Thursday 26 April 2018

Read It And Weep...

...And Then Get Mad.  Real Mad.

Following on from my last blog, wherein I referred to the lodging of a Petition from the Lawyers’ Committee for 911 Inquiry - a subsidiary of the AE911 Truth body - for a federal Grand Jury to be created in and for a re-opening of the investigation into that terrible tragedy.  In more ways than one.  

In the Comments thread to the article, a Fire Officer questioned some of the details of the questions into that event.  I trust that the Committee’s 52-page Petition contains the following serious details that I know about in relation to it (among many others). 

* The ‘predictive programing’ that was involved in the event, including reference to it in the Bart Simpson TV cartoon series.

* The presence ahead of time in the WTC Towers of a team of what has been referred to as ‘Israeli art students’,’ up to something or other, which at least one source of info on the matter has said was the planting of explosives in the buildings.   (Thus the ‘pre-planted explosives’ charge in the Petition.)(1)

* Larry Silverstein taking out major insurance (including against 'terrorist activity') on a couple of white elephants, in that those towers were known to have asbestos in them, which was going to have to be taken out under safety regulations.  Which would have incurred substantial cost, and of course, lowered their value.  To anybody who didn’t have an idea as to what to do about the matter, or at least go along with such a plan - and make money on the deal at that.   

* Cui bono.  Who benefited.  The Bush Jr. administration’s NeoCons(2) certainly benefited; with their desire, as referenced in their PNAC writings, for “a new Pearl Harbor,” to kick off a push for hegemonic control in the Middle East.   

* The Naudet brothers had a major money shot when, as cover for their presence in the vicinity, they were filming something in a street involving some Fire department guys when one of them looked up (with the sound of an airplane going overhead.  Read that again: “with the sound of an airplane going overhead”) and the cameraman panned perfectly, past some buildings in the intervening space, to center perfectly on the WTC towers a short distance away, where an explosion then took place.  And read that again: "where an explosion then took place”.(3)   

* As to the plane that purportedly hit the second of the towers destroyed that day (and let's not even go into the curious business of WTC7's collapse having been announced on TV before it actually took place): A money shot of that event showed us a passenger-sized plane - or more accurately, the image of a passenger-sixed plane - slicing into the building - a steel frame building - like a knife slicing through butter.  Or to say, like a cartoon.  And as to that ‘plane’:

* Another angle of that event, as seen on - as shown on - our TV screens, showed the ‘plane’ approaching the tower, and disappearing from view into its side - and the nose of the ‘plane’ then coming out the other side of the building a short ways (a steel frame building, remember), before the engineers of this CGI-like monkey business caught their mistake and quickly went to black.  Hoping that nobody caught it.  But some observers did.  And moreover, captured screen shots of it.  Which are available to this day.  
   As to that ‘plane’:

* It was discovered later on (by a civilian journalist) that a real plane was tracking the projected image of the second plane of the day from about a quarter of a mile away, unobserved by one and all, that fated - and 'predictively programed' - day. 

Get real, folks.

We are being had.

By experts.

But their day, now, is


P.S. Am I saying that it is only Jews/dual Israeli-American citizens/Israelis that make up the Deep State/New World Order crowd?  No.  There are plenty of other people who believe in such Power Over Others - POO for short.  Plenty of corruption to go around.
     And be drained from the human scene, now.  With a New Day dawning, for all of humanity. 


(1) This ‘Israeli are students’ group has been reported as being involved in other suspicious activity related to this event, including shadowing the fingered Arab patsies, and sussing out communications infrastructure in this country.
   And let's not forget the Five Dancing israelis on the top of their Mossad-front moving van across the river, filming themselves with the burning towers in the background of the shot; and, when appearing on TV back in Israel afterwards, after being released rather quickly from custody (also involving a van full of explosives stopped on one of the Manhattan approach bridges), reported to their Israeli audience that they had been there 'to film the event'.
   To film the event...
   The goyim being such pushovers and all, eh, boys??
   But to continue. 

(2) A term mostly referring to dual Israeli-American citizens. ’Neo’ con, meaning they are very ‘con’ as regards to U.S. military might, and especially as shared with Israel, but are usually rather liberal as regards the social arena.    
   They proliferated under the Bush Jr. administration.  As things began heating up on the planet.  And I am not referring to the questionably subject of ‘Anthropogenic Global Warming’ (AGW).  Become ‘Climate Change’ when the computer-projected GW wasn’t panning out the way the (highly paid & dependent) experts thought it would, and so they had to engage in an exercise referred to as CYA. And I leave it to your imagination, and ‘street smarts,’  to figure out what that acronym means.
   But getting back to Bush Jr. and his administration  That's the gang who, when forced by public demand to initiate an investigation into that atrocity, was at first going to put in charge of it...Henry Kissinger.
   The case is rest4ed right there.

(3) The shot was afterwards referred to as being “the first mass snuff film in history’.
   Which brings to mind how there is technology to bring down airliners, with embedded explosives, netting the insiders involved a nifty payoff on their bets.
   But to continue.  This disgusting story.  With its manifold ramifications.

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