Wednesday 5 March 2014

The Gospel Truth

I - Epistle to the Republicans

To the Honorable Floyd Brown, Chairman of the White House Watch: Greetings!  

I am in receipt of your recent letter soliciting funds for your worthy cause, that being, in general terms, to keep an eye on Obama and his administration's constitutional excesses, and in specific terms, to sign a Ballot as to whether I believe the man currently occupying the office of the presidency of the United States should be a) impeached, for his "high crimes and misdemeanors" - which option allows for all the evidence for his criminal behavior to be put forth to the American public - or b) allowed to resign quietly, and slink away from the White House like the cur that he is.

I have signed my ballot indicating a third option; thusly:

"Or 'simply' removed for trial, since he is not a legally sitting president to be impeached from the office.  (And that way, everything he has signed into either law or action (like appointments) is null and void."

And on the back of the ballot I have written a P.S.:

"And no "backroom deals" on his not being a bona fide 'natural born citizen' either, Floyd.*  The Republican Party leadership is up to its eyeballs in this mess too, in colluding in that charade (for its own quid-pro-quo cynical purposes0.  They can't get out of this with their hands clean either.  Heads must roll, in both the Democrat and Republican parties.  That's also why a court trial - with testimony under oath - is needed.1  Both Truth and Justice demand it.

"And so should the American people.  If the Constitution is ever to mean anything, ever again."

And P.P.S. I have enclosed a contribution, as per request.

With appreciation for all the work you do on behalf of the American Republic, and its rule of law, I am

Yours truly,


* [He had written in his covering letter about the WHW not wanting there to be some "backroom deal" between the Republicans and the Democrats allowing Obama to resign quietly, considering all the grounds for impeachment that bodies like the WHW have researched and collated.]



1 Or at the least, a similar sort of investigation, with subpoena power.


II - Epistle to the Democrats 

To the Honorable Larry Klayman, Founder, Freedom Watch: Greetings!

I am in receipt of your recent letter soliciting funds for your worthy cause, that being, in general terms, to keep an eye on Obama and his administration's constitutional excesses, and in specific terms, to take this government to court for the domestic spying operation engaged in under the auspices of the National Security Agency (NSA).  I understand from your letter 

a) not only that the Obama administration has finally - running out the clock; as per its M.O. on these sorts of things (including F.O.I.A. requests) - decided to appeal the case against the NSA that you won in the U.S. District Court; but that

b) the Obama administration is continuing its beefing-up of its military-style preparations for a declaration of Martial Law, and attempted takeover of the country that way.  

As to the latter point.  I agree with you that that seems, indeed, what the Usurper and his cohorts are up to; along the lines of the utterance he made during the 2012 elections to his 'troops': 

"If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun."  

He has thus even come out and told us what he is up to.  I accept that it is hard to believe him on anything, since he lies so often - but we can believe him on that.  It is obvious that he means to "fundamentally transform the United States of America" by force, if necessary; rather than just by treachery, and deceit, and chicanery, and just plain chutzpah.1  

You say: "My friend, the time is now…before it's too late!  You see, Hussein Obama is already preparing for MARTIAL LAW!   His Marxist NSA spying scheme will let him 'scope out' his opposition -- you and me -- before his radical final solution.  In fact, Obama's loyal 'top-brass' minions in the U.S. Army have already spent millions of your tax dollars to build a 300-acre 'fake city' in rural Virginia, complete with a school, bank, and businesses . . . to practice putting down 'Tea Party insurrectionists…' (author's emphases)2 

And you go on, with disturbing details of the likes of his Department of Homeland Security (DHS) ordering 700,000,000 more rounds of ammunition, on top of the 2.1 billion that it is already stocking…It all fits, all the lies and deceit and wolves-clothing Acts, with his simply going by his two religions: 

1) his 'community organizer' one, going by The Gospel According to Saul (Alinsky); to wit: Accomplish your ends 'By Any Means Necessary'; and 

2) his Islamic faith, that allows him to lie with a clear conscience to infidels.3

And you go on to point out the end-around ploy going on regarding his Secretary of State, John Kerry, starting the process to bring the U.S. under the UN plan "to destroy the Second Amendment and disarm every private citizen in the U.S." (author's emphasis)   But he won't even need that bit of subterfuge, if he and his criminal cohorts manage to carry off a false flag op, giving him the requisite excuse to declare the aforementioned Martial Law status, which destroys the Constitution in one fell swoop…

We do seem to be right up against 'it,' don't we, Larry…

Thanking you for all the work you do on behalf of the American Republic, and its rule of law, I am

Yours truly,


P.S. I have enclosed a contribution, as per request.



1 from article titled 'Drafting Executive Orders Is Congress' "Number One Agenda"?' in the March 3 issue of The New American; with Obama taking a pot shot at his immediate predecessor in the office:
     "Presidential candidate Obama pledged in 2008 not to use executive orders and 'signing statements' as a means of doing an 'end run around Congress.'  Then-Senator Obama condemned the idea that a president 'can make laws as he goes along.  I disagree with that.  I taught the Constitution for 10 years.  I believe in the Constitution and I will obey the Constitution of the United States.  We're not going to use signing statements as a way of doing an end run around Congress.'"
     Right.  We're going to use executive orders instead…

2 See follow-on blog for the article that this quote, and claim, is from.

3 The practice even has a name: taqiyya.   


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