Thursday 21 September 2017

Speaking Of Mail...

...Amnesty International has just sent out a mailing in which they rip Donald Trump'to shreds, for denying people their 'human rights' in various ways.  I couldn't believe it.  They (or at leasts her; the letter being from, and signed by, Margaret Huang, Exec. Director) must have thought it would entice big donations from Democrats.  It may.  In any event, my response:

'Dear AI:

'You do basic good work.  But:

'There is no 'right' to come to this country.  Rather, this country has every ''right' - & responsibility - to secure its borders.

'We are being invaded by people who mean to do us harm.

'Your priorities have been skewed.  Get back to basics.

'And please take me off your mailing list; at least until you do.

'In the meantime, I won't hold my breath.'



I am really having enough of all this crap going on these days.

I accept that it is part of the Mill grinding exceedingly fine.  But oh, how I long for the cleansed world to come.

One can endure the Darkness for only so long.

And I didn't incarnate at this time in order to waste my time.

Nor did a lot of other souls, here, to help in the Transition.

One of my affirmations is: 'In all things, let not my will but Thine be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven'.  (And also: 'I desire earnestly only to do what Thou wouldst have me do; that my will and Thine might become fused into One'.)  But oh, how I would love to have this Process over, and done with.

So that I can return


With the

Mission Accomplished.

And Humanity can get on with its

Ascension Process.  In alignment with the Will of

its Creator Source


The All That Is.

Leaving its Dark stage behind.

Like a booster rocket, that propelled it to its Takeoff point

Home, again.

The Point of the whole Process.

And in the meantime, we live with a sense of Separation.

But it's not a true condition.

The true Separation comes when

we leave the Dark stage behind.

The stage, of our schooling.

Coming now, to



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