Wednesday 18 April 2018

The Natives, Getting Restless

from ‘Bombshell IG report reveals FBI to be corrupt, treasonous and criminal in its outrageous cover-ups of Clinton crimes’ - Mike Adams - April 15
(Previously posted; a comment has been added to my brief posting on the subject, eliciting my more detailed response.)

kibitzer3 3 days ago (i.e., April 15)

Clean it all out, Pres. Trump. The whole swamp. Out.

This is disgusting stuff. America can do better than this. America deserves better than this. No more corruption in high places. Or the country will deserve what it gets, in that case.


    • Stronghorse
      kibitzer3 2 days ago (i.e,  April 16)

    • I agree. This is High Treason and Tyranny. It needs to stop, but don't count on the ones doing it to stop themselves.
      The FBI, and nearly ALL of the other "Alphabet" Agencies, are not authorized by the Constitution. The Federal Government is supposed to answer to the states, or in other words; "We The People". Not the other way around.
  • By virtue of the contract drawn up by the states that created the General, "Federal", government to begin with; the Constitution. 
  • The federal government had no part in the making of the Constitution. Because it didn't even exist until the Constitution was ratified. Furthermore, the duties laid out for the feds are limited and few, while the restrictions are many, and they have violated every damned one of them!
  • In fact, if you read the "Declaration of Independence", specifically the long list of grievances against the King of England, you will find that all of those same things have been done, and/or ARE being done to us again. With the exception of quartering troops in our homes. EVERY ONE! 
  • They claim that the system was changed by the Civil War, but if that were true, there would have been changes written down. Yet there are none. So what they are really saying, is that even though Lincoln violated the Constitution in numerous ways, as determined by the Supreme Court after his death, is that 'Might Makes Right'. That they will kill us to get their way, and remain in power.
  • I don't know about the rest of you, but I don't appreciate being threatened with violence and a "Scorched Earth" policy like the one Grant & Sherman used to starve the Southern States into submission. Murdering civilians to acheave military victory seems to be one of their favorite methods. Unless we stop them, by putting the monster back on it's leash.
  • The Supreme Court is also NOT the arbiters of the Constitution. They are merely one out of the three branches of the federal government, created by the Contract, (Compact), known as the Constitution for the united States of America. As with Any contract, the only people who can interpret the contract are the parties to that contract, ( the ones who drew it up), in the first place. THE STATES.
  • Now days it is plain to see that the monster created, has grown so huge, due to the inattention of it's creators, and by fear of threats of violence from the monster, that the MONSTER is now doing everything it can to become the master of it's very creator.
  • It is out of control because it's masters decided that being entertained was more important than watching over their potentially dangerous creation. And if we don't get off our asses, and out from in front of the damned TVs and all the other forms of entertainment that is being purposely used to distract us, the monster will soon devour us completely!
  • This is NOT the system left to us by the Founders of this Republic. It has become so corrupt(ed), that there is very little left to us to correct the situation. They have been careful to eliminate any legal or political means of correcting them, except for that which they have no authority to over ride. The Constitution. That is why they say it is out-dated, and not important. They don't want the people to realize that the Constitution provided the means to stop the tyranny and corruption, and put the system back on the right track.
  • They have purposely passed their "Statutes" and "Codes", (which are NOT laws but are in reality "Corporate Rules"), ALL EXCEPT ONE: 
  • We were not only gifted with a good and just system, (although it requires the participation of "We The People"), but also the remedies that are to be invoked when greedy people usurp the system.
  • Our Constitution is the greatest legal document ever written. It not only provides us the best system of government ever devised by man, but the remedies to fix the system when it becomes corrupted by powerful and greedy usurpers. Had the Constitution been followed all along, we would NOT be in the mess we are in today. Furthermore, it also provided us the means to fix the system and return to us our rightful government of "We The People" being in control.
  • Article 1, Section 8, Clauses,15&16, provide specific instruction left to us by the founders, to be used in case all other means have failed to right the sinking ship. This is also why the Second Amendment was CAREFULLY worded the way it was. Notice that it is the ONLY Amendment in the "Bill of Rights", to use the word; "NECESSARY"?!?!
  • I'm afraid they have left us no other means of correcting the total mess they have created to keep them in power, (and money), while enslaving the common people.
  • Please don't misunderstand or mis-interpret what I am saying. I am not advocating violence. At this time. However, if the criminals that are raping this nation understood just what kind of force COULD be brought to bear, it could/would be a very potent deterrent toward preventing further violations of the Constitution, and our natural rights and liberty, and convince them that we have had enough and that they had better stop what they are doing and reverse course. Thereby giving us back our rightful system of governance.
  • Now is the time to get with your neighbors and friends. Discuss with them what is really going on, and what needs to be done about it. Which is getting organized, trained, equipped, and ready. In case it gets to that point.
  • How much food & water, medicine & first aid supplies, as well as other needful things, do you have on hand, in your possession and/or control? Do you even know how to defend yourself and your loved ones? If not, you had better start learning now.
  • All of this has to start with the people being informed and educated in how their own government is supposed to work, BY LAW. It requires their participation, but first they need to be made aware of how bad the situation really is, and so long as they keep their faces glued to the dis-informational Tell-Lie-Vision News, they will continue to believe the lies and propaganda they are being fed.
  • It will be a long trail getting us back to where we should be, many wrongs need to be righted, a lot of crooks need to be jailed and put on trial, and it is going to require many of us to pitch in and help get it done. But none of it will happen unless those of us who see the problems for what they truly are, can somehow manage to wake up our neighbors and enlist their help to stand up for our rights and liberty. The answers will not miracle their way into existence, and they will not be televised, nor will it likely be broadcast over your favorite hand held electronic device. Your favorite team of millionaires playing some game are not going to be much help either. So make up your mind whether you choose to live free, or die on your knees. It has come to that. 
  • For the Republic, if we can reclaim it and keep it.
  • David E. Burden
  • AKA: Stronghorse
  • Reply

