Sunday 4 February 2018

Of Sundays And History

Life is funny, sometimes.  Not in this instance meaning funny as in funny funny; but you know what I mean.  As in the following ‘little experience’ I had today while sitting on a bench overlooking the Pacific, shortly before the setting sun took away my light in getting some reading in, as is often my wont.  While I was sitting there, thus engaged, in ‘minding my own business,’ a couple of figures momentarily blocked out my light, as the person behind one of the personages asked me, while showing his ware, if I would be interested in buying a T-shirt with a Native American emblem on it.  Having by then looked up from my reading, I could see that they both looked like indigenes, with the male of the couple - who turned out to be a very swarthy and dreadlocked young man - doing the talking.  I murmured, pleasantly enough, my No thanks, and started to return to my reading - which I will get to, importantly to the telling of this story, in a moment - when the young fellow continued talking, in a friendly, non-pushy way, seemingly genuinely interested in what I was reading and how I was reading it, saying that he noticed that I was doing a lot of underlining in my reading, and wondered what my ‘background’ was, that he sensed that I was some sort of, he wasn’t sure of the word…I said that I was a ‘researcher’ - which seemed the best of all possible choices of descriptions to make in the moment, and considering the context.  (What could he have made of a reply that indicated that I was a ‘truthseeker’???)  And from there ensued a short, and interesting, conversation.

He explained who he was - that he was Aztecan, with some ‘white’ blood, and that his partner, who was silent the whole time of the short interaction, was a full blood, and that they were involved in raising money for and advertising a meeting in nearby Orange County coming up in a couple of week’s time about Indigenous Rights, wanting to raise awareness in order to replace Columbus Day with an Indigenous Day.  I felt drawn to mention to him that I was a bit aware of the ‘matter,’ that in point of fact I gave financial support to some Native American groups, particularly for the education of their young, but that I needed to make something clear to him, that I felt it was not so much a matter of replacing Columbus Day with an Indigenous Day, but to honor both - that “There is something to be said for Western Civilization, and, for the Indigenous point of view”.   He alertly responded that he agreed with me - and, sensing an at-least-somewhat kindred spirit (and I could have added, ’Hey, I have some American Indian blood in me, too;’ but no sense in gilding the lily), asked if he could sit for a moment beside me?, that he felt… - “Yes, of course” - and proceeded to tell me a little more about the meeting that was being arranged (by an “African-American woman named” whatever), over in Orange County, that he was from there, not Long Beach, but was just spreading the word.  I remarked on my surprise that there were so many Indigenes in Orange County to make it meaningful to hold such a meeting there, and he assured me that there indeed were many such there (which may well include ‘just’ Hispanics, legal immigrants and otherwise; which would make sense, off what I have heard, as going on in former rock-solid Republican OC).  Anyway, that was the gist of the conversation (I turned down a proferred flyer on the meeting, explaining that I didn’t have a car, and didn’t want to deprive him of his material), and he got up to leave, after a handshake, and I wished him well, and the same to his partner.1 

And then I returned to my reading for the short afternoon left for me to get some such in before the sun set.  Which, interestingly enough, turned out to be, first, on the subject of the ‘Bonn Climate Poseurs: Their Real Goals Are Money and Power’ (a setting-right of the Climate Change agenda for UN control over humanity),2 and then, in the same issue, an article that I had not yet finished reading, on - wait for it - ’The Power & Purpose of Western Civilization’. 

A word before getting into that interesting-to-me bit of synchronicity.  In that same issue of TNA was an article entitled ‘Jesus: A Man of History’.  I had already read most of that one, back towards the end of December, when that issue of the magazine first came out - and in point of fact, had sent a Letter to the Editor on the subject.3  The author quoted Paul a lot, as “historical evidence” for his take on the story, and later historians who took that material as the primary basis for their quoted “evidence”.  The article concludes:

“The most logical conclusion [as to why so many early Christians were willing to die for their belief] is that Jesus did, indeed, rise from death.  It is clearly a [sic] historical event, with overwhelming evidence to support the conclusion.

“We are uncertain about some aspects of the life of Jesus Christ, but from what we do know, we can safely say that not only is Jesus a man of history — He is the Man of history.”   

