Tuesday 3 April 2018

For Want Of A Nail

For want of a nail a shoe was lost.
For went of a shoe a horse was lost.
For want of a horse a battle was lost.
For want of a battle a war was lost. 
All for the want of a nail.

What is the ‘nail’ in this case?

That would be telling.

But because you are a select audience, I’ll let you in on a ‘little’ secret.

It’s in two parts.

Pay attention, now.

The first part:

‘Know Thyself.’

And the second-part: 

’To thine own Self be true.’

Follow that path through the maze of Life (what some call the Matrix).

And you can’t go wrong.


P.S. A friend has sent me a channeling from a channeler, under the rubric of ‘Ascended Masters Answers’, who has come up with a message allegedly from St. Germain regarding the election of Donald Trump, and asked for my thoughts on it.  My response:

'First off, I would be wary of accepting any channeling simply on face value.  There are mischievous spirits, malevolent spirits, one's own subconscious coloring such renderings, etc. etc.  We see through a glass darkly.  Secondly, I have read material from a number of channelers who claim that they are channeling St. Germain: Who to believe?  They can't all be from the same source.  Maybe some of it is, and the rest is colored via the particular vehicle for the transmission.  One needs to practice discernment - as in all things.  See how it resonates with your deepest Self.  (Interestingly, I have just posted a blog touching on this same subject, of one's highest Self, and the need for us to get in touch with that individually, in order to come back to our Wholeness; the point of the whole exercise, of Separation and Duality.  Although I didn't go into the latter aspect of The Process at that time.) 

'As to the sentiments in the channeling.  Generally speaking, some good points.  But the channeling missed a key aspect to Where We Are At.  We are at a crossroads, between two competing visions for life on Earth.  One is the Dark side of the matter, as championed by those aligned with the vision of a total-state, and oppressively so, New World Order, intent on forcing people to be 'good,' i.e., according to the dictates of their erstwhile masters; who are essentially atheistic in alignment; although many would say, with a great deal of legitimacy, not so much atheistic as satanic.  As in the driving force behind Red China at this time, and as behind that of the Bolsheviks in the Russian Revolution of 1917.  Thus, to say the Way of Force.  The other vision is the Way of Love.  The same outcome, generically speaking: a kingdom on Earth.  But from an opposite Path.  And that makes all the difference. 

'I am saying, that there is a Process at work, that Hegel 'divined' fairly well, as to his take on the political process: unfolding via a Thesis - Antithesis - Synthesis model, the latter becoming the Thesis for the next stage of the unfolding, until we get to Completion.  He just thought the complete Synthesis stage was reached in his time, with a materially-oriented [European] kingship.  Wrong.  It is reached when the whole world is in play in the Process; that is to say, for all the marbles.  As it is now.  And the Bernie Sanders approach to the matter, although containing some aspects of the truth (since there are aspects of the truth in both 'sides' of the process), is simply still on the same level of 'the problem,' just writ globally large.  Maybe with good intentions.  But we should know about those, by now, from and in our experience of Life on Earth.  So: Bernie's Way was not the highest Way either.  I say 'either': Neither is Pres. Trump's Way.  Which is more backward looking than forward looking.   To say: It has truth.  But not the whole Truth.  Which is waiting in the wings of The Process.

'As we speak.                       


P.P.S. And just got a funny-thoughtful email from a relative, with a pertinent sentiment.  Said sentiment:

’Statistically you are more likely to be killed by Hillary Clinton than by an AR-15.’ 

Or taken to a FEMA camp, for Re-education.  But with the high possibility of the same outcome, considering how the NWO crowd thinks about these things.

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