Tuesday 19 September 2017

Further On Bloodlines

I was just talking about bloodlines in my last blog.  A couple of ‘related’ articles today (yesterday, now) on the Internet.

from freedomoutpost.com: ‘Wolfgang Halbig Sued Over Sandy Hook: Will the Truth Finally Come Out in Court?’ - Jim White - September 18
(Some troll was busy in the Comments thread, trying to put everybody off the scent, by quoting some liberal sources on the matter (which includes the fact that it is a Jewish ‘father’ who is suing Halbig over his claims regarding this hoax.  Pozner’s son is the one whose picture also showed up as having been killed over in Pakistan some time later…) including a Jewish law professor at the U of Florida named Mark Fenster, who wrote a book about ‘conspiracy theories’.  It figures.  
“Fester…said the Sandy Hook hoax theory was a response to a Democratic controlled White House of a kind that often shows up in political extremist circles.”  Yeah yeah.  Yada yada yada.
I’m getting sick of this sort of shit.)

kibitzer3 a few seconds ago (September 18)

Dr. James Fetzer has done yeoman work on sussing out the Sandy Hook Hoax, including writing a detailed book on the operation. Check him, and it, out. And let's all - except for the Cabal's trolls, of course - hope that the full truth about that false flag op gets out. We deserve, and need, to know it.

And there was another story posted today (yesterday, now) on the Internet about a couple of high schools over on the East Coast whose football teams, after being told that there cannot be any prayers said at the start of the game (at least over the public mic), defied their ‘orders’ and both sides engaged in a prayer, with some in the stands joining them in the act of defiance to the (constitutional) nonsense about ’separation of church and state’.  Brought about by Jewish lawyers and ‘offended’ citizens, and such. 

Time to call a spade a spade.  ‘Multiculturalism’ is a Jewish attempt to break down the majority Christian ethos in the country.1  As they have tried over and over again in European countries over the centuries.  And been kicked out of a lot of them for their subversive actions, of attempted takeover of the whole country.  Believing in their own religion’s idea of being The Chosen People.

Hypocrites.  And a lot of them aren’t even religious Jews.  They are simply descendants of converted Jews; converted wholesale by the king of a mid-European country (the Ukraine area.  Hence some of the reason for what is going on there in our day) many centuries ago, called Khazaria.  Whose people - a Turkic people - were so unlikable, for their reputation for rape and pillage of anybody attempting to pass through their country, that their neighbors finally had had enough, and attacked them, and, gaining the upper hand, told them to convert to one of the religions of The People of The Book or be permanently trod on.2  And the religion chosen was Judaism.  Undoubtedly because of this idea, of being a Chosen People.  Which suited them perfectly, in their arrogance.


They may have actually been Jews by bloodline, having moved out from their home base in the Middle East via what is called the Diaspora (and also 'The Lost Ten Tribes of Israel') many centuries even before then.  But the literature that I have read seems to indicate that they, indeed, are not of the same bloodline as the Jews.

Just similarly inclined.  To want to ‘lord it’ over others.

And so ‘anti-Semitism’ is a misnomer.  The true Semites are the Arabs.  About whom the same sort of things can’t be said.  Except as regards their bloodthirsty religion, of Islam.  Which is also trying to take over in this country these days.  And fasten their Sharia law on our peoples.  Which does such things as rule individuals guilty of blaspheming the Prophet if they even just make fun of Mohammed, and sentence them to death.  As has just happened recently - as I see on the Internet3 - to a young Christian guy in Pakistan.

What a bloodthirsty lot of idiots we have taking over this country today.

Trying, to take it over. 

I trust that there are enough true American patriots left to send them all packing. 

As we move out from under the shadow of the Dark forces.

And enter the Light

of a New Day.

Wherein, and whereby, all corruption will be wrung out of our systems.  Because we will be partaking of a higher frequency of life - of 'reality'.

In which nothing like corruption can exist.

And about time.



1 Culture wreckers; like the communists behind the likes of Antifa.  It's part of the agenda.
   As Orwell pointed out: "The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history."
   (Never forget, People of America: What the state can give, the state can take away.  And conversely, if they can't give it to you - as in, say, healthcare - they can't take it away from you.  So, they need to seduce you into giving them the power to take it away from you.  By hook.  Or by crook. )

2 One of said countries being Russia.  And thus, the Jews getting even lo, these centuries later, by the rise of the Bolsheviks against the Russians in the revolutions of the early 20th century.  Communism being the handiwork largely of Jews.  State power over people being the name of the game, for them.

3 For now.  But with Google/YouTube and Facebook deep, now, into censorship, of all ‘offending,’ or just independent, articles, from ‘the accepted take on things’ (and that will include independent reports on the likes of vaccines and drugs, in recommending rather the use of natural therapies), it is not looking good for freedom of the press in this country very much longer.
   Unless these arrogant asshats are taken down.
   Including those behind the ‘fake news’ of the MSM.  Who have gotten ‘too big for their britches’.  And need to be broken up, as being under monopolistic control.
   Another subject, in and for itself.

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