Wednesday 21 February 2018

Those Were The Days, My Friend...

A friend sent me a scene from New York City circa 1900, of Model As or Ts in the streets and people in their antiquated outfits walking the streets; just like an excellent painting of the time.  He replied to my appreciated acknowledgement of receipt with a comment, that triggered a response of mine.  To wit, starting with his comment:

"How the West has declined since then. How it continues its decline. Has no one got a solution? A 'final' solution..?"

Coming up.  There is a yuge amount of gold available - far more than we have been told about; both mined and unmined - to give everyone on the planet a stake in The New, to say The Real Thing, beyond the end, now, of The Play that we have been in, for yonks - and long enough, now, either to graduate into TRT, or not.  Our choice.  (Life being, not so much a prison as a schoolroom, and the purpose being to graduate.  Not to get stuck in.)  TRT being a realm wherein we get 'stuck' into (only so to speak; to have a little fun with it all; humour me for a moment) the likes of free energy devices (no more Big Oil, etc.), and replicators (no more control over people by those who know - have known - the levers of control over people), and thought travel [i.e., teleportation], and oh, a whole lot of such goodies.  At the end of the rainbow.  

But then, I AM a New Age junkie.  Aren't I.  So I would say that.  Wouldn't I.

But just think: Once we realize - really get - that 'money' is a means to an end, rather than an end in itself....The Play is over.  No?

What do I have wrong here, in this scenario??  Of What It Has Been All About???... 

Color me

Poor Deluded Fool living near the beach in Southern California, and dreaming his dreams of What Can Be; not stuck in What Is


"Not to get stuck in."...the lower grades thereof.  Like a monkey trapped by its fist in a cookie jar clutching a goodie therein...

Look around, little monkey.  There's more than meets the current I......

I have really had it with the likes of vaccines that are not helping us but hurting us; with the surveillance state closing in on us, slowly, slowly, inexorably.  With false flags galore, and getting so obvious that if you are not awake by now, you are part of the problem.  

And will have to receive your treat the way you choose to.

Chose wisely, friend.  Not just in controlled demolition.

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