Saturday 24 February 2018

A (Censored) Call To Action

The sound has gone out on my Internet connection.  But, like Beethoven, I can still compose.  And this irritation - which, fortunately, I will have to live with for only a short while (a technician is coming out in a few days to trace down the problem, and, I trust, correct it) -  has caused me to give more focused thought to the phenomenon of censorship that is going on with disrespect to this very medium of communication of ours in this country, regarding the treatment by the dislikes of Google/YouTube and Facebook towards conservatives.  Who are being censored center, right, and ‘far’ right (that is to say, the most extreme of patriots), by TPTB, in an action that signals that things are coming to a head, political-wise, in the country.  For, ‘they’ wouldn’t be so brazen, now, in their takeover machinations, if that were not the case.  And so, beyond this personal and national momentary irritation - and signal - that is a good thing. 

Within as short a time as approximately a year ago, the censorship was not so noticeable.  For one small, personal example: I canceled my subscription to FB when, on the one hand, the word started getting out on the Internet proper that FB was censoring people for posting comments thereon simply critical of Hillary, and on the other hand, an FB platform posted that ugly, ugly picture of that ugly, ugly female ’comedian’ holding, deadpanned, the severed head of a Trump image.1  But now, it is up and right smack in our faces.  ‘Ours’ meaning, of course, patriots to America, snd all that she stands for.  

And I hope that she will not stand for this crap much longer.

Let me clarify where I come from.  All that is ‘America’ is not worthy of our respect, and loyalty.  The Left in this country started reacting years ago to the war in Vietnam, which it would appear was designed for that very purpose: to radicalize that generation’s youth, in opposition not only to No-win wars (and possible death by Draft half-way around the world, ‘over there’), but to the specific one there in Southeast Asia, which involved the communist world on the one hand and the ‘free’ world on the other (the latter as personified by the UN forces, under the SEATO treaty).  The Gulf of Tonkin ‘incident’ as, rather, a set-up, not having come out to the public as yet, and with the NeoCons not having been a household term as yet.  Which level of notoriety they would not reach for another thirty-some years, that is, until 9/11.  In the meantime of which ‘state of transition’, the far Left would take over our universities; that is to say, our centers of indoctrination.2  

And here we are today.  With censorship galore going on.  Conservative sites being ‘demonetized’ on the Internet, and even, now, being shut down totally, under false pretenses.3  Conservative students and speakers being shouted down and deprived of a voice on our campuses, in scenes reminiscent of the Bolshevik takeover of Russia in 1917.  MK Ultra-entrained ‘crazies’ - and under the violence-generating effects of SSRIs as well - doing their job, as patsies of the NWO crowd, in engaging in shooting sprees on school Gun Free Zone campuses (handy, that little operation, of both the far Left and the far Right),4 and other ops designed to get guns out of the hands of the American populace, the better to throw you over with, my dears…the list of ‘fronts’ of the war going on, going on, and on.5 

Not to go on and on in this brief report, from an observer’s point of view, on the American scene. Just to wrap it up by saying that there is a great area in the Center where both legitimate sides of the two-party-America system can meet.

And where we need to meet.

Just as soon as possible.  

With things coming to a head.  As they are.

As.  They.  Are.

On our way to a New World indeed.

Just not the dystopian one planned for us by the Dark side operatives. 

Whose day - job - is 

just about


At long last.


1 Which, in its way, was similar to that terrible and terribly provocative image on our screens of a ‘Jihadi John’ hooded character sawing at the neck of a kneeling white cop, with blood spurting from the very graphic gash.  Can you say, ‘incitement to violence’??
  Oh say, can you see???

2 "(T)he name of the 'fightingest' General in modern history is in danger of being wiped from our history books.
   "The reason is political correctness.
   "You see, General George Patton was a brave man who had an unshakeable belief in self-reliance, honor, and discipline.
   "But the teachers in our schools and colleges are [...] ignoring General Patton's life and legacy...denying our children and grandchildren an uplifting and incredible story.
   "Here's the proof:
   "One of the most widely used school text books in the US, 'A History of US,' describes the German General that General Patton defeated, Edwin Rommel, as a 'brilliant desert warrior' and mentions him six times, but George Patton is only mentioned once in a caption under a photo taken of him with General Eisenhower!
   "No mention is made in the text books of General Patton's defeat of Rommel or of his success in the Battle of the Bulge as he pushed boldly across Europe to bring a swift conclusion to the war with Germany with a minimum of US casualties..."  (letter from Michael Ables, Executive Director, General Patton Memorial Museum)
   What's this all about?:
   Can't have the American public being inspired to 'rise to the occasion'.  Got to keep Americans docile, and TV-distracted happy in their gate-closing corral.  Just a little further now...Easy does it......Easy............ 

3 For example, like questioning the details of various false-flag ops, including the use of crisis actors.  Even though that use has been confirmed.  By ‘citizen journalists’.  Whom the public is coming to rely on, more and more, for information - the real skinny - on various such escapades.
   And thus the ‘need’ now for TPTB to speed up the censorship of such loose cannons, vectors of info not under their monopoly control.  As the MSM is.  (Except for a few independent voices on Fox News.)  

4  You do know that, don’t you, you lefties?  That you are being used, as cannon fodder, boots on the ground, ‘useful idiots’ by the people who will be the real masters of your Brave New World??  You are not so befuddled that you can’t see that, are you???
   And yet you persist, in your captive mentality…
   Such is the state of education in this country.   

5 Think the likes of Weather Warfare.  And increasingly-mandated, toxic-laden and nano-chipped vaccines.  And natural treatments for the likes of (highly-profitable) cancer.  And.  And.  And……
   With the corporate-government-media complex an even bigger 'player' in the takeover than the far-left patsies.

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