Thursday 2 October 2014

A Message To Americans In Particular

I see around me plans, already well advanced, for genocide and world domination, by people who would impose a dark-force New World Order on the peoples of the planet.  A Word to this situation, if I may; in particular to the citizens of the nation called America, which I am happy, basically, to call my home country as well.

Somehow the notion has crept into the American psyche that the American form of government is essentially a centralized one, rather than a federal form wherein the most power and responsibility of a day-to-day nature resides on the state level, close to The People who are being governed thereby; and this centralized form has taken a decidedly dark turn, with the citizenry being treated like slaves to the state, and subject to all manner of imposed control, in the forms of Big-Brother-like monitoring devices, and so forth: the tools of the Total State.  I  can only imagine that people with a nefarious bent of mind have propagated this centralized-state notion, seeing the form that has transpired out of it, with its exceedingly dark connotations, of human subjugation, and deference to a War Lord type mentality.

I will say, that a centralized form of government is, indeed, the template, and form in its ultimate form; and though, as it is said, Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, it can also be quite dangerous.  As in the present instance.  As, to say, in the polar opposite.  Of its operating by Force; rather than by Love.  The Love of the Creator for our Source's creation; and our gratitude in return for life with meaning.

In any event: Since you people have raised the American form of government to a unitary form and level, by and large, and with a unitary executive, by and large, I will take over now; and turn it to the Light, from whence it came.

And to which it shall return.

As I claim my Christhood Now.

And so should you.

If you know what's good for you.

And us.

In your doing so.

Not for the Cabal, running things.

For now.

In their pale and mirror imitation

Of the Real Thing.


As for Moving On:

    The scenario
   that has been
        into motion
Has to play out
Its course,
Can get better.
Is The Law.
          It's called
          Only God
Can call a halt
To it.
Can try.

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