Wednesday 25 April 2018

On Doing One's Civic Duty

1.  Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth have a subsidiary group, Lawyers' Committee for 9/11 Inquiry, who have applied for a Federal Grand Jury to investigate detailed information and evidence that they have compiled about that atrocity that has come out in recent years, pointing to the presence of pre-planted explosives in the affected Towers, and a criminal rush to do away with the physical evidence from the scene of a crime, as took place when the cleanup from 9/11 was unduly, and illegally, hurried, before a proper investigation of said evidence could take place.  They have a Petition to this effect for members of the public to sign and support.  It is at  Do your civic duty and sign it.  And go to for more information on all this.
     Note: Don't expect the Trump administration to follow up on this, as they should.  Specifically: former NYC mayor Rudy Giuliani is implicated in the coverup; and Pres, Trump has just appointed him to be on his legal advisory team.  As Pres. Trump might tweet: Not good.
     So much for 'the far Right' regarding things that need to be set to rights in this country.  Now for the other side of the political aisle:

2. The far Left is attempting to take down this country (too).  As long as it is all just talk, they, of course,  over on that side of the (nominal) political aisle, are entitled to their opinion.  But when it comes to actual laws to that effect, as are now being passed in my home state of California, that is a bridge too far, and they need to be smacked down for going that far.  As well as their pals running the leading social media in this country, now being outed for outrightly censoring the 'conservatives' in this country.
    When you outlaw your political opponents, you are no longer a member in good standing of a two-party system.  You are a tyrant.
     And deserve to be dealt with accordingly.

A lot of cleaning up to do, in this country.  And the world.

To make it safe for decent people to live in.

People, who are fulfilling their potential - their higher potential - as spiritual beings having a human experience.

Not as humans, and others, giving in to depravity.

All of which Dark-side stuff is now to be done away with.  In the Light of a

New Day.

A'comin' in.

As we speak.

And letting the chips fall where they may.


P.S. from ‘Citing ‘Conclusive Evidence’ of Explosives, Families of Victims File Petition to Re-Open 9/11 Investigation’ - John Vibes - April 25
(A report on the Lawyers’ Committee for 911 Inquiry, including a video of the ‘press conference’ - the MSM chose not to cover it - the Committee held in front of the NY District Court building, along with some family members of the victims.
A poster - identifying himself as a “Fire Officer” - pours water on the (52-page) Petition’s contents, saying in part (in a long post) that “No officers say there was [sic] explosions”.  Interesting ‘report’ on the matter.  Officers.  As opposed to the guys on the ground…Officers.  Who could be held accountable in the coverup…
My response to a different post of his on the thread:)

RedPizza (April 25)

These bldgs. did exactly what the original architect designed and that is to collapse and not threaten the other structures.There was no explosions and massive thermite stuff that would be hell to co-ordniate with the jet impact...The south tower went first as it was hit lower and this collapsed form the weight of there being more floors involved in fire and thus weakened more quickly. The North tower was also weakened by the collapse to the south tower, surely. This is Jones and Fetzer and David Ray Griffin stirring shit. One even said to me on the phone that I had a POINT! Really? I, a lowly fireman , have a point? NO they are LIARS!

Now (April 26, now)

Since you seem to be interested in details, RedPizza, I trust that you will at some point avail yourself of ALL the overwhelming evidence that such sites as have compiled on this terrible matter.  For example, there are many videos out there containing comments from eyewitnesses - including fire fighters - that they heard explosions coming from both the WTC1 & 2 site and WTC7.  But I'm sure that this petition contains all that information.  I commend it to your keen attention.

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