the hormonal bath and vice versa and every stage along the abnormal spectrum in between, like trannies.  

There are a number of causes for this abnormality.  Faulty adrenal glands on the part of either the developing fetus or the mother or both.  Estrogen mimics/endocrine disruptors in the environment (from the likes of plastics, pesticides, and The Pill).  Stress, of all kinds - physical, mental, emotional (it is known that there is a larger incidence of homosexual babies born in the wake of wars, for example, than the ''normal' background 'noise' can account for).  But perhaps most alarmingly is the effect of drugs like barbiturates, prescribed to pregnant females without sufficient regard for their potential effect on the developing fetus.

It is long past time that we cleaned up our act in this regard.  But pretending that homosexuality is 'normal' - and allowing children to grow up in that environment, made to believe that it is - is not part of that cleanup.


And 'at the end of the day,' we will learn to

Love One Another.

For, We Are

One Another.

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