Friday 31 October 2014

A Ways To Go Yet...

from 'Democrats in Freefall' - Oct. 31 - orig. posted at - Oct. 30

Stan Stanfield · Top Commenter · Stanford University (Oct. 31)

Terrible headline. This is the political party that decided, after it appeared that George W. won Ohio in '04 by voting machine fraud, not to get mad, but to get even, and have raised voting fraud to an art form. Courtesy of the likes of Alinskeyite-trained community organizers, who know how to get out the vote and then some. I have been monitoring the Democrat sites on this election, and believe me, they are still in this one, "and then some". 

The Repub Party, and conservatives in general, made a huge mistake after the 2012 debacle in not going after 'voter integrity' laws and activities in a huge way, including agitating for states to go back to paper ballots & their paper trail. As it is, the Dems are still in there, with their corrupt practices, big time. And a headline like this one doesn't help keep the conservative populace from getting over-confident.

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