My rather head-shakingly sad note to myself underneath this conclusion:

“All on the ‘evidence’ of Paul; the other ‘man who never was’."4 

And this myth was the basis for Western Civilization…

…as remarked on knowledgeably and insightfully by the author of the aforementioned article on Western Civ (by the name of Dennis Behreandt); in part thusly:

“ (…)(T)he early Christian martyrs would not worship Caesar, even on pain of torture and death.  The earliest account of such a martyrdom to reach us is that of Saint Polycarp, martyred, most agree, in 155 A.D.  In the letter from the church in Smyrna, where Polycarp was bishop that recounts his death, we learn that the Roman authorities met him after his arrest ‘and taking him up into the chariot, they seated themselves beside him, and endeavoured [sic] to persuade him, saying, “What harm is there in saying Lord Caesar, and in sacrificing, with the other ceremonies observed on such occasions, and so make sure of safety?”’  Refusing, Polycarp was led to the stadium, where a crowd had assembled to watch his death.  Again, the Roman authorities demanded he renounce Christ in favor of Caesar.  To this Polycarp refused, replying: “Eighty and six years have I served Him, and He never did me any injury: how then can I blaspheme my King and my Savior?”  After this, he was to be bound and burned alive, but when he was not consumed by the flames, he was stabbed to death.  This, his reward for adhering to Christ and the First Commandment against the false god of government.

“In Saint Polycarp’s martyrdom, we see devotion to Christ and Scripture, and an indictment of government as a totalitarian institution.  Within the heart of Western Civilization is the legal truism that totalitarian government is illegitimate, a recognition that is carried down in the very foundations of the American Republic.  When Jefferson wrote in the Declaration of Independence that ‘all men are created equal…with certain unalienable rights,’ he was acknowledging that no government could usurp the role of God and abridge those rights.  This is the First Commandment in action…”   

As indicated in the above passage, there is a deeper story to the origins, and core, of Western Civilization than the Christian one.  And this author goes into that as well.  To wit (under the heading of ‘Roots of Resilience’):

“Unlike the ossified civilizations of [Oswald] Spengler’s description [in his ‘Decline of the West,’ just referred to in the article], what we today call Western Civilization has unique characteristics.  Where other civilizations had changeable, human-centered foundations that, once they failed to function, led to downfall and discord, the core of Western Civilization is based on the Decalogue (i.e., the Ten Commandments).  Whether one is religious in the Judeo-Christian faith tradition or not, these remain both legal and moral truisms and the essential means of ordering and limiting authority in society…[thus limiting] the false god of government as represented in the era of the Roman Empire by whichever Caesar had donned the purple…”    

So: Two things of interest here.  The first: how the best-laid plans of Josephus Flavius and his imperial-family cohorts, in concocting a fable to point towards Titus as not only the Jewish Messiah - the 'Son of Man' as prophesied in their literature; come to chastise them for not recognizing and accepting Caesar as their Lord in this world, and failing to 'render unto Caesar what is Caesar's,' including obedience - ended up creating a new religion that took on a life of its own after the fact of its founding, which result undercut the whole point of the enterprise, in constructing a new god; not succeeding in making the Roman emperor their god, but in, as I say, starting a whole new religion, in opposition to secular government.  (A very good lesson, there, about best-laid plans.)  And secondly: What are we - in principle - talking about with the advent of Western Civilization?  Not just that it is founded on Judeo-Christian principles (which our Erstwhile Masters are attempting to overthrow, in order to establish their own credentials as the Founders of a New Order of Things).  But a larger factor:

Government - and the civilization itself - founded, not on the human focus, and pageant.  But on humanity’s true origins.  And destiny.

As ‘spiritual beings having a human experience’.

And now, about to inherit the essence of the matter.  

The matter, of 

Life on Earth.

About to head for

the heavens.

Or at least, a portion thereof.

In alignment with their true natures.

Not that of cattle to an oppressive Overlord, and acolytes.

Of demonic proportions. 

Those erstwhile Overlords about to learn a fundamental lesson.  About best-laid plans.

And those ’spiritual beings’ having to learn a fundamental lesson themselves.

About placing too much trust in free-willed humans.

And losing contact with their essence in the process.


1 A somewhat sullen-appearing young gal who seemed not to understand what I was saying; apparently indeed a full blood, including native language speaker.  That, or I mistook her reticence for being due to a language factor, rather than a possible resentful factor, towards ‘the gringo;’ which I also felt was a possibility, given the look she gave me in parting.  And given the meeting being against the White Man, and all.  And being spearheaded by “an African-American woman;” many of whom have been enlisted in ‘the cause’ against Whitey these days.  In this day of the Rise of People of Color.  Aka dupes of the corporate Overlords behind the whole movement towards a totalitarian New World Order, which would ensnare ‘People of Color’ in its net as well.  Being totalitarian, and ancient in origin, and all.  And being so demonic - as to do such things as ’seed’ Chemtrails and vaccines with toxic substances in order to do ‘the cattle’ in - that they would turn on their cannon-fodder foot soldiers in the blink of an All-Seeing Eye.  
   Looks capable of being deceiving, and all.
   (N.B. This all reminds me of the push, and putsch, of the communists in the ’70s to attempt to get a coalition against the Established Order in the U.S. going of the Native Americans and the Hispanics, under the ‘color’ - or ‘wing’ - of Quetzalcoatl, the Plumed Serpent.  Replaced in this day with the La Raza concept of the ‘return’ of Aztlan, of the seven Southwestern states, to ‘the Indigenes’.  
   None of which of today’s Hispanics are anyway, being the descendants of the cohabitation of the Spaniards with the indigenes.  But - close enough for the job at hand…
   Which is, perhaps, why the communists are enlisting, and attempting to enlist, the Native Americans again in their attempted coup: to give it some coloration of ‘truth,’ at least.)

