Saturday 23 September 2017

Reigning Cats And Dogs

I like cats.  They are so - cool.  They want what they want, when they want it, and no beating around the bush.  But they can seem, sometimes, well, arrogant.  Cocky.

Take this one cat in my apartment complex  (Please.)  The minute you open your front door, - wham - it makes a beeline for that inner sanctum.  Where one can curl up, and have a good nap, in the warmth.  ‘What’s with this business of these humans always wanting to put you outside?  Against your will??  I want what I want, when I want it.  What’s the problem???’

And when you block it, here comes The Act.  ‘Purr like mad.  That’ll usually get’em.  They like that.  They think you like them, by it.  So: purr.  And rub against their leg.  They seem to like that, too.  And roll on you back, and stretch, and then rub against their leg again.  That should work.  If not - hell, just move on.  Somebody else may open their door, to give you another crack at What You Want, When You Want It.      

‘And as for dogs.  What an uncouth bunch they are.  Walking around - and on a leash, no less!1 - with their tails up in the air, airing their wares.  So uncouth.  Sniff.  Now, take us cats.  We know how to take care of our business in an appropriate manner.  With some couth about it.  Not this going all over the place.  And making their masters pick up after them.  We don’t need our servants to do that for us.  And then, there’s their chasing after you.  Gotta watch them.  They are so stupid.  You can’t give’em an inch.  Gotta keep an eye on them at all times.  Some of them are okay.  But so many of them - ugh.’

Jews are a lot like cats.  (And, er, like Katz.)  They have this superior air about them.  Arrogant, even.  A lot of them.  Not all.  But enough, to indicate that they are - or at least, think of themselves as - The Chosen People.  And don’t you forget it.  

‘And we will make sure that you don’t forget it.  When we gain the upper hand.  And put you goyim in your place.  Which is at our feet.  Doing our bidding, for a change.  For the change; into our New World Order.  Our global gulag.  Our totalitarian control over you.

‘Look down on us, down your patrician noses in the air, will you.  You insufferable WASPs.  Treat us like second class citizens, keeping even us out of your high-and-mighty, hoity-toity country clubs.2  We’ll use the (stupid) blacks as a battering ram to take our places at the table, too.  And even head the table.  At our rightful place.  For we are The Chosen People.  Sniff.’

But don’t get me wrong.  I like ‘cats’.  They have done their job, to help break down barriers between peoples.  

They just need to know their place - their rightful place.  Their rightful rightful place - too.  Is all.  

As servants of

The Most High.


1 Have you seen that video on YouTube where the owner comes to his cat - enjoying its snooze.  Minding its own damn business - with a leash, to take it outside for a walk.  A  leash!  Can you imagine?  Like a stupid dog??!!  - and the cat immediately goes limp.  And the guy stands it up on its legs.  And it collapses.  And he tries again.  And the cat collapses again.  This goes on for a bit, until the owner gives up, and walks away.  At which point the cat looks up and around, at his retreating figure.  And then makes a dash for relative freedom.  (You can always hide under a sofa.  When you’re a cat.)  Priceless.

2 Although another way to look at such a situation wold be, as Groucho Marx said: 'I wouldn't want to be a member of a club that it would have me as a member.'

As far the true New World a’comin’ in.

Take America.  We will have an in-depth investigation, and get to the bottom, of:

The Charlottesville caper.  The 9/11 false flag op. The Sandy Hook cover-storied FEMA Exercise.  The Boston Marathon Bombing announced-at-the-site Drill.  The Orlando gay nightclub ‘thing’.  And any other event that smacks of suspicious goings-on.  

Because the Truth will out. 

That’s all.

For now.

Except just to say, for clarity’s sake:

In the (proper, Synthesis-stage) New World, it is not a crime to be offended.  Heaven knows that I am offended by many things multiple times a day.  But that’s life.

But it’s getting better.

As we speak.

About such things as cats and dogs.

And what they have dividing them. 

And what they have in common:

A place to work out their differences, and similarities - and learn all sorts of other things - in a sort of classroom.

For aspiring gods.  For,

We Are All Chosen.  

By virtue merely of Being.

As facets, fractals, aspects, points of view, of

The All That Is.

And that makes all 

the difference.


And when this Preliminary
Stuff is all over, and we are
Well on our way
Into the Light of
Our New Day, and its
New heights:
               Let someone say
Of me: 'Thanks
For being One of us.'
And I'll be happy.

That's all it will take.
For goodness sake.

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