Thursday 1 February 2018

I Am In Debt, Therefore I Am

In 2008 - only 10 years ago; how time flies - the sub-prime mortgage ‘business’* coillapsed, and banks involved were bailed out by John Q Taxpayer, for being “too big to fail” - much of that bailout money, to rub John Q’s nose in it, going to bonuses for the same banker con men who got us into the mess in the first place.  And to prove how stupid Average Joe and Jill Public has been, our keepers have allowed to be created the same sort of debt bubbles all over again, now with credit card debt (over a trillion dollars and counting), and auto loan debt (over a trillion dollars and counting), and a particularly egregious boondoggle, student loan debt (over a trillion dollars and counting).  None of this debt - with its accumulating interest - ever going to be fully repaid.  What is behind this insanity??? 

Not just stupidity.  Think Intention.

Remember former Obama White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel’s candid comment on air, about how “you never want a good crisis go to waste”??  What are we talking about here?  We are talking here about a little matter of taking over a country, from the inside.  About how Crisis = Opportunity.  How you can’t take over a country - for example - that is healthy.  You need to corrupt it, so that it can fall into your hands like an overripe fruit.

Think, in this context, the so-called Cloward-Piven Strategy.  From Wikipedia:

“The Coward-Piven strategy is a political strategy outlined in 1966 by American sociologists and political activists Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven [both professors at the Columbia University School of Social Work] that called for overloading the U.S. public welfare system in order to precipitate a crisis that would lead to a replacement of the welfare system with a national system of ‘a guaranteed annual income and thus an end to poverty’.” 

Read, more precisely: Communism.  A ‘redistribution of wealth’.  Taking from the rich and giving to the poor.  Brought about by playing on one of the Seven Deadly Sins: Greed.  Of the capitalist bankers.  And of the average Joe and Jill Schmuck, who were primed and ready to play their part in the devious plot by a lifetime of indoctrination in a taken-over education system.  And of the likes of illegal aliens, used cynically to accomplish the same end.

The end of the federal constitutional republic of the United States of America.  And its replacement as a mere part of a region of our Erstwhile Masters’s totalitarian New World Order.       

And I am here to tell you, all you EMs:

Not my country, you won’t.   

The plot goes much further back than this rendition of the tale, of course.  In point of fact, it goes all the way back to the beginning of


Now coming to an end.  And the beginning of

The Real Thing.

* I.e., banks loaning money to individuals who couldn’t really afford the mortgages that they were being induced to go for.  But that wasn’t the real name of the game: the name of the game, if you were a banker, was, indeed, as indicated: to make as much money for your bank as you could - regardless of the potential consequences - by inducing people into corruption who couldn’t really afford the mortgages that you (and others, in on the charade) were seducing them into going for, but not to worry, that would be somebody else’s problem down the line; and in the meantime, you sliced and diced their toxic ‘product’ (known in the trade as ‘Liar Loans,’ from just taking the mark’s word for his or her income and not verifying it) with a whole bunch of other, similar toxic products, and sold the ‘package’ off - in what are euphemistically called ‘Asset Backed Securities’ (ABS) - to other ‘con men’ wanting to make a buck for their organizations, and gain their bonuses as well.  But behind that facade to the matter, was a deeper, far more reaching, and insidious, agenda.
   Read on.

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