  •           kibitzer3 Stronghorse a few seconds ago (April 18)

    • (Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by Natural News.)

      Well put, and I sympathize with your position, David. Our problem is that the two-party system, that we were lulled into supporting and 'doing the job' FOR us, got hijacked. Particularly egregious case in point: the ineligible candidate of the Democrat Party for the presidency, Barack Hussein Obama, getting away with his usurpation of the office. Republican Party citizens assumed that if there were any question about his ineligibility, the Republican Party would have brought it up. As it has turned out, not only did the Repub Party officials not do their job, as the reps of the official opposition party; but they tried to drive their OWN ineligible candidates through that breach in the wall of the Constitution, in the 2016 elections, in the forms of Sens. Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio (and also Rick Santorum and Bobby Jindal). Not a 'natural born' citizen amongst them.

    • This is not rocket science. All one has to do is find out what the term meant to the constitutional Framers. And the historical record n this matter (not to go into all those details here) is very clear: They understood it to mean a person "born in the country, of parents who are citizens" thereof. The definition is from the definitive tome of the day on such nation-building matters, E. de Vattel's 'The Lew of Nations' (Book One, Ch. XIX, Sect. 212). The whole POINT of the exercise being to make sure that the occupant of that particular office - who would as well, then, become the Commander in Chief of the nation's military forces - had NO DUAL OR OTHERWISE CONFLICTING LOYALTIES OR ALLEGIANCES OR INFLUENCES. Had SOLE ALLEGIANCE to the U.S.

    • Some apologists for a change in the definition of the term cite a Naturalization Act of 1790; conveniently overlooking two facts. One: That Act was repealed by the N. Act of 1795 ON THIS VERY GROUNDS - that its citing of an NBC was misleading; and two: No Act or Resolution or whatever of Congress could do the requisite job on the eligibility requirement ITSELF. That requirement STILL STANDS, absent a constitutional amendment to the contrary.

    • We have been sold out by our two political parties. They both need to be brought to trial, on RICO-statute charges, found guilty - in a legitimate court of law, under American Common Law/Natural Law; not under Admiralty Law (another subject) - fined, the reps sent to prison, and both of the parties dissolved, for their chicanery and collusion and deceit. And the Usurper, and the historical record, stripped of all recognition of his purloined time in that thus-disgraced office. That's how bad, and consequential, this all is.

And let the chips fall where they may.

(N.B. Obama let the Russians and the Chinese - two of this country’s potential enemies - learn how to take down this country’s power grid.  Plus he authorized an agreement - the Kigali Principle - that allows Russia to bring 15,000 troops into this country “in times of emergency”.  Hence one of the charges that he will be tried under being treason.  
     That’s another reason to talk about “how bad, and consequential, this all is”. )

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