Friday 24 October 2014

A Work In Progress

The Turning Of A Country

1) from Tea Party C.C.: 'Will Multiculturalism be the Downfall of America' - posted by Asst Natl Dir Melony B. DeFord - Oct. 20 (orig. posted at;posted here Oct. 24)
("On Anderson Cooper 360 last week CNN’s Ebola expert David Quammen -- Yale grad, Rhodes scholar -- struck the perfect multicultural note. With the fury of a Puritan divine, he scolded those who want to ban commercial travel to West Africa. “How dare we turn our backs on Liberia,” said Quammen, “given the fact that this is a country that was founded in the 1820s, 1830s because of American slavery. We have a responsibility to stay connected to them and help them see this through.”

"Quammen was merely saying out loud what the multiculturalists in the Obama administration, the president included, have been thinking: America has become rich by oppressing the people of color. We owe them, even at the cost of American dollars and American lives. In the empty-headed patois of the movement, we must “check our privilege.”
"It is this, the logic of multiculturalism, that has dictated the White House response to the Ebola crisis. That logic, however, doesn’t fly with ordinary citizens. So the administration is forced to argue its case in any which way it can. Enter, stage left, the hapless Thomas Frieden, director of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Prevention…" etc.  More horseshit from the Director of the CDC (which developed the Ebola geo-engineered biowarfare weapon virus in the first place).  Gentlemen of the Left: We're talking about a potential pandemic here.  Not a cultural exchange.  You fight a fire with real weapons.  Not toy pop guns.) 
Reply by al pambuena 3 hours ago (Oct. 24)

multiculturalism is just another progressive buzzword for the left to destroy the central values and history of the united states. back in the day..immigration was really people coming to this country to become it is to collect free benefits, while at the same time building powerful inner city..anti American communities within the united states...changing the history, customs and lifestyles that made this country what it is today. open borders and the free flow of people without responsibility and adherence to become a part of this country will weaken and eventually destroy the central heart and core of this nation. the immigrants of 100 years ago.....and those of today are not the same....period.

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Permalink Reply by Stan Stanfield 1 second ago (Oct. 24)

Well put, Al.  
As the Left continues its putsch to turn America into merely a part of a trading region - the North American Union - of their New World Order.  Apparently some of the more starry-eyed of the leftists not understanding that their version of a New World Order is just that - a mere version; designed to give way to the REAL powers behind the thrones on both the Left AND the Right: the geopolitical and financial Elite behind the whole shooting match.
Which it is going to turn into, if we don't watch out, and as 'they' hope for; in order to allow their puppet Obama to declare Martial Law, and trash the Constitution - the main thing standing in the way of these megalomaniacs - in one fell swoop, rather than simply by way of a thousand cuts, as he is engaging in at present.  
I don't mean that we should just roll over, and let them have the field of battle.  I mean that we need to be very careful as to how we approach the coming showdown, and how we prosecute the battle. 
As for me: Give me Liberty or give me death.  Living under the jackboot of the New World Order (whether of the Left OR the Right) would be a living death anyway.  Might as WELL go out with honor intact.  
2) from 'Illegal Votes Could Decide Election' - Oct. 24 (orig. posted at  
             Gail Steelhammer-Cohen · Top Commenter
  • This is for everyone - you have the right to be an observer at the polls - get a copy of election law for your state and respectfully tell the poll worker that you want to observe the goings on and sit or stand to the side so as not to impede traffic. Now I know our California Secretary of State knows that shady stuff goes on - and does nothing, but wherever your location take notes - and report irregularities to your Registrar of Voters, your Assemblyman etc. and make it known that things are not as they should be.
  • Reply · Unlike · 3 · 3 hours ago

