Sunday 29 April 2018

It's Really Very Simple

‘Your Honor, it is really very simple.  The Constitution cites as one of the eligibility requirements for the office of the president of the United States that said person needs to be a, quote, “natural born” citizen.  What is a ‘natural born’ citizen, at the least in this context?  Well, we have gone to the historical record to see, and make clear to this Court, what the term, a ‘natural born’ citizen, meant to the constitutional Framers.  And the record on that matter is very clear: A ‘natural born’ citizen is a person, quote, “born in the country, of parents who are citizens,” unquote.  

‘The quote is from the definitive tome of the day on such nation-building matters as the Framers were involved in, Emer de Vattel’s ‘The Law of Nations’.  From his Book One, Chapter Nineteen, Section 212; copy of which now duly submitted to this Court of Law.

‘Now, this Court might well ask, “How do we know that the constitutional Framers were going by this particular definition of the term?”  And in response to that very legitimate query, I herewith submit four pieces of said evidence.

‘The first, all of which I append as Exhibit A, is the evidence, by copies of correspondence, that Benjamin Franklin, who was, by all accounts, a respected elder mentor of those gentlemen, and additionally was sitting right there amongst them as a delegate himself to those proceedings, and so a major party to those deliberations, had in his possession three copies of said opus; and who thought so highly of it - and as verified by one of said letters in this Exhibit - that he gave one copy of it to the Continental Congress, and put another copy of it into the library of the very building that those deliberations were taking place, the Pennsylvania State House, to come to be better known, because of those proceedings, as Independence Hall, in Philadelphia, in that magical and near-miraculous, sweltering summer of 1787; producing what former Supreme Court Chief Justice Warren E. Burger, in his specific capacity as Chairman of the Commission on the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution, called a major document not only for this country but for the world; saying about it, quote: “Our Constitution has had as great an impact on humanity as the splitting of the atom,” unquote.’


‘Indeed I will move on, Your Honor; but just to note at this point in the detailing of my evidence as regards this particular issue at hand, and for the record, that if any of the learned gentlemen in that esteemed body had had any questions regarding what they were being asked to vote on, in this particular regard or on any other matter arising from those deliberations, all they would have had to do was ask Doctor Franklin.

‘As my Exhibit B, I append copies of proofs of how the de Vattel opus was used, and respected as a source of legal thought, in many of the institutions of higher learning of the day.  And my Exhibit C, my penultimate piece in this particular regard, is the record of the proceedings detailing how Alexander Hamilton, in his role as a delegate to those proceedings himself, made a proposal that the president need only be, quote, “born a Citizen,” unquote - and his proposal was specifically turned down, in favor of the more stringent category of citizen, i.e., a person “born on the soil, of parents who are citizens”.  

‘The whole point of the exercise on the part of the Framers, in regards to this particular eligibility requirement, having been to mako sure that the person occupying that particular office - and that particular federal office only - had no dual or otherwise conflicting loyalties or allegiances or influences.  Had sole allegiance to the United States.  With my concluding Exhibit attesting to that particular regard of theirs.  It is a copy of a letter from John Jay, a respected statesman of the time, and not so incidentally to become the first Chief Justice of the new U.S. Supreme Court, addressed to George Washington, in his role as Chairman of those proceedings, urging that the Framers adopt the “natural born citizen” requirement for the office of the president, for the specific reason that the occupant of that position as well, then, becomes the Commander in Chief of the nation’s military forces.    

‘It was on account of all of the above that that eligibility requirement for that particular office was adopted.  And that eligibility requirement for that particular office - and subsequently, by the 12th Amendment, to include the office of the vice president; logically enough, since the occupant of that office may ascend to the presidential office - that eligibility requirement still stands, absent a constitutional amendment to the contrary.  

‘With that - I rest my case, Your Honor.’

‘Duly noted.  And here is my decision:

‘You are correct as to the letter and the spirit of the law, Counselor.  But this court does not go by Constitutional Law.  We go by precedent.  And with the administration of Barack Hussein Obama setting precedent, that precedent becomes the law.  I hereby rule against you, Counselor.’

‘I thought that might be your ruling, Your Honor.  That is why I have brought with me some federal marshals, to close this kangaroo court down, as part of its kangaroo court system, and put you under arrest, as American Common Law, aka Natural Law, takes over in this country; taking it back to its roots, before it was hijacked by you pack of jackals.  As our delegation’s chief federal marshal reports the outcome of this court’s proceedings to his superior, who stands ready with similar teams of federal marshals around the country, rendering the same verdict on all other branches of this criminal operation, known as Admiralty Law.  Signaled by the cutesy gold fringe on the flag.  Said ‘law’ no longer having jurisdiction over the lawful law of the land.

‘So, stand down, you rascal.  The People are taking back their country from you snakes in the grass.

‘Aka Reptilians.  Whose masters we will get to next.  In the setting of this nation - and this world - to rights.’

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