2 article in the year-end, December 18th issue of The New American bi-weekly magazine; a couple of issues of which I was trying to finish before the new one was due in the following day’s mail

3 Quote:
December 19, 2017

Dear Sirs:

In his article in the December 18th issue of your excellent magazine entitled ‘Jesus, A Man of History,’ Steve Byas tried to make a case for just that.  Unfortunately for Christians, evidence has been brought to light in our day that indicates that ‘Jesus’ was the concoction principally of a Jewish general-cum-governor-cum-historian, who was also of the priestly lineage of his people of origin, who feathered his own nest by moving, cuckoo-like, into that of the imperial household of the Roman emperors of the time, and thereby, along with a hefty band of his priestly brethren whom he was able to bring along with him (and their families), ‘lived to fight another day’ in the form of many of the early bishops of a new religion - Christianity - and even some of the emperors of Rome.

Needing to be noted: Christianity did not originate among the lower classes in Judea.  It was a creation of a Roman imperial family, the Flavians.

The key is in the name: Flavius Josephus.  Josephus, that updated story goes, seeing the writing on the wall with the siege and sacking of Jerusalem by Titus and his subsequent destruction of the Temple there, saw as well an opportunity by it all: to entice his way into the household of the imperial family of the Flavians - of Vespasian and his sons, Titus and Domitian (the sons to become caesars in their turn).  The plan: to capitalize on the Jews’ belief in a militant Messiah - the main cause of their incessant rebelling against the might of imperial Rome - by making Titus - Vespasian’s eldest son - out to be that very figure; sent by God to chastise the Jews for being so stiff-necked and failing to ‘render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s,’ as he put it in the fable that he was about to concoct.  Which was to portray Titus as having been ‘foretold’ by a pacifistic messianic figure back at the beginning of that very generation (a generation being 40 years in the reckoning of the day); and as foretold, in the form of a conveniently labeled Son of Man, by Jewish prophetic literature.  Josephus - and perhaps others of the Flavian household - making up the figure of Jesus out of the whole cloth of some of the stories of god-men extant at the time, and going all the way back in time to the Egyptian Osiris-Isis-Horus myth of some 1500 years previously; the people enjoying a good story about such characters, which peppered the Hellenistic culture of the time.  The tipoff to the deception: The public ministry of the character Jesus precisely paralleled, in typological form, the ‘later’ military campaign of Titus in Judea.  And to top it all off, Josephus wrote himself into his story, in the form of his alter ego, Saul become Paul (the play of a man becoming known by another name a satire on his own deceit).  

The true story of all this is contained in the works about that time period by a meticulous researcher by the name of Ralph Ellis; in the remarkable job of sleuthing entitled ‘Caesar’s Messiah: The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus’ by Joseph Atwill; and in the eye-opening book ’The Secret Society of Moses: The Mosaic Bloodline and a Conspiracy Spanning Three Millennia’ by Flavio Barbiero.  The myth being being uncovered in our time.  And just in time, to keep the Christians of our day from creating a nuclear holocaust, in self-fulfilling prophecy of an Armageddon-like ending of human history.  

Our history, as it has been, may well end, in our time.  But it doesn’t have to be in the form of an atrocity.  It can be in the form of Truth coming out.  About a lot of things.   

Surely that is the commitment to hold, for a Child of God.



4 As indicated in f/n 3 above: The New Testament books having been written by former Jewish general-cum-governor-cum-historian Josephus adopted into the royal Flavian household, and undoubtedly by others of the Roman imperial court of Vespasian; a fable concocted - very cleverly, by these learned patricians - in order to point towards Vespasian’s son Titus - the man behind the siege and sacking of Jerusalem and the utter destruction of the Temple there, in full vengeful mode against the stiff-necked Jews - as the Jews’s prophesied Son of Man, to get the Jews to stop their incessant rebelling against the yoke of Rome and accept the Roman emperor as their god, as dutiful subjects along with the other subjects of the Roman Empire.  ‘Paul’ being the alter ego of said Josephus; writing himself craftily into his opus, complete with many of the specific details of his historical story ‘passed on’ to his character; possibly/apparently in part to show his cleverness to those with eyes to see.

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