Tuesday 20 February 2018

On Voices In Our Heads

In the late '90s, when I was living Down Under for a few years, from having spent many years living and working in a spiritual community in the north of Scotland (to which I returned, when i felt, for whatever reason(s), that my sojourn in Oz was over), I came across a book, while I was simply browsing in a bookstore, to see if any of them would 'speak' to me, entitled, curiously enough, 'Angels Don't Play This HAARP'.  Written by a Dr. Nick Begich, it was about an intriguing bit of business going on up in Alaska, where they were experimenting with shooting electrowaves into a targeted level of the atmosphere, in order to attempt to control weather.  Now, I was no stranger to the idea that technology is simply that, neither good nor bad; that it depends on whose hands it is in, regarding its application, whether it could become either good or bad.  And something told me, at that early time, that this was some dangerous experimentation and technology, indeed.  Worth keeping an eye on.

And here we are, twenty years later, and we have discovered that our erstwhile masters have not only found ways to use this technology against us, in regards to what has become known - as a step beyond potentially valuable 'weather modification' - as 'Weather Warfare'.  But it has been extended to the ability to control us, both as individuals, and as large groups, through an 'angle' of the technology - in conjunction with discoveries about the brain of a man named Jose Delgado - known as 'voice-to-skull technology'.  The ability, that is to say, both to put voices in people's heads, and to control their emotions; and not only individually, but, as I say, as large groups, from the HAARP's ability to beam down on us from either bouncing off the targeted atmosphere or from satellites.*

Can you say, '1984' on steroids???  

This all brings up the subject of Where Do We Go From Here.

We can go down the path that we are on right now.  To a totalitarian global dictatorship - call it a/the New World Order.  Or we can modulate the whole thing, into a different form.

Into using our technological abilities in a positive, constructive way.

In a planetary kingdom redolent of the qualities of, in a word, 'heaven'.

Of the whole point of the Exercise.  Of human experience.  Within a Process designed to bring us to our positive potential.  As very gods.    Or rather, more accurately:

as facets, fractals, aspects,  expressions, perspectives, of the All That Is.

Of that in which we live and move and have our being.

But it will take some changes in our civilizational structures, for that outcome to be landed in our experience.

And it won't come about by continuing with the model of what is known as predatory capitalism; where the primary feeling involved, and generated, is one of competition, in a zero-sum game (of I win-you lose).  Of each one for him- or herself, and the devil take the hindmost.   But in a model, rather, characterized by the spirit of cooperation.  Joining with each other, in landing the 'fruits of our labors,' with various technologies used for enhancing life.  Not Power Over Others.  (Or - as I have said in the pages, enough times to make my point - POO for short.)

We are, in short, on the edge of "a thousand years of peace and prosperity" (as former CIA agent Robert David Steele has characterized our potential recently; with the advent, now, of such as free energy devices, and replicators).  That.  Or a failure to 'rise to the occasion'.

An outcome that it would be too horrendous to contemplate.

Join with me - and the likes of  Robert David Steele - in making the right choice.

At this junction.

In our life journey.

That has brought us to this moment.  In time.

And Time.


* The effect capable of being enhanced when there is a transducer in the body, as from a microchip. And that can be accomplished - again, with neutral-in-itself technology - not only by a person's consent, via a simple surgical procedure.  But also from either our vaccines or, that failing (from recalcitrant 'targets'), our foodstuffs.
   If someone were so inclined, to do so.
   To their herd.

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