    Stan Stanfield · Top Commenter · Stanford University (Oct. 24)
  • Gail Steelhammer-Cohen: Good; but not enough. Speaking of California: All you need to do in           this state is sign your/a name beside a name on the reg rolls. 1) Who checks that those names are legal voters/citizens in the FIRST place? 2) Who checks that YOU are the person whose name is on the reg rolls?? YOU could be ANYBODY. 3) The voting materials and ballots are in multiple languages - what the hell is this all about? You need - STILL - to speak and read English before you can become a citizen.
  • I could go on. But this is why I will NOT be voting; in this election, or any election: until VOTER FRAUD IS CLEANED UP. With AT A MINIMUM, photo ID needed to vote. (California already has a state ID card (or driver's license) w/one's photo on it - simple. As for the argument that such an ID requirement deters the poor from voting: they already need such an ID to get their welfare goodies. DUH.)
  • ..
  • Richard Conrad · Top Commenter · Works at Retired from Ford
  • The true criminals are the politicians that back the idea that it's okay for non citizens to vote.....
  • Reply · Unlike · 14 · Unfollow Post · 6 hours ago
  • John J. Totten · Top Commenter · Portland State University
  • So what is different this time? When in Florida in just one area 146% of the registered voters voted. Take that across the nation and you get an illegally installed government.
  • Reply · Unlike · 14 · Unfollow Post · 6 hours ago

  • Stan Stanfield · Top Commenter · Stanford University
  • John: So why didn't the citizens of the state of Florida DO something about it???
  • The citizens of EVERY state needed to clean up their state's VOTER FRAUD a long time ago. I for one refuse to take part in a charade. 
  • A major step would be the requirement of a photo ID card in every state. I know, I know; the Obama administration pretends that that is 'voter intimidation'. Right. And the Black Panthers outside a voting precinct in Philly was just a prank...nothing to see here, folks. Keep moving right along…
Tammi Lynn · Top Commenter · Easton, Pennsylvania

I'm not even gonna go vote anymore,what for,fkn Dems STILL IT FROM Romney,that map that night was ALL RED except for 5 srares,so how could he if won? George Soria and Valeria Jarret saw to that .
Reply · Unlike · 6 · Unfollow Post · 6 hours ago

Charles Dansreau · Top Commenter · Works at Retired

Tammi, please vote. i think the problem is that the democrats have an illegal voting machine. they do not have to swamp the election in a state, they just need to get a simple majority to get the electoral college. to do this they look at what states are in trouble and then bring in busloads of illegal voters with provided fake ID information. they then have them take the bus to a different precinct and repeat the process until they are out of danger. if you notice most democrat states are surrounded by what i call democrat stronghold states.

for this election we have to have congress require existing voting laws be enforced. create voter ID guidelines for national elections, create a standard for voting machine software, testing and implementation. Somebody should put me in charge of some of this, My qualification: Very upset citizen.
Reply · Unlike · 1 · 3 hours ago

Stan Stanfield · Top Commenter · Stanford University

Charles Dansreau Thank you for telling it like it is, Charles. But this should have been done a long time ago. It was OBVIOUS that it was going to be this way, by now.

Good for the True the Vote people who have been doing THEIR best in this regard. Along with the Judicial Watch organization. But we need a groundswell of citizen anger to accomplish this mission.

Teresa Bader
I just love this. I have been depressed over all this for days, and the minute I manage to reach a more positive state of mind, there is an email that takes away all hope I have and makes me wish I were dead. Do something about this, tell me what action I can take about it, but don't just give us this story and leave it at that. Most of the time I get these emails, it involves money or else.
Reply · Unlike · 2 · Unfollow Post · 7 hours ago Check out their info and sign up as a poll watcher! You CAN do something!!!
Reply · Unlike · 10 · 6 hours ago

R.j. Parker Thank you. I am looking into that!
Reply · Unlike · 6 · 6 hours ago

  • Teresa Bader
  • I did go to and volunteered for anything I can do to help. I used to work for a county board of elections back home in Georgia, so I have some experience with elections and voter registration.
    Reply · Unlike · 1 · Edited · 3 hours ago
  • Stan Stanfield · Top Commenter · Stanford University
  • Teresa Bader: Good for you, Teresa. That is indeed something that you can do, rather than just stewing in a feeling of helplessness.

  • The full answer is more systemic. But one step at a time, I guess...

  • And so it goes.  The story of a nation.  A work in progress…

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