Thursday 5 April 2018

No. More.

I get mail…

Here’s one from the Southeastern Legal Foundation, with a covering letter from Edwin Meese III, President Reagan’s Attorney General; saying, in part:

“Please let me also explain the crux of the mess Obama left us.

“During his time in office Obama and his legion of government paid lawyers used a method to rig the system called ‘sue and settle.’

“’Sue and settle’ works exactly like a fixed boxing match.

“First, a liberal group would sue the Obama Administration claiming that the Administration wasn’t issuing a leftwing regulation demanded by a statute.

“They would go to court and the Obama Administration would throw the case.  It would settle, admit fault, and agree to impose the leftwing regulation.

“They did this because the fix was in and the Obama Administration secretly agreed with the liberal group’s agenda.

“There’s one key reason why the Obama Administration wanted to go to court — and lose — instead of just issuing a leftwing regulation all by itself.

“You see, if the Obama Administration had just issued a leftwing regulation, President Trump could issue a new regulation undoing it fairly easily.  A new regulation can undo an old regulation.

“But since the Obama Administration ‘sued and settled,’ the leftwing regulation wasn’t just a regulation anymore — it was a legally binding court decision

“And a legally binding court decision can’t be undone by a new regulation.

“That’s why President Trump can’t legally scrap large parts of Obama’s legacy…”  (Emphases in original)

Two things here.  One: I’m sure that the Republicans have done the same sort of thing themselves.  To say: corrupt behavior while in power.  Believing, as so many seem to have succumbed to these days, in the philosophy that the end justifies the means.

And two:

No.  More.

It is conduct unbecoming that of gods in the making.

And while on the subject.

Late last night and following on earlier today I came across reminder material (that I had come across some time ago) about an intriguing cure for cancer, that has apparently cost a large number of ‘holistic’ doctors their lives.  Because of the cancer of corruption in our society, eating away at its vitals.  To ALL of which activity, and lack of such, I say:

No.  More. 

It’s time that we grew up.

Cleaned house.

And moved on.  To a higher level of consciousness than the ‘going rate’ of this dense 3D one that we have inhabited long enough, to get the lessons therein.

Or flunk the test.

Your choice.

And among those tests…

from Committee to Defend the President - Ted, Chairman - April 5: 

“Considering our President’s bold and courageous act to send in the military — I want to ask you to take just a couple of moments to thank him for taking swift action to secure our southern border.”

My personal message/note of thanks: 

Thank you, President Trump, for doing your duty, as President, to look after our national security, in sending the military to secure our southern border.  And, because we are up against very fiendish people, don't overlook the possibility that this is a feint, to draw all our attention to our southern border, and not keep a vigilant eye on our northern border, for incursion by the New World Order's forces from that side of the nation as well.  Know Thy Enemy.


There is some evidence that Chinese and other NWO forces are prepared to a) go active, from predetermined positions, and b) sweep into this country, and attempt to take it over, for their atheistic version of a global kingdom.  I have a message for and to such people: 

Hands off my country.

We are not amused.

Join in, here at the end of The Play.

Or suffer the consequences.

As I say, and emphasize:

Your.  Choice.


P.S. Former AG Edwin Meese should have known that we would get into trouble as a nation by not going by the Constitution in allowing an ineligible person to occupy the Oval Office, in the form of non-natural born citizen Barack Hussein Obama.  With the whole of the Republican Party failing to rise to the same occasion, and declare his ineligibility for the office.  Apparently in order to attempt to run their own candidates through that breach in the wall of the rule of law in the country.  As they subsequently did in the forms of Sens. Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, and some other, lesser candidates.   All, according to the corrupt philosophy that 'the end justifies the means'.
     Now, perhaps former AG Meese was going by the fact that the country has been operating under false premises for a long time, and thus, it is difficult to draw the line on such matters; so perhaps the subsequent philosophy is 'don't sweat the details'.  If so, and if former AG Meese ever feels the desire to apply for a position in The (real) New Order of Things, a word of advice:
     Don't   Bother.

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