Sunday 5 October 2014

A History Lesson

Once upon a time there was a Republic.

Which got greedy, and became an Empire, with global pretensions.

The End.

…until there came something New, on the perennial scene-spiral of Time.

Called the New Age.

In a Grand Round of Ages.

When Things were lifted up a notch.

In consciousness.

And a whole new 'world' opened up.  To previously earthbound humanity.


In yesterday's blog I referred to the New Age.  Let me clarify.

There is a New Age, and then there is a New Age.  There is the apocryphal one, championed by wolves in sheep's clothing.  And then there is the Real Deal.  The former is populated by a lot of merely 'human potential movement' groupies, advocates of, at the most, a form of secular humanism.  (I know; l lived amongst a lot of these types for some years.)  There are a lot of sincere advocates of the latter one - to say, the spiritual one - amongst them; but they have, by and large, settled down to a 'by and by' sort of attitude: that the New Age will kick in at some point, but in the meantime, let's live by the standards of The Present Age.  

One characterized by 'money'.  Specifically, interest-bearing money.  With fractional-reserve banking playing host to The People's money.  When what such forward-thinking people should be doing is thinking beyond the current paradigm in the Western world.  And bringing about the change.  Not just waiting for it, somewhere off in the distance, as somebody -  or some Thing - else's responsibility to bring about.     

Ladies and gentlemen, of all persuasions: The Time 



And that means, amongst other things, that usury - that is to say, interest-bearing money* - has to go.  It's in the way, of the appropriate incentive for the New Age.  'Money' - in the form we have it in today - having become an end in itself, rather than simply the means to an end - i.e., the end of exchanging - sharing - goods and services with one another - that it should be.  If we want to enter into the New Age.    

Are truly sincere about that move.  Up.  In consciousness.

Where we share goods and services with one another - and give of our best in the process - out of a higher motive than the one of making a profit (which is a factor that has grown out of the 'scheme' of interest-bearing money).   Out of the highest motive that there could ever be:   

out of gratitude to our Creator for life with meaning.

Out of, in a word: Love.

And when we move to that motivating principle, we enter the Era of Abundance.  

Not before.

Some sincere people seem to be trying to put the cart before the horse.

Doesn't work that way.

Come on, folks.

Wake up.

We have work to do.




I mentioned above, in a footnote, the kingdom of Heaven, and about entering into it - about what it will take to enter into it.  But I could have gone on to say, about that (and will now):

'Or to say: to enter fully into the kingdom of Heaven.  Because that kingdom exists


Because it lives in

Our hearts.

And is just waiting to burst forth.  Like a blossom, ripe for

The orgiastic sniffing.

And for you advocates of cocaine; just to say:

You ain' t sniffed nothin'  yet.  

Until you've tried living in God's kingdom.'


* The idea that 'usury' simply means extreme interest is a canard, promoted by those who want to continue to keep interest-bearing money as the basis for our society (because they do very well with it, thank you very much).  Usury is a concept, a principle.  It is the principle of interest-bearing money.  Period.  Which has to go.  For us to enter the kingdom of Heaven.


P.S. I talked above a bit about 'secular humanism'.  A bit more about that.
     In terms of the current political scene in America: I am all for the conservatives.  Because the liberals are being dominated by their atheist bloc, wanting a totalitarian state, so that they can run things - impose their will - their way, and not be held back by such fuddy-duddy, white-wigged ideas as constitutions.+  And I for one won't have it their way.  I'll have it only, and rather, God's way.  If you materialist Lefties don't mind.  Which is the way of letting humans be free as possible, in order to exercise their free will, and grow in spiritual stature thereby.
     I visited the Soviet Union before its fall.  I saw two things.  The first was that the workmanship of things was just enough to get by with; rather than filled with spirit.  The spirit, at its crux, of praising their Source; not only for their Creator's majesty, but for their own opportunity to grow in spiritual stature, as part of the - a - Plan of Life.
     The competitive spirit in the West alone has produced a high level of workmanship.  But for a lower-conscousness reason, mainly, than the high-consciousness one indicated above.
     Trained seals can play bugles, too  But a finely-hewn symphony orchestra; now that is something else.  A thing of beauty, in and of itself...
     Oh - and the other thing that I saw when I visited the former Soviet Union?
     The reason why so many of their captive 'workers' voted with their feet and fled to the West when the Berlin Wall came down.  Not just for material goodies.  Their souls were being stifled in their materialist prison.
     Let's not give them just fool's gold, on this side of such walls.

+ And so that their great hero Obama can rule by fiat.  When he is a fake and a fraud to begin with.


2) from TeaParty C.C.: 'Traitor to America: Medea Benjamin on Iranian Television spewing her Lying Propaganda' - posted by Asst Natl Dir Melony B. DeFord - Oct. 5

Reply by Stan Stanfield 2 seconds ago (Oct. 5)

I am a staunch constitutionalist conservative, have researched for many years what's going on in the world.  I watched both clips of this interview, and can't disagree with a thing that Medea shared on camera here.
The Cabal - including the NeoCon bloc in the U.S. - is trying to beat the wardrums to get the U.S. and the world into a third World War, for power/takeover purposes, and needs to be stopped in its tracks.  Don't be fooled by the 'military-industrial complex' crowd.  Tea Party C.C. should be about helping the public to see beyond its canned 'media' provisions.  Not to buy into them.
I don't agree with everything that Medea has to say in general.  But I will defend to the death her right to say it.  Thanks for airing this interview, TPCC folks.  It helps in the debate that needs to take place in the U.S. on these issues.  Beyond the mere name-calling going on, by people who should know better.  At least, if they had done their homework.  
P.S. I agree with Gray Jones, above.  (Just came across his comment; amidst all the others of, shall we say, a different nature…  :-)

(As to that posting:)

Reply by Gray Jones 2 hours ago

I'm flabbergasted. Not by what she said, I couldn't agree more, but by the reaction of this blog. She did everything but call it for what it really is, i.e. Rockefeller's New World Order (Odor). His foreign policy, not ours, is what's garnering hatred for America. Then we pay for it and have to live with it.

This article's manipulative title preempted Medea's words, and our view, instigating another Jane Fonda. That's just plain unadulterated bullsh*t. As I LISTENED I realized Medea was spot on. Anyone wanting to take me to task, step up, I'll accommodate...Semper Fi Nam 66-67


…and to wrap it up this night - a pertinent quote from one of our leading Founding Fathers, on the subject of getting, and being, educated, especially in a government of, by, and for the people:

Although all men are born free, slavery has been the general lot of the human race. Ignorant–they have been cheated; asleep–they have been surprised; divided–the yoke has been forced upon them. But what is the lesson?the people ought to be enlightened, to be awakened, to be united, that after establishing a government they should watch over it.It is universally admitted that a well-instructed people alone can be permanently free.” –James Madison

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