Thursday 9 October 2014

In A Nutshell...

…The Reason Why I Won't Be Voting

from 'A Republican rout in the Senate?' - Robert Romano - Oct. 9 (posted under Americans for Limited Government)

kibitzer3 a few seconds ago (Oct. 9)

Nobody here is addressing the elephant in the room (an apt metaphor). Which is that the Republican Party honchos obviously colluded with their Democrat Party counterparts in allowing Obama to run for the pres'l office even though he was, and is, ineligible for the office, for not being a "natural born" citizen (meaning, one born on the soil - jus soli - of 2 U.S. citizen parents - jus sanguinis).* The 'deal' must have gone down sounding something like this: "We won't say anything about your candidate on this issue if you won't say anything about anybody we put up in the future regarding this issue." I am saying that we essentially have a one-party system in this country, run by TPTB, with a little Kabuki-theatre action in front of the curtain for the masses. Until both main political parties are exposed for what they are - hopelessly corrupt institutions - we will never have real elections in this country.
We need to act, and fast, on this specific matter, of the trashing of the Constitution. We are currently under 'the rule of men' - a dictatorship. That's the issue we SHOULD be addressing. All the rest is window dressing.

* It couldn't be otherwise: the whole POINT of the exercise on the part of the constitutional Framers was to make sure - at least as sure as they could make it - that the presidential candidate who made it to the office - who would as well thereby become the Commander-in-Chief of the nation's military forces - wouldn't have DUAL LOYALTIES OR ALLEGIANCES. Like a naturalized citizen. And like a dual citizen. Like the Usurper who is commanding the heights of the nation as we speak. With his mission - indicated from his background - being to bring it down.

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