Thursday 28 September 2017

What People Are Into. And Up To

i have been encouraged by an email friend to get a cat.   The message: Loosen up a little.  This friend also sent me - to that end, I think - a link to a radio series of programs titled  ‘New Dimensions Radio’.  To the latter, my response:

“Sounds interesting.  But I can't keep up with my tons of emails as it is, which is my way of staying in touch with what's going on in the world, via both the 'Mainstream Media' and the 'Independent Media'.  I really don't have much 'discretionary' time, to do this sort of thing, i.e., listen to the radio simply for the pleasure of it.  Old Dull Boy Johnny that I am.  My day is full up: I get up just past mid-day (I'm a night owl; sitting at my computer into the wee hours, and hooting every once in awhile at what comes through it at me), and get out every day for some exercise, either to the store (via a long way, to take advantage of the 'outing') or to the local park to get some reading in in the sun (or sometimes down to the beach, to do the same; but that's only a short walk, not getting sufficient enough of a workout to do me much good in that department), and then back home, to go through my voluminous stack of [snail] mail (I have ended up on a yuge set of mailing lists, from making donations to various worthy causes; which I can no longer afford to do, needing to watch my spending of my savings as I do, now - savings from my years living at the FF and not spending my Social Security 'return') before preparing my dinner (a big fresh salad, with a side of either a slice of cheddar cheese or a hardboiled egg.  Occasionally varied with a fish burger from the local MacDonald's; but the more I read, the more one has to worry about the mercury in such white fish) and then settling down [after perhaps as well a dinner concert from my small set of CDs] to another slog at my emails, which - as I say - goes into the wee hours.  And so it goes.  A Life.  Such as it is.

“Waiting for Godot.  So to speak.”

As for ‘the wait,’ and what it is all about; as I sent back to my friend, on the feather-ruffling ‘occasion’ of an article in one of my day’s emails entitled ‘MAJOR Voter Fraud Revealed?!’ (“Lowndes County, Alabama, has been accused of having 131 percent of its total eligible population on its list of registered voters…” - from goppresidentialdotcom:

“This Voter Fraud crap in this country is so disgusting.  It needs to be cleaned out, tooth and nail.  I refuse to vote, ever since discovering, on my return here to the States, that, in my state, a) they don't ask for any ID at the polling place - and are even instructed NOT to ask for any; thus sending THAT message to illegal aliens (of which there are millions in this state) and other ineligible voters; b) they have a Motor Voter Law, whereby everyone applying for or renewing their driver's license is automatically registered to vote, and it's up to them whether they opt out of that 'offer' or not (but with no ID asked for in the polling place…hint hint); and c) to make it even more blatant to illegal voters, they - the Democrats in charge of this state - have now even passed a law that makes it legal for illegal aliens to apply for and get a driver's license.  How's that for sending signals.  How's that for chicanery and deceit.  How's that for stealing elections.  Like some banana republic......

“So no, I am not a happy camper these days, who has either the time or the inclination to listen to the radio simply for the pleasure of it.

“And maybe you're right.  About getting a cat………………”

On a lighter note - trying to keep an even keel; and letting this person know that I can be 'cool,' too -  I emailed back an article in our local ‘Next-door’ e-newsletter about a ’New event: FREE Boot Camp Class,’ a one-hour workout class coming up at a local church: 

“Nice Community event in our neck of the woods.  There's also a weekly yoga 'class' out on a bluff overlooking the ocean, across from the park where I do my reading in the sun.  I suppose I should join it.  But there's so much to read................

“Dull Boy Johnny

“P.S. I realize that you didn't grow up in this country, to be familiar with our expressions.  Do you know the term??  It's from a saying in English: 'All work and no play makes Johnny a dull boy.'  
     “You probably have the same sort of expression in German.
     “And speaking of German: I was watching some videos last night of an interview with a guy who alleges that he was involved for 20 years in a Secret Space Program (SSP; as David Wilcock and Corey Goode talk about) activity, where 'they' have set up bases on various bodies in our solar system, with both 'their' people and satanic ritualized slaves, on places like the Moon, Mars, and Ceres, where many of the 'masters' speak German.  [So that's where all those missing Pentagon trillions went to.  And why there has been no follow-up on that story...]  Before you scoff, check out the interviews of a guy named Tony Rodrigues by a web site host (I think it's called exopoliticsdotcom) named Dr. Michael Salla, held at an event on Mount Shasta a year ago.  Mind blowing stuff.  But very believable in the telling of his tale.  And involving a number of other sentient species.
     “As I say: So much to keep up with………”

..but warming to my ‘subject;’ on the occasion of an article at wnddotcom titled ‘Why Is Hillary Clinton Still Walking Around Free?,’ listing the charges against her in a lawsuit filed by Freedom Watch on behalf of the parents of two of the men killed in the Benghazi affair, and subsequent cover-up by Hillary (and the State Dept.):

“Too Big To Jail' Hillary.

“Okay, okay.  No more for today.

“And anyway, Tomorrow IS another day...


This friend also emailed me today something titled ‘2017 Seattle Findhorn gathering album’.  A Lorian Conference gathering, mostly of ex-Findhorners.  The Lorians being a group started back in the ‘70s primarily by David Spangler and his wife after they left the Findhorn Foundation, to take the spirit of the New Age out into the world.  As my friend said, in emailing me this ’album’ of pics from it: “This was part of the Lorian Conference gathering..lots of familiar faces…”  My specific response:

“Those were the days.....

“…lost in the mists of a dream.................

“like Camelot.  Which came.  And went.”

My more complete response, here:

Ah, the halcyon days of ‘Revelation: The Birth of a New Age’ and young idealists out to create a new world…

…and at this time, TPTB are busily consolidating their satanic hold over the planet, by such measures as controlling the world’s money supply and financial system, and blackmailing politicians with such as child sex trafficking, and flooding Europe with the Western civilization- (with its emphasis on the rights of the individual, as opposed to the power of the state over the individual) destroying ’culture’ of fanatical Islam and military-age males thereof, and the same treatment having been applied to the U.S. (sometimes in the dead of night, by plane and by bus, stealthily), along with illegal aliens of every stripe, including rapists and gang members - which excesses occasioned the rise and election of Donald Trump; and thus the violent reaction to him, and calling of him by every politically demonizing name in the (Saul Alinsky ‘Rules for Radicals’) book, by the ‘education’ institution indoctrinators and the MSM and Hollywood - three of the main arms of the Revolution, read ‘Resistance,’ as it is called publicly by the NWO forces.  With Antifa a dead giveaway as to whom is behind a lot of the society-‘deconstructing’ going on, for being patterned precisely, down to its flag and logo, after the paramilitary arm of the Communist Party in early-’30s Germany.  And which is precisely why the far Left is equating Trump with Hitler.  Creature of their own unleashing as he is, to them.  

And all of which is why I feel the spirit of Charles ‘The Hammer’ Martel rising in me, too.  

And not just against the invading Muslims this time.  But in reaction to - or more clearly, in response to - the whole kit’n caboodle of the NWO forces.  Who were behind the likes of the atrocity - on our very homeland - of 9/11.  And of the various false flag ops ever since; those ones designed (the 9/11 one for the creation of a ‘Greater Israel’ in the Middle East, via the demonizing of their enemies in the area) to strip as many guns out of the hands of the U.S. citizenry as they can.  Before they unleash the hounds of hell on the country.

But hey.  A cat would be nice to have.  For its quiet purring to wake up to.

At least, if you are into that sort of thing.

Rather than the rumbling of a tiger in one’s belly.

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