Monday 16 April 2018

...And We Know How It Ends

from ‘Bombshell IG report reveals FBI to be corrupt, treasonous and criminal in its outrageous cover-ups of Clinton Crimes’ - Mike Adams - April 15
(The IG has released ‘A Report of Investigation of Certain Allegations Relating to Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe’.  It is embarrassing stuff.  Embarrassing for America, that it allowed things to get this bad at the top.  
Eliot Ness is turning over in his grave.)

(Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by Natural News.)

Clean it all out, Pres. Trump. The whole swamp. Out.

This is disgusting stuff. America can do better than this. America deserves better than this. No more corruption in high places. Or the country will deserve what it gets, in that case.

As for the entire OIG report to come out…

…let me just say that I, and others, have come down the octaves to listen, and observe, and see that Justice is not only ultimately done on this level, but is seen to be done. 

If this full OIG report leads to said Justice, great.  If not:

Stay tuned.  The Process that we are involved in will still continue, regardless of this specific piece of the picture.  But all good outcomes help that Process along.

As most of us move out of third dimensional frequency, and resonate to a higher level.

The level that we chose to come here and help manifest.

At this time.  

There is a terribly crucial factor here.  It involves how this country has allowed itself to become controlled by what is called the Khazarian Mafia, or the Rothschild Zionists.  Some of this came out in the 9/11 operation, which Mossad was involved in up to its eyeballs, including the ‘Israeli art students’ who set up the WTC Twin Tower buildings with explosives ahead of time, and which controlled the security for the airline companies involved, and how Michael Chertoff got the Five Dancing Israelis off and shipped back to Israel so quietly that hardly anyone noticed.  The other 9/11 factor, which came out in its wake from a series of reports on Fox News by investigative journalist Carl Cameron, is that Israel controls, or at least has access to, the U.S. communications systems.  I could go on, but let me cut to the chase:   

The danger here is that Pres. Trump is very possibly compromised.  He has done a lot of good, leading up to and while in his presidency.  But DT is in Deep Trouble.  Why?  Because he owes the Khazarian mob, and they own him.  Gordon Duff of Veterans Today says that DT is in ”negative net worth” - i.e., bankrupt.  True or not, he has surrounded himself with Jewish/Israeli influence; and with things coming to a head on planet Earth, he may well do their bidding, by hook or by crook; desperate as they are not to lose control of the narrative, and their Grand Enterprise, this close to their objective.

Which is to take over the planet.  Not just for Eretz Israel.  But for their masters.  Behind the scenes, of human life:  

Bloodsuckers - and feeders on human strong emotions (especially terror, resulting in an adrenal release of what is known as adrenochrome), which is ‘loosh’ to them; and thus what is behind humans constantly entering into wars - known as the Archons.

Our rightful nature is not as either food for physical realm-bound creatures or free-willed denizens of the dark.  We are ‘spiritual beings having a human experience’.  For the educational experience.  Not to get stuck on this level.

Which is an illusion anyway.  A classroom.  Not the real thing.

Free yourself.  

We have work to do.

A marvelous work and a wonder:

To go up a resonant notch, or two.

Back towards our true Selves.

In our Light bodies.

For, everything is made up - really - 

of Light. 

With even the Dark owing its existence to that 


And playing a part in The Drama.  For a higher Purpose.

That we all may become gods in our own right.

The Right Way.

Having learned that lesson

the hard